I Um ... Hope u like her .... i guess ...
she looks pwetty! :3
Thank yew x3 hey do u wach Ouran Host Club?
ur welcome! yosh I do :3
Wanna join this game? x3 oh and sorry its taking me so long to commwnt, my computer is running super slow Dx
it's okay! my computer is getting alittle slow too. hmmmm...-w- (thinking)
And srry i dissapeared x3 *Waches u think*
......sure why not! xD
Yayyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok u wanna start?
you can start OwO
KK) Tonia: *Walking, looking around her new neighborhood* (She lives next door to the Twins x3)
Hikaru and Kaoru: (walking by and sees Tonia and smirks)
Tonia: *Didnt see them- looking around*
Hikaru and Kaoru: (walks toward Tonia) hello there!
Tonia: *Turns to see them* O-Oh H-Hi.
Hikaru: enjoying the neighborhood?
Tonia: Um ... Y-Yea
Kaoru: that's good. I'm Kaoru and this is my twin Hikaru by the way. Hikaru: what's your name?
(Oh and to let u know, her first name meand Invaluable in Italian x3) Tonia: I-Im T-Tonia...
(kewl ^w^) Hikaru and Kaoru: nice to meet you Tonia! (smiles)
Tonia: *Nods* L-Likewise.
Hikaru: want us to give a tour around the neighborhood? Kaoru: there's plenty of stuff to see!
Tonia: Um .... sh-shure.
Hikaru and Kaoru: (puts thier hands on her shoulders) lets go! (begins walking)
Tonia: *Blushing a little- walks with them*
Hikaru: so what places you wanna see first?
Tonia: U-Um ... Are their any .... P-Parks? or ... F-Fields
Kaoru: yep there alot of parks. Hikaru: big ones too. We'll show you! (walks alittle faster)
Tonia: A-Ah, O-Okay. *Walks a little faster with them*
Hikaru: there it is! (shows Tonia a beautiful park that has a fountain and a statue on top)
Tonia: Wow, �-� bello. (It's Beautiful- from now on when i translate its all from Italian x3)
Kaoru: it is beautiful. Hikaru: there is more parks if you wanna see all of them.
Tonia: *Nods to Hikaru then Looks at Kaoru: Y-You speak Italian?
Kaoru: yeah alittle Hikaru: (looks around for another park)
Tonia: O-Oh...
Hikaru: (in some distance) come on! there's more parks around here! (waving)
Tonia: *Nods- R,uns toward him- looks super cute while running*
Hikaru: (blushes at the cuteness) Kaoru: (runs with her)
Tonia: *Cathes up to him*
Hikaru: (points) there's another park right there...let's get a closer look! (walks toward the park) Kaoru: (follows)
Tonia: *Also follows*
Hikaru: (stops walking) see? *another beautiful park with lots of flowers and a big tree in the middle*
Tonia: Altrettanto bello quanto l'altro. (Just as beautiful as the other.)
Kaoru: (nods) Hikaru: wanna see some more parks?
Tonia: Um .... Im thinking ... m-maybe two is e-enough .... for today...
Hikaru and Kaoru: (gets close to her face) you sure?
Tonia: *Blushes* Y-Tea, i-im sure.
Hikaru: okay Kaoru: if you say so...want us to walk you back?
Tonia: U-Um, s-sure.
Hikaru and Kaoru: okay! (both grabs Tonia's hand each and begins walking)
Tonia: *Blushing- wakking with them*
Hikaru: you sure blush alot. Kaoru: do you like us?
Tonia: N-No, I-I mean, i-i like you as f-friends b-but.....
Hikaru and Kaoru: but what?
Tonia: N-Never mind, J-Just leave it at t-that.
Hikaru: hmm... Kaoru: aright.
Tonia: *Lust keeps walking*
Hikaru and Kaoru: (stops) this is your house right?
Tonia: *Stops- nods* Y-Yea, this is it...
Hikaru and Kaoru: (lets go of her hands) nice house!
Tonia: U-Um, T-Thank you.
Hikaru: no problem! Kaoru: we'll meet again! (both walks away)
Tonia: B-Bye. *Opens her gate to walk to her house* (Wanna timeskip to school?)
(sure) *in school* Tamaki: (walking down the hallway)
Tonia: *Looks around the school- looking for room 1-A*
Tamaki: (thinking out loud) hmmm I wonder what we should do today?
Tonia: 8Actidentally bumps into tamaki* O-Oh, I-Im so s-sorry.
Tamaki: no its okay. are you hurt?
Tonia: N-No, im fine.
Tamaki: (smiles) that's good ^_^
Tonia: U-Um not to be a b-bother but ... d-do you know w-where room .... 1-A i-is?
Tamaki: why yes. I'll lead you there ^^ (grabs her hand and walks)
Tonia: Ah, *Follows*
Tamaki: so is this your first time here?
Tonia: Y-Yes. I just moved f-from I-Italy.
Tamaki: from Italy huh? whats it like?
Tonia: B-Bella. (Beautiful)
Tamaki: ^_^ that's nice (stops) here's 1-A!
Tonia: T-Thank you. *Bows lightly*
Tonia: T-Thank you. *Bows lightly*
Tamaki: you're very welcome (slightly kisses her hand)
Tonia: *Blushes- nods*
Tamaki: buh-bye! (smiles and walks away)
Tonia: *Walks into the clasroom and goes to teacher sitting lazily at the desk*
random student#1: (whispers to the other student) hey who's that? random student#2: I don't know but she's hawt!
(x3 sorry i laffedand the hawt part) Tonia: *Talks to the teacher that shes new hear and stuff*
(XD) Random student#3: (whispers to random student#2) dammit George do you only care about how girls look!? George: shaddap! you're ruining my fantasy >.> Random student #1: sometimes I wish you were in another class...full of boys.
(And arent the twins in 1-A *Thinking* Yea they are x3) Tonia: *Still talking to him*
(yea I completely forgot what classes everyones in o.o) Hikaru and Kaoru: (finally looks up and sees Tonia) Hikaru: that's the girl from the other day. Kaoru: ahh so she's in our class now. George: hmph that won't change anything...I'm bi anyway Sasori... >.> Sasori: oh you're right...
Tonia: *Nods when shes done talking to him- turns and walks to the back of the classroom and takes a seat- the seat is behind the row Hikaru and Kaoru are in*
Hikaru and Kaoru: (turns to see Tonia and waves) Hi Tonia! George: so her name's Tonia huh? (whispers) I gotta get her number...
Tonia: C-Caio (Hi (I think i spelled it wrong x3)) *Smiles like she did in the Pic above*
Hikaru and Kaoru: (smiles back) Random student#3: as if you could get her number >.> George: shut up Christine Christine: you're so lucky we're in class right now...
Teacher: *Calls the class to start*
Christine and George: (sits still while glaring at each other) Sasori: (sits there looking kinda bored)
~Later aftwer class~ Tonia: *Packing up all her books*
George: okay here's my chance (about to stand up but sees Hikaru and Kaoru standing next to her) dammit...>.< Christine: hehe better luck next time dork XD (walks out the door) Sasori