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Kita:What's he blushing at?
aws o cute
Kita:^-^ Yeah..
Thanks XD Kisuke: <////< No One.... Me: o_0 At Yosuke. XDD JK
Kita:xD Why would he blush at Kisuke? xD
Kisuke: I AM NOT! //// Me: 0w0 They LOVE Each Other XD [Like Kaoru and Hikaru from Ouran High Shcool Host Club. If Yous Hasnt Watched,Then Please Do. You'll Understand X3]
Kita:So...they're gay for eachother? xD
Me: XDDDDD LMAO Your Funny,Kita. Kinda,I Guess....  >.>
Kita:OwO Thanks!
Me: XD Your Welcome..... Kisuke: 0///0
Kisuke: <.< Immah Go Slit Mah Wrists Now.... Me: DX Dont Be So Emo!
Kita:No! Sasuke is the one that slits his wrists >.>
Kisuke: o_0 He Does? Me: <.< Whistle~
Kita:Yeah,all because his mentally and physically retarded brother,Itachi killed his entire clan...
Kisuke: Yeah,I Heard About That....I Hate Him For It!
Kita:I hate almost every Uchiha,though not you or Yosuke..and Kagome if she counts >.>
Kisuke: o_0 You Hate Miwako,Atreyu and Sayu? [his siblings] And Kisa? [his aunt] XD And Yeah,She Does Count. o_0 She Married Sasuke Didnt She?
Kita:I dont know them,but if you love them,then no I don't hate them.
Kisuke: ^^ OKaii.
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