IDK whay i even made it xD
lalw, hes cool her ebut his tial is to bushy *pounce son it* :3
I know xD Sorreh bout that, the origonal had a bushy tail xD
Aka: So where should we eat tonight?
enzeru: *shrugs* ichose hte movie so u cna pick!
(U snekin on?) Aka: how about.... Fridays?
(U snekin on?) Aka: how about.... Fridays?
(what u think? XD im sitting o nthe futon in the big room ipod playing and typing =P everyone thinks im on pb XD) enzeru: sure... (oh btw the guy william for the beahc he was the kid with the scooter and glasses right? *cant remember if im rihgt or not*)
(xD and no he has blonde hair and talks kinds funny, about 9 or 10 years old) Aka: Ok.
(well i got a message on the masa pic saysing "hi victoria its william form the beach" o.o) enzeru: =)
(XD) Aka: *Smiles cutely*
enzeru: *blushes*
Aka: *Noticed the redness of his face and smile fated to a concerned look* Enzeru, are you ok?
enzeru: huh? y-yeah why?
Aka: Your face ... Looks kinda red.
enzeru: O///O ..... ///" ur kidding right?
Aka: *Shakes his head*
enzeru: *big sweatdrop*
Aka: I-I'm sorry...
enzeru: dont be u didnt do anything~
Aka: Oh, Right...
enzeru: *smiels lgihtly and holds abcka chuckle*
~Later around 4~ Aka: *In the bathroom trying to make his hair get the way he wants*
enzeru: *waititng to get i nteh abthroom playing witha strap on his jeans*
Aka: *Calls out to Enzeru* Im really sorry for taking this long, I can't get
enzeru: *chuckles* its fine Aka~
Aka: *Gets his had just how he wants it* there. *Opens the door* All yours. =3
enzeru: *chuckles and wlaks in*
Aka: *Sits on his bed, being careful not to mess up his hair*
enzeru: *gets ready even puts on his dark eyeliner x3 emoness~*
Aka: *Looks at his outfit to see if it's ok- more emoness xD*
enzeru: *continues getting ready fixes his abngs*
Aka: *Waits*
enzeru: *comes otu all ready* ready to go?
Aka: Uh, yea. I think so... Wait! Is my hair ok?
enzeru: *laughs* its fien *puts hsi walelt in hsi pcket*
Aka: *Stands up* Ok then, let's go.
enzeru: *walks out holding the door for him*
Aka: Thanks. *Walks out*
enzeru: *nods ocne lockign teh door sbehidn them*
Aka: *Starts to walk*
enzeru: *walks with him*
Aka: Walking*
enzeru: *same(
Aka: So, are we gonna walk or are u gonna drive?
enzeru: ill drive~
Aka: Kayz.
enzeru: *has hsi friend keys gets to the exterioir door and opens it for him*
Aka: *Blushes lightly* T-Thanks. *Gets in*
enzeru: *get sin the car adn start sit up*
Aka: *Puts his seat belt on* and don't forget your seat belt this time mr.
enzeru: *lauhg buckling up*
Aka: Laughed*
(get on imvu plzzz i gotta tell u smehting o nthere 3= ) enzeru: *pulls out* (thats what she said! XD)
(Call me i only have 2 minn on regular comp XDDDDD) Aka: *Stares out the window*
(XD to late now =P its 9:05 ) enzeru: *driving*
(Please? My mom hasnt noticed!) Aka: *Same*
(call me if u must (major lag XD) i swithce dit abck) eneru: *same*
(Jus got sent to my room =.= but I'll ask u on here then) Aka: *Same*
(=P im nto callin gu cuz ur hosue scares me if icall late ._. but if u msut clal me do it form ur room the phen back on...)
(My mom took the phone from my room, can I ask u on here?) Aka: *Same*
(sure) enzeru: *driving*
(How do I make a gituar player for rock band? And get more songs?) Aka: *Same*
(uh well its ahr dto explain i can expalin how to amek tehm over the phoen tomarrow cuz i need the game on to tell u but to earn more song u have to play the tour) enzeru: *same*
(ok, cause I made a singer and sang the only song I knew for the tour once) Aka: *Same*
(well u gotta play the toehr sogns to get more songs, learn tehm!) enzeru: *same*
Aka: *Same*
enzeru: *pulls intoa fridays*
Aka: *Unbuckeles*
enzeru: *un cuckles*
Aka: *Opens the door*
enzeru: *gets out f the car*
Aka: *Steps out*
enzeru: *closes the door*
Aka: *Closes his*
enzeru: *walking towards teh door of the resturant*
Aka: *Follows*]
enzeru: *opens it fr him*
Aka: *Smiles* Thanks.
