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thanx i downt on it though ... i only added the mouth on Storm xD
I've got the computer till my mom says so. XD Storm: *snuck out of the house without Denki realizing- walks into the woods*
Ice: Sitting by the river watching the water run down a foot tall waterfall*
Storm: *gets her scent and follows it there* (My mom just said so... I'll be back online later though probably.)
(ok) Ice: *Same*
Storm: *looks around and sees her* Jolte! [Ice!]
Ice: *Sees him* Hey Storm.
Storm: *runs up to her but slows down when he gets too close to the water* Jolteon jol jolte jol? [Did you miss me?]
Ice: Yea. *Still watching the water*
Storm: *kisses her cheek* Jol jolteon jol jolte. [I missed you too.]
Ice: *Smiles* (Has it only been a day since theive seen eatchother or is it the same day or .... idk xD)
Storm: Jol jolte jolteon jol jo jolt jolte jolteon jol? [What are you doing laying by the river?] (Uh, lets say its been a few days.)
Ice: Just watchin the water, its pretty. (KK)
Storm: *looks at the swift moving water and waterfall- backs away* Jol jolteon jol jolt. [Its also scary...]
Ice: Yea, if you fall in.
Storm: *nods* Jol jolteon jo jolt jolteon jol jolt. [I'm kinda afraid of water cuz I can't swim.]
Ice: Me neither but i love watching it. or if its only a few inches high ill play in it.
Storm: Jol jolteon jol jolt. [Yeah, I guess...] *lays down next to her*
Ice: Its warm today isint it?
Storm: Jol jolte. [Yea kinda.]
Ice: You dont mind if i make it a little colder to you?
Storm: *shakes his head no* Jol jol jolt. [Not at all.]
Ice: *Stands up- uses Icebeam on some grass so theirs some Ice and a small patch of snow* Thats better
Storm: *laughs in a Pok*emon voice*
Ice: *Rolls around in the snow trying to make him laugh*
Storm: *laughing and joins her in rolling around in it*
Ice: *Laughing and enjoying herself*
Storm: *rolls over on top of her and kisses her*
Ice: *Blushes* *Pecks him back*
Storm: *kisses her back*
Ice: *Smiles* Storm?
Storm: Jol? [Yeah?]
Ice: What would you to if ... (Oh and i fergot they Lay Eggs xD)
Storm: Jolt? [What?] (Yeah thats right... Have the pregnancy period be like 2 or 3 months and then she'll lay them. How many should she lay?)
(3 xD) Ice: I DID get pregnant?
Storm: *eyes go wide* Jolteon? [P-pregnant?]
Ice: Im not saying i am but IF?
Storm: Jol jolteon jol jolte jolteon jolt jolte jol jolteon. [I would stick by you and help you raise a family.]
Ice: Really? *Smiles*
(((pssttt do either of you have aim?)))
((((No Sorry Holly, my dad wont let me download it, hes so mean))))
(((Nope, sorry.))) Storm: *nods* Jol jolteo jolt. [Of course I would.] *kisses her*
((( D= ermmm either of yew have yahoo messanger?)))
(((I do! ^-^)))
(I got Yahoo =3) Ice: Thanks. *Kisses nhim back*
(( oh oh add meeee =] [email protected] =3 ))
(( [email protected] thats also my older e-mail address that I never check anymore. And do you wanna do a timeskip?))
(( thank yew =3 and *pokes* can yew get online? =3))
(( [email protected] xD and To what time Pink?)
holly, i have an AIM.
(( oh really anna add me okai? HllwdDear1995 ))
mine ish xAnnaX501. add meh
((Uh, maybe about a week later, or we could just continue this on the Denki and Saruya pic cuz thats where it did happen.))
(We could to lie a week later) Ice: *Laying on her front lawn with Aisu*
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