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Is sasuke hurt because his shirt is being bent like hes bending over to hold his stomach.
what that was uncalled 4
Sakura: Is that a Pok�ball on your back, Sasuke?
Imani,are you here?
Yo I'm here I HATE school don't you
Sometimes,but I enjoy science,and social studies.Did you read what I put about Kidomaru?
Yeh, I never liked that freak anyway....Do you have a good Question?
Yeah,what do you think Sasuke's thank you to Sakura meant?I've tried to figure it out,but have'nt come up with a solid logical answer.
Maybe .....After all the stuff Sakura said to Sasuke it might to him be no thanks Good Question
Maybe,but I feel so bad for Sakura.She cried so much after he left.I hope Sakura punches him just once in shippuuden.He deserves it! That will definetly make him regret leaving.
Yeh then I just might like her I got one.......What do you think on shippuuden naruto Shikamaru loves Temari My brothers can't even figure that out
It's a possibility,but they're each to stubourn to admit it.So for now they're leaving things at a friendship level.
Yeh, I wonder about Gaara's love.....You got a question?
Gaara's probably to busy being Kazekage he has no time for a girl.Would'nt it be funny if Sakura ever became hokage?
She would never do that,but if she did the leaf village would have a heck of a fight on their hands,and the village would be loseing its top medical ninja.Tsunade would be the only one able to fight Sakura,and she might not win.
Yeh, But I would bet on Tsunade Who is your favorite naruto charcters other then Sakura BYE my older bro just told me to get off see you later
My other favorite is definetly Tsunade-sama.She and Sakura can kick some major but! They're one heck of a tag team!
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