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NAH~ so cute *puppy face*
(gasp) sh..shika-kun? (face turns super red and faints)
O.O *revives you* You ok?
I'm okay...I think...O//////O (fans myself)
*starts to fan you* XDD Wasn't it the perfect gift? I gave you an evening with Shika-kun!
dude...it's like the most awesome gift I've ever had! (cries in happiness)
XD I just knew you'd love it! *wishes it was me and Shika*
yosh...I loves it...want me to make you and shika-kun together?
You don't have to, besides I don't have an RPC that you could use for me anyway.
but I want to! and imma make a new character for you even if it KILLS meh!!! DX okay it won't kill me but yeah you get what I mean XD
Ok if you really want to, then go ahead; just don't kill yourself in the process.
I promise I won't kill myself :p (goes to work)
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