who the hek is she talking to?
I 4get
It's Kabuto.
What are they saying i missed this epi...
Sakura: <thinking> There's something fishy about this guy...
Hehe, KabuSaku (sorry, I'm a fan!).
Sakura:"Kabuto, let me see your ninja info cards." Kabuto:*grins, breaks into song*
Imani are you online yet?
(stupid soccer practice  ) Yeh I'm online  And I got free time to be online
Awsome! How did the homework go.
Good to hear! Man I still have'nt heard from Kari though.Still no answer since my last comment to her.Kind of weird huh.
Yeh I know how it is  Do you think Inuyasha is hot
Definetly!He's incredible! I only wish he would tell Kagome that he loves her.They're perfect.I know its silly but I consider Kagome one of my best friends. I want her to be happy.Even if she's not real.
I love Inuyasha! ^-^
Yeah me to,he's amazing!
Cool I just made a galler with inuyasha hot pics  I'm still getting more pics do (...)
Isnt he!? And YAY!!
OOOO CANT WAIT!!! must see XD
Cool Imani,I take a look later. I hope Inuyasha will tell Kagome the truth!All he has to say is 4 words"I LOVE YOU KAGOME" it would make all the difference.They would both be so happy.
Omg i soo agree!!!
Thanks.I mean Kagome is a realy beautiful priestess,and Inuyasha an incredibly handsome half-demon.A match made in heaven.
Kikyo? What about her? -NOOOOOOOO- KAGOINU!!!!
Don't you know,in the manga Kikyo is dead.Kagome tried to help her,but Naraku got to Kikyo anyway.Kikyo left the rest of her duties to Kagome.
Of course! have you seen the anime? He sees her sometimes...i havent watched Inuyasha in a long time though....
You have'nt seen it in a while.Im afraid I have bad news the anime is over,but Kikyo is alive at the end.The last episode aired I think December of 06.
Yo do you want to talk in naruto album? check for last comments there
UryuulshidalLover00 are you still there?
hey im sorry i couldn't get back to ya. had to go to sleep, get up, school, homeowrk. it consumed me the whole day!
Thats ok ,I believe that.School definetly keep you busy.
yesh. my god i HATE school!
Now,now school may be annoying,but education is important.As a 9th grader I know how hard it can be at times.
as a 6th grader who's not used to so much work, oh my god. i'm new to middle schoo, cause elem. stops at 5th......
I understand,6th grade was hard for me to.It's a huge change,but don't worry it gets easier.
my teacher said that 7th grade is the hardest......
Its a little hard.I have to say 8th grade was the most fun for me,I even made A-B honor for the first time.It was probably the most fun because I was graduating.
Yo Kogame,Kari you guys online
Hi Imani! I'm here,how has your day been?
Just I normal day  How about you?
Kind of a quiet day,just watched my Sakura music videos on my PSP.
I think she's ok,but my favorite character is Sakura hands down. You know who's songs suit Sakura is Milely Cyrus.
hi im not supposed to be on here but whatever. lol wait i got to go eat see ya in, 11 min. bye!
All right see ya then!
hey im back!
Good,how was your meal?
lol it was great!^^ thx for asking.
Your welcome,hey do you like Miley Cyrus?
oh my frigin god im a big fan of her but not a obsessed
Me to,a lot of her songs suit Sakura don't you think.Vanessa Hudens songs to.
i don't really like vannesa hudgens but i guess they do fit her......lol xD
Thats supriseing,what about Ashley Tisdale.
yeah i like her
So do I,Headstrong,He said,She said,and Be good to me are my favorites.
 sigh....im doing homwork while talking on several different pics. lol im busy!
Goodness,let me know if I can help with your homework.
lol thx. there's a problem up ahead i dont get, but i'll take another look at it. its just dealing with time.  so EASY!
Sounds easy,if you have a science or social studies question I can help you with those.
omg thanx so much! i have 6 science questions about waves. but i havent even looked at it yet....im still on math lol.
I know my math teacher is so boring I always fall asleep.All she makes us do is take notes. Nearly every class!
lol my teacher just has us do work in our books. but lately its been about adding and subracting, like a review. i ALWAYS doodle in my composition book. i have so many pages to rip out cause she takes a look at them at the end of each marking peroid.....which ended last wednesday.....
I like to draw durring class,but boy if and of my teachers catch me they give me the "you better stop look".You know what I mean?
lol yeah.  ,my teacher doesn't really care.
Lucky you,I don't think my 8th grade teachers cared,but my teachers this year do!
lol well i got to finishmy homework so i wont have distractions while im on the comp. see ya!
