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Aww, she has his mask xD Seriously though, she's cute, and a nice edit at that.
hehe x3 thanks
Looks like you ripped off Asami Abit From Hybriddolls.
well,she didnt!
Peace my fellow AG-ers!! =_= true Kai has grey hair and blue eyes like Asami but the hair mask and outfit are completley different and really what color do you excpect Kakashi's childs hair too be? red??  Nice edit ummm *what can I call you? ^-^*
OMFG!! Y IS EVERYONE SAYING I STEAL FROM THEM??? i dint steal!! i made out of pure boredom! i dont think i ever saw Hybirddolls stuff.... thanks,kita-chan and mizu-chan! You can call me Kagome-chan if u want. or snowman >.> up to u ^^
 I don't think she looks like Asami  they actually look quite different I agree with ♥Mizu♥ and Kita~shingai
no problem Kagome -Can I call you that?-
sure ^^
I love her hair.:3
Thank You =3
Your welcome!=D
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