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XDD Niice
thxs XD!! beth:
XD No Prrrrrooobbblllleeemmmm. XD Kagome: *Guy Stance* =]
Naruto:That was a year ago! Kita:xD Sukaya: o_O
beth: lol kagome and NARUTO!!!!!!! * punches him in the face* HMF!!!! so hi kita and sukaya watcha doin
Naruto: T^T Kita:I have to do some stupid paperwork like mom(Tsunade) Sukaya:Nothing much but taking care of Naruto and Saki.
beth: kool sukaya and yeah me 2 kita being queen is hard
Kagome: o_0 You Okaii,Beth? XD Tsunade is Your Mother?
Kita: I know,and yeah,Tsunade is my mother xD
beth: yeah im ok and kool tsunde is your mom AWSOME!!
Kita: Thanks.
Kagome: XD Thats Kool. What Does HMF Mean? o_0
Kita: xD "Hmf" is the sound that Sakura makes usually right after she punches Naruto.
Kagome: XDD Ohhhh I See.
beth: yup your right kita besides after all i am related to her and i dont know wat it mean slets find out!!
Kita: xD
Kagome: Your Related to Sakura? XD
beth: yup!!!
Kagome: Kool. XD
beth: so u like lee? kool!!
Kita: Lee is awesome!
Kagome: <.< Yeahh. XD Isnt He?
Kita:Yeah. X3
beth: yup your lucky to have some one that loves ya
Kagome: ^^ Thanks,Beth.
beth; np
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