enzeru: *smiels and nods once*
Aka: *Walks in*
enzeru: *walks in behin him*
Aka: *Opesnt the second door and holds id for Enzeru* (Y do resturants have 2 sets of doors? xD)
(idk xD)enzeru: *walks in* thnx~
Aka: Your welcome *Walks in after him*
enzeru: *walks up to the lil post thing majiggy*
Aka: *Followed*
enzeru: *talks to the lady*
Aka: *Listening and waiting*
-lady shows tehm toa table-
(IZ BACK!) Aka: *Sits down*
enzeru: *sits down*
Aka: My god, I haven't been out to eat in so long.
enzeru: *lauhgs* me too~
Aka: *Looks through the menu*
enzeru: *gogin thru the menu*
Aka: *Same*
enzeru: *same*
Aka: So what do you think your gonna get?
enzeru: either steak or chicken
Aka: The steak sounds good. (Hey vrs if u go to school and I'm not there, don't be surprised)
(why?) enzeru: *nods*
(Cause I feel like I'm gonna throw up and I'm having a hard time breathing, I feel like crap) Aka: *Nods*
(.-.) enzeru: ..
Aka: *Sits back*
enzeru: *closes his menu after he knwos what hes gettng*
Aka: *Closes his menu*
--waiteress come over nad asks wha tehy wants-- enzeru: *orders his food*
Aka: *Orders his*
waitress: *walks off after writing it all down* (hey u feelin any better?)
(Yea, a whole lot) Aka: *Yawns*
(good ^-^ , btw ima dissappear ofr a lil while iam put some vids toegther tell pnik for me plzz~) enzeru: ... *blinks a couple tiems nad makes a small aywn becuz of that*
(Uh .... shure....) Aka: *Laughs*
enzeru: o.o? what?
Aka: Yawns travel.
enzeru: *chuckles* yeha i guess they do*
Aka: *Giggles*
enzeru: *smiles*
Aka: *Blushes faintly loing away*
enzerU: ....
Aka: *Eyes suddenly go wide into shock*
enzeru: *notices* Whats wrong?
Aka: *Looks down very quickly* M-My d-dad is h-here.....
enzeru: is that a bad thing?
Aka: V-Very... *Lumps down in the booth*
enzeru; ehy?
Aka: I Have kinda ... a ... b-bad history ... with my dad. *Slumped down in the seat looking down*
(u better not mena molesting or rape >_>) enzeru: like?
(WTF! Ive had it planned out ever since i made him! Ten if u dont like it JUST JERK OFF!) Aka: Um .. i-i dont like to talk about it ....
(XD adn well u always do it~ liek seriosuly u need a new hobby other then sex and rape like serisouly...) enzeru: oh...
(Whatever >.> I dont have to listen to you) Aka: *Slouched, avoiding making eye contact*
enzeru: ...
Aka: *Same*
enzeru: *same*
Aka: *Same*
enzeru: *same*
(Wanna timeskip to the moovie?)
~At the theater-in line for the tickets~ Aka: You want me to pay? you pay'd for dinner.
enzeru: i dont mind paying~
Aka: No, i insist, ill pay. *Takes out his wallet*
enzeru: *nods*
Aka: *Takes out a 10*
enzeru: *watches him but not in a creepy way*
Aka: *wAIS IN LINE NEXT TO HIM* (Sorry kaps was on xD *Spelt like that on purpose))
(XD) enzeru: *steps up to the counter with him*
Aka: *Says what he has to say and hands the cashier the money*
cashier lady: *gives them the tickets and his change*
Aka: *Hands one ticket to Enzeru and puth the change in his pocket*
enzeru: *tkae shis ticket smiles at him*
Aka: Lets go. *Heads towd the # door*
enzeru: *follows him*
Aka: *Gives his ticket to the person at the door*
enzeru: *does teh same*
Aka: *Walks in with Enzeru*
enzeru: *walkginw tih him*
Aka: *walking with him*
enzeru: *same*
Aka: *Whispers* Where do u wanna sit? Front middle or back?
enzeru: u can pick~
Aka: *Nods* Starts walikoing up the stairs to the middle*
enzeru: *follows him*
Aka: *Gets into an empty asile*
enbzeru: *follows*
Aka: *sits*
enzeru: *sitas nex tohim*
Aka: *Waits for the moovie to start*
enzeru:*same as him*
Aka: *Same*
enzeru: *same*
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