SO HAWT!!!! Dose he have anyone yet? xD Aisu's alone xD
I was hoping he'd end up with Holly's new Cresselia character Amai, cuz I already have Denki with your Saruya... And Rei might end up with Ryuko. If Holly doesn't want him to be with her, then I guess he could.
whatever xD We have way too many characters for this story xD Its the best one yet!
XD Its the biggest one yet.
i know!
It's fun though having this many charecters =] it makes things interesting and >.> *(steals picture* he ish a cutie =3
I know! XD Want him to be with Amai?
oh sure ^-^ they'd be cute together =]
Yay! Ikou: *sitting against a tree reading*
Amai: *taking a walk with Ai* So Ai what do you wanna do today? Ai: Ral ralts [it's up too you Amai chan ^-^) Amai: *laughs*
Ikou: *adjusts his glasses and flips the page*
Amai: *looks over and see's him* Oh Hello there ^-^
Ikou: *looks up from his book* Oh... hi.
Amzi: *notices the book* whatcha reading?
Ikou: Oh, its just an old novel about a Plusle and Minun. (Its Romeo and Julliette Pok*emon style)
(( x] cute)) Amai: oh really? that's cool... whaat's your name? *sits down with Ai*
Ikou: Uh... I'm Ikou.
Amai: *smiles softly* i'm Amai ^-^ it's nice too meet you Ikou san
Ikou: Right... Nice to meet you two. *closes his book with a bookmark in it* You've got a nice looking Ralts there.
Amai: *blushes lightly* Thank you ^-^ her name is Ai two friends of mine helped me save her from a river =]
Ikou: That was nice of them...
Amai: *nods* yeah they are really great people ^-^
Ikou: *adjusts his glasses again* Yeah... *stands up* I've got somewhere to be...
Amai: really where? [xD nosy ]
Ikou: Uh... That would be telling, and I prefer keeping things to myself. (Yeah. XD Hey my mom wants to use the computer, so I might be gone for about an hour.)
( aw okai ) Amai: *smiles* but what if I reaaalllyyyy wanted too know?
(I is back) Ikou: *smirks* If you really wanna know you'll have to keep up. *turns invisible save for the zigzag around the neck- runs off down a path nearby*
Amai: huh? how did he? *shakes her head and goes after him*
Ikou: *turns fast by a big tree to try to lose her- thinking~ Boy is she determined...
amai: *skids around the tree and stops for a second then catches sight of the stripe again and continues after him*
Ikou: *thinking~ This always throws people off... *runs out of the forest and in front of a sign that blends with his zigzag*
Amai: o.o eh? oh c'mon! that isn't fair!
Ikou: *thinking~ Almost there... Gotta hurry or I'll be late... *quietly inches off of the sign and runs down a street*
Amai: *smiles when she see's him again and starts running again* [haha won't lose you this time] Ai: o.o *sitting on her shoulder holding onto her neck*
Ikou: *continues running and stops in front of a building- sighs* Guess she was able to keep up afterall...
Amai: *smiles when she see's him stop and slows too a walk then stops near him* see told ya I could keep up ^-^ *laughs*
Ikou: *turning visible again* Yeah, yeah... You caught me just in time for work. *points to the building- is a cafe*
Amai: hm?...work? *looks at the bulding*
Ikou: *smirks* I work at this cafe... You can get your prize for keeping up with me inside.
Amai:...eh? prize??
Ikou: *blushes a lil* Its the least I can do after you chased me all the way here... Wanna shake or something? *walks inside*
Amai: *smiles* thanks! ^-^ *follows him inside*
Ikou: *puts on a small apron and gets behind the counter* So just what do you want?
Amai: *sits at the counter patiently* hmmmmm can you make a strawberry shake *smiles soflty*
Ikou: Coming right up. *take out a glass and fills it up from a shake machine- adds a straw and places it in front of her* Want something for Ai too?
Amai: Thanks Ikou ^-^ *looks down at Ai* whant anything Ai chan? Ai: Ra ral [I'm ok] Amai: hm guess not *takes a sip of the shake and smiles* hey this is great ^-^
Ikou: *chuckles* Yeah, but after you drink it everyday on the job you'll grow sick of it.
Amai: *laughs a bit* I guess so *takes another sip* but too me it's great ^-^
Ikou: I see... *fixing a coffee for a customer that came up*
Amai: *swivels in the stool she is in absent mindley scanning the shop*
Ikou: *finished with the customer* So uh... how do you like the cafe? Pretty nice place to hang out, isn't it?
amai: *spins so she's facing him and smiles* yeah it's nice ^-^
Ikou: Good... *stacking some cups up* You done with your shake?
Amai: mhm *sets the cup on the counter* thanks again ^-^
Ikou: *puts her glass away* You're welcome. Lady: *walks inside* Ikou everything going smoothly? Ikou: Uh, yes ma'am. Lady: Good. I'll be in the back if you need me. *walks to a back room*
Amai: oh who was she?
Ikou: Uh... She's kinda both my mom and my boss.
Amai: *looks a bit confused* how is it kinda?
Ikou: I'd rather not talk about it...
Amai: oh... it's fine ^-^
Ikou: *manages another customer- thinking~ Why is she just hanging around here?
Amai: *looking around at the people still seated*
Ikou: *finishes up* What are you doing just sitting around here?
Amai: *looks down* oh... sorry I didn't know I had to leave
Ikou: *shakes his head* You don't have to go, I was just wondering.
Amai: *smiles softly* well then I supose it's just cause I have nothing better too do
Ikou: Oh... Ikou's mom: *walks out from the back* Since its a slow day, you can close up once all the customers are finished. Ikou: Alright. Ikou's mom: *smiles* Don't forget to clock out when your done. I'll see you later. *leaves the cafe*
Amai: *smiles at him* well your mom seems really nice ^-^
Ikou: *chuckles* Well she is a Chansey. *looks around and to see a few customers still there*
Amai: *nods* well that explains allot ^-^
Ikou: I guess... *flipping the sign to closed as the customers left- clocks out* (Sorry I just disappeared, but my brother took over the computer from me.)
Amai: *moves from her seat too the door with Ai and smiles at him* Well thanks again Ikou ^-^
Ikou: You're welcome... *take off the apron and hangs it up- gets the key out to lock up*
Amai: *smiles softly* well i'll see you around?
Ikou: *steps out with her and locks the door- turns to her* Maybe... *turns invisible* Maybe not.
Amai: *laughs* your silly Ai: Ra-ralts? [wher' he go?] Amai: *giggles* see the stripe Ai chan? that's him
Ikou: Yup. *chuckles* Being a Kecleon I can become invisible except for this zigzag.
Ai: Ra ra [Oh that's cool* Amai: *smiles softly*
Ikou: Yeah... And it comes in handy when you just want to disappear for awhile... *becomes visible*
Amai: *smiles* so what do yu do for fun around here? [I might have to go soon]
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