Ok,I'll talk to you later!
Heya ppl!
How r u Kari!? I havent been on cuz my com was being mean!
Hi you two,how did the rest of your homework go Kari?
LOL Is'nt it always,but sadly it has to be done.
Teachers always get so mad if you don't.Then they give you a dirty look the rest of the day.
I hate homework! Its boring!
I know,hey don't you think Sakura's shippuuden clothes look so good on her!
Of course!!
I love the light pink skirt she now wears.I wish Kagome had worn the priestess kimono in Inuyasha,but leave her hair down.
Me 2!
Some teachers are so uptight.
i know. my spanish teacher is uptight
Some of my teachers are uptight! XD
yeah my spanish teacher wont even let us put our heads on our desks! and i HAVE to put my head on my desk casue my spanish class is 2nd period and i'm still sooooooooo tired.
Thats because a lot of them have been teaching to long,and they're burt out,and tired of teaching.
lol my spanish teacher teaches 140 students each day! we have to speak in spanish too! like: Hola senora! como estas? Hasta te Leugo! and stuff like that. Muchos brainos in la cabeza si? lol.
Wish I knew what that meant! XD
It all means this: Hello Mrs.Gittler!(MY TEACH)How are you? See you till later! and Much brains in my head, yes? lol
si! i told you, Muchos brainos in la cabeza! lol can you check out my gallery? it has a new char! her name ia Aoi! Por Favor?
Yeah I know,I took spanish with my 5th grade class.We had to speak in spanish,learn colors in spanish,learn numbers in spanish,and learn how to say mom,dad and more.
si! mi 2!  Que pasa?
I was awful,and I still no haba espaniol.Hope I spelled that right.
um, que?
Sure and ive never taken Spanish but I want 2!
I think that means I don't speak spanish.Lets not speak spanish so we don't confuse ourselves.
Yeah! XD
cool! te deber el es muy divertida!(ingles:you should it is very fun!)
Thanks,Uryuulshida would you maybe help me teach Kari,about Kagome? That is if she would like us to.
lol sure!
I'd love to help! At least with as much as I no! XD
I'll start,Kagome is 15 years old,she was just your average 9th grader.Until she turned 15.
-sits down in desk- got it
She found a well in her..uh...home i guess and accidentally fell in it. Which lead to the Fudual(i know i spelled that wrong) Era.
Ask kagome and Sakura Rule......i havent watched Inuyasha in like a year....
It gets better.One morning she was leaving for school when her little brother Sota told her their cat Buyo had ran into the shrine holding the bone eaters well.Sota was to afraid to go,and get him so kagome went in his place.As she was coming back up from the shrine a centipead demon called mistress centipead pulled her through the well.Taking her into feudal Japan.
Oh yeah! Now I remember! XD Were talking about Kagome i_heart_anime
After coming out of the well is when she realized she was 500 years in the past.After walking for a few minutes she spots Inuyasha.A half-Demon(mother-human father-dog demon).He was sealed to a tree for 50 years by the priestess Kikyo.Then villagers thinking she was a demon captured her,and took her to the elder priestess keade.
Remember that 2! XD
oooo! this is getting good!
Isnt it lol?!!
Kaede realized,she was'nt a demon.After looking at her more closely she noticed she looked a lot like her sister Kikyo. Why she did'nt know.After realeaseing her and feeding her.Kaede realized she is Kikyo's reincarnation.Then mistress centipead came back seeking the jewel of four souls.The jewel Kikyo was assighned to purify and protect.Also what she died over,and why Inuyasha was sealed to the tree.
The jewel is a powerful object that increaces the power of a demon or a human ten fold.Kagome out concern for the village Kagome ran tward Inuyasha's forest by following a light only she could see.After getting to the forest she sees Inuyasha awake.He thinking Kagome was Kikyo ridiculled her for not finishing off the demon with one arrow like she did him.Kagome of course did her best to show him she was'nt Kikyo.Kagome did'nt even know who Kikyo was.Then Kaede arrived with the villagers.
Kaede was astonished to see that Inuyasha was awake.Inuyasha continued to ridicule Kagome when the centipead demon bit Kagome in her side.Then the sacred jewel came from Kagome's body! Inuyasha who wanted it tried to tell the demon to leave it alone.The centipead demon of course took it anyway.This amplified her power.She then wraped around Kagome and pined her to the tree with Inuyasha.Kagome of course was scared out of her mind.Inuyasha then asked her if she could pull the arrow from his chest.
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