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x3 thnx
He's adorable! It is a 'he' right?
I luff his eyes. *-*
thnx both of u and yes pink its a boy XD
XD Ok, making sure! But thats great, I love bishonen like him.
bishonen?? wahst that mean?
Oh it means beautiful boy, and it describes male anime characters that have a strong feminine appearance. A prime example of one would be Haku.
Bishounen is Guys and Bishoujou I think are girls. o.O x3
oh ok XD i like haku :3 hes one of my favvy chrcters but icould always tell he was boy .-. aika:=_= i looked lyk a girl?!
Such a pretty boy!!! ^-^
x3 thnx lol. aika:*eye twitches*
I love Haku too! But my nephews constantly call him a girl whenever we play the video games, and I end up correcting. Me: Sorry, but you do look like a girl... a lil bit...
Yeah...but just ever so slightly though...maybe its because VRS made you out of Sakura...or was it Ino...
(XD i do the same thign to my brothers)me:sakura :3 aika:*sits on floor crosses his arms* hmph >_< (<<<< the oen talking is 13)
Me: Hey...-sits next to him- Don't take it too hard. You look more like a boy than a girl ^-^
aika:*leans away* me:*giggles*
Me: =____=; Well aren't you just the 'happy boy'...-offended slightly-
aika: well srry if i'm not i nthe mood to ahev people near me me:he jsut got bakc form a mission where he was stuck between his emmets XD both girls
Me: Well you don't have to be smart about it. Don't make go 'mother' on you. Cuz I can be a pretty bitchy mother.
me:*giggles* aika:*sticks his tounge otu at u*
me: -raises eyebrows and gets an angry face, like the one mothers get when their childs been bad- You wanna try that again? I may not be your mother...but I've got ways of making kids behave. -cracks knuckles-
me:hes 13 *points to him* hes nto really a akid he sonly 10 in the pic XD
Me: Whatever =_=;
me:*giggles* aika:*still siting few feet away now*
Me: -stands up and walks even farther away from him-
URI! *tackles* can u look at my upload?
aika:*sighs and hugs knees*
OMG! -is tackled- Hiya! ^-^ And sure! -gives a glance at Akia and glides off-
he is sooo sweet ^^ *hugs him*
aika-from the piccy-: *blushes a lil* ^///^ me:x3 thnx
(Oh noooow he doesn't mind being touched XDDDDDDDDDDDD)
(thats 10 yr old him i mad eother him go bye bye for now :3)
(-gasps happily- Yay!!) I wanna hug too! -huggles him-
aika-from teh piccy-: *is hugged -blushes lil more* ^////^
Yay ^-^
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