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Yes, you can beat Choji in every way... except maybe an eating contest...
ah, yet another famous pose by the Shikamaru
I love him, he has an adorable face
Not only has he got an adorable (sexy, wonderful, handsome) face, he has the most wonderful personality in the universe, which is more important than how good looking he is. I LOVE YOU SHIKAMARU!!!
HIS FACE IS NOT ADORABLE!!!!! ADORABLE LIKE A COW YES......He is getting cuter...but Kakashi is better. Wayyyyyy better.
You know, why don't you just shut up if you're going to compare him to Kakashi-kun all the time? I love Kakashi-kun too, but I'm not insulting him just 'cause he's not as wonderful as the sexy jounin. Shikamaru is cool.
Yes yes yes.I already said I will shut up.....He is cute okay!!!
*smiles in self-satisfaction* <thinks about that. Geeze, I'm horrible aren't I?
No...I just can't deney the fact any longer. But Kakashi is mine.
Grrrrrrrrrr... AS FREAKING IF!!!! Kakashi-kun is... everyone's. Seeing as he's only real in our minds... in my mind he is, at least. And in my mind HE'S MINE!!!
In my mind... ah the wonderful fantasies... my imagination's turned out to be my favoprite place thanks to Shikamaru!!
shikaluver:*wakes up*i heard shouting...nevermind...*goes back to sleep*kibaluver:*sighs*she's as lazy as shikamaru in saturdays...
Nagasaki: Heh. I know what you mean... >_> xD
What happened, Kakashi's Girl? I was just starting to like a little bit, but then you turned into a caniving bitch again!
nyahaha...go laziness!... and shikamaru's personality! heh heh
they make so much fun of him in naruto abriged.
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