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info on me
When a child is born a gardian angel is born with it at the same time. So the story goes. But I was born before my gardian angel by one day.because of this mistake the gardian angel will have to be born mortal and will have to be the oppisite gender of the gardie and have healing and reviving abilities to make sure the gardie dosen't die before their time. And since we were born in oppisite sides of the world me in america and her in japan
we grew up longing for each other. While I couldn't find her I started reading and studing and having a scientist for a father books were not hard to come by and in time grew up to be insanely smart and was able to bump heads with the most brilint scientific minds at age 14. But I didn't like to show it I would fail tests purposly just because. A week before his 16 birthday hellhounds escaped from hell and collected the souls of random people and reterned back to hell with them. Sadly when my mother was comming home from shopping, she was one of those random souls. After her death i decided that life was too short to not do anything with my intelect. A year after my mothers death my father started working more in his lab in another state on a project to create an android with human emotions. So I decided to work on a little project of my own. An expasion on human took three days but I made it possible to mix animal dna to extend human life. But you would have to touch the animal before you drink the mixture. Right after learning this I looked in the zoo for the right animal but as soon as I stepped into the park I was attacked by rabid wolves one of which scratch me on my eye and caused me to dropped the vial of mixture on me causing me to fuse with the wolf and black out and wake up running verry fast on top of the water and I kept on running untill I came across a desert and a lot of toumbs inside one of the toumbs was a black book. when I touched the book it gave me a vision of the world comming to an end. Of course this scared me. The book rose and announced itself as the book of the future and said that it gave me the gift of the mind and body. What that means Is the book gave me telekenetic powers. Then before it burned itself up it said that the one I search for is in japan. Right after the book dissapered the toumb sealed itself. Out of anger I punched the wall and to my suprise the wall shattered and I super speed ran back home just in time for school.
anime paul.JPG  anime paul~0.JPG  haruki.JPG  haruki~0.JPG 
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Filename:anime paul~0.JPG
Album name:Rho unleashed / My Anime Sketches
Rating (1 votes):
File Size:160 KB
Dimensions:986 x 1237 pixels
Displayed:189 times
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