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Home > Naruto > Uchiha Sasuke

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naruto_sasuke0102.jpg  naruto_sasuke0103.jpg  naruto_sasuke0104.jpg  naruto_sasuke0105.jpg  naruto_sasuke0106.jpg 
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Album name:Uchiha Sasuke
Rating (24 votes):
File Size:39 KB
Dimensions:640 x 480 pixels
Displayed:88175 times
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steph [Sep 10, 2005 at 10:18 AM]
why does he have the splotcehs on hisface?
sasukesgirl [Sep 26, 2005 at 07:58 PM]
god watch the frickin series steph or dont post anymore
Shamankingfangirl [Oct 05, 2005 at 07:37 AM]
............ Crying or Very sad ....Exactly......I know why.
sango222 [Nov 04, 2005 at 01:57 AM]
you love him soooooooooo much steph,you should know,idiot
Secret Ninja [Jan 06, 2006 at 09:14 PM]
aww . . .
Alycursed [Jan 16, 2006 at 08:46 PM]
argh! guys dont know much......i love sasuke-kun....this is where orochimaru placed a curse on his neck....and the curse is taking affect....c'mon...get with the program(sorry fangirls other than me upset me)
yukari1120 [Jan 16, 2006 at 09:34 PM]
I know alot and I read all the up to vol. 31 doumo arigatou gozaimasu
dark_chii222 [Jan 17, 2006 at 08:44 AM]
i've been researching and reading the manga,so i know alot too
sasuke nija of the forest [Feb 04, 2006 at 02:30 PM]
dont be mean he has spots on him cause he was bitten by the o guy i forgot how to spell the name srry Very Happy
Sasuke'sgirlfriend4life [May 09, 2006 at 10:17 PM]
sasuke nija of the forest, it's ochiamoru, anyway, .......... Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Why did ochiamoru have to bite him Crying or Very sad I'm so sad now
Megumi_18 [Jul 24, 2006 at 11:17 PM]
Because Orochimaru's a jerk (sorry Orochi fangirls) and he wants Sasuke-sama's powers. Mad
Uchiha Sachi [Aug 20, 2006 at 09:23 AM]
That cursed seal is really bad, but it looks cool on him, specially combinated with the sharingan ^^
anniert [Sep 03, 2006 at 10:40 PM]
Oro-chan~! XD (I'm not a fangirl of him.. I just like giving nicknames. <3) What's with the Sasuke-SAMA?! wtf? And of course it looks ownful! ^_^ On Suke-chan! Wheeeee~!
sasukes_one_and_only [Sep 14, 2006 at 01:24 PM]
he sexy Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation
lilaichan [Oct 06, 2006 at 05:25 PM]
this pic is flippin awsome
Drake_Dragon [Jan 13, 2007 at 02:32 PM]
this pic is so tight! hes got the sharingan, curse mark, and and evil sneer!
kiba+akamaru&1010 [Jan 14, 2007 at 07:48 PM]
lol,what a mix
Drake_Dragon [Jan 19, 2007 at 07:26 PM]
u bet it is
sasuke/shadowwolf4456 [Jan 21, 2007 at 11:10 PM]
darnit late again Mad
kiba+akamaru&1010 [Jan 28, 2007 at 08:56 PM]
it happens, we weren't sayin' much anyhow
sasuke/shadowwolf4456 [Jan 31, 2007 at 01:49 AM]
good Smile
Drake_Dragon [Feb 02, 2007 at 10:39 PM]
and were still not sayin much
kiba+akamaru&1010 [Feb 06, 2007 at 08:25 PM]
Drake_Dragon [Feb 10, 2007 at 04:32 PM]
. . . . *snore*
kiba+akamaru&1010 [Feb 10, 2007 at 10:45 PM]
. . . .*z z z z z z z z z z z z*
sasuke/shadowwolf4456 [Feb 11, 2007 at 01:27 AM]
ugh not again Mad WAKE UP RETARDS
itachi vs sasuke [Feb 27, 2007 at 07:14 PM]
-_-'' that was a bit harsh sasuke/shadowwolf........
sasuke/shadowwolf4456 [Feb 28, 2007 at 02:49 PM]
i can be worse.u can just call me shadowwolf
Drake_Dragon [Mar 22, 2007 at 12:32 AM]
yeah and shadowwolf if harsh
HeyBigKid [May 21, 2007 at 12:48 PM]
I like this pic at night, cuz white screens hurt your eyes, but this is easy to look at. It's okay in the day, too, don't get me wrong.
Orochi14 [Oct 07, 2009 at 04:37 AM]
it's either vol. 43 or 44 that sasuke is rid of the curse mark by his kind older brother
SushiChan [Mar 19, 2011 at 02:16 AM]
Hey I like this pic!
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