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so, he does have a heart...
Yup yup! That's why I like him. ^^
Isn't he looking at himself in that flashback? Im confused... To sasuke's_girlfriend: #1. What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with Sasuke? and #2. WHAT DO YOU MEAN "so, he does have a heart..." ?!?!!?!?!?!?! OF COURSE MY CUZ HAS A HEART! but when he talks to me he doesn't show it...... because I'm just a "weak and annoying pain" in his eyes.....
Yup, Zabuza-kun has a heart. He's a badass with a heart... AWWWW I love him I love him I love him!!!!! ♥ TT___TT
<< zabuza IS really sweet! He takes care of me, and takes me on missions, and we run around in feilds with haku spraying cheese whiz at each other!! and once we even had se....O_O *cough* nevermind ^_^;;;
.......PERV ALERT!! SHE'S GONE TO THE DARK SIDE, EVASIVE ACTION! *Tears off a chair leg and whaps hana over the head with it) Hana:X__x Phoenix: WHAT KIND OF FUNKY CHEESE WHIZ WERE YOU SPRAYING?? ANSWER ME OR FACE THE WRATH OF MY CHAIR LEG!!!
LMAO the Cheese whiz has some weirrrdddd effects... o.O @_@ GAHAHA I need some of that cheese whiz ya had LOL J/K
All right, I'm mad now. -_- *grows twenty times Hana's size* *fangs and eyes glint maliciously* NOBODY!!!! NOBODY HAS /THAT/ WITH -MY- ZABUZA-KUN!!! NOOO!!! *ROAR* NOBODY CAN HAVE CHEESE WHIZ WITH ZABUZA-KUN BUT ME!!!! >o< ...And Haku. And Yukari, Mila and Phoenix. ^_^ ...ROOOOAAR!!!!... Zabuza: Um, Laiyo? *pokes a rabid-looking Laiyo on shoulder uncertainly* If you're angry about the "se..." part... Don't worry, she lied. It didn't happen. ^^ Me: *deflates* Eh? Zabuza: Yup. ^^ Me: GOOD!...
awwwwwww he sees himself in haku! awwwww!
*beats up Kakashi'sthoughts* Kakashi would never think something so STUPID and IMMATURE!!! >O< APOLOGIZE TO ZABUZA-KUN RIGHT NOW OR BEHOLD THE FURY OF A THOUSAND HUNGRY WEREWOLVES OF DEATH!!!!! ...I'm serious. You'd better apologize. ^_^ *gets out a skewer*
[[walks away with out a scratch]] Whatever.........
Thank you for erasing that post. -_-
I'm poking his butt with my ____.
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