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ZABUZA-KUUUN!!!! *tackle hugs* Zabuza: -_- Wait... wait... I think I've seen this one before! xD Me: Well, WHAT?? I have to post SOMETHING under your pics! >.< And I'm kinda short on ideas at the moment... o_O
lol Laiyo makes me laugh. ^^ By the way, I find it weird that no pics in his gallery have a picture of him without the bandages covering his face. O_o Of course, I do like him better with the bandages on... more mysterious looking.
I submitted a pic of him with no bandages on!  Only it's not posted yet, arrrgh. Well, he looks very... angry.... in that pic, but I still find it sexy. >___< I like him with or without his pant-- I-I mean, bandages. ^_^;;
OMG Laiyo's back! *hugs Laiyo* Haven't heard from you in a while...  Ahh... being just like yourself aren't you. Hehehe
Ehehehe, yep! ^__^;;...And ummm...HI MILA!!!
lol 'with or without his pants' ;P ...*wonders why I never imagined Zabuza without his pants...*
Wheeee! *hugs Mila back* I've been away on an IMPORTANT MISSION! >.< Gaara: *ahem.* Me: Fine, fine. ^^ I've been on a... HONEYMOON WITH ZABUZA!! >xD Gaara:  Ahem!! Me: Juuuuust kiddin'. ^^ Nah, I've been on a trip, and only got back a while ago. Yup. ^_^
Phoenix:*pats Gaara on the back* ^___^ Thank you Gaara! Gaara:*sighs* It's wut i do. Laiyo:>.< I wish you didn't! Dream ruiner! Gaara: Yep, That's what i like to hear! Phoenix: Ehehehe ^__^'''
Yeah... that's good ol' Gaara. xD
*chases Gaara around with a bazooka* How would you like to hear some ROCKETSHOOTING, then? And smell burning flesh? Gaara: Nooooooo the violence... *runs away* Laiyo: Or worse... *gets a maniac glint in her eyes* Gaara: Uh-oh... Laiyo: TACKLE-HUUUUUG! *huggles Gaara from the air* Gaara: CRAP!  *doesn't escape in time* *is hugged to near death*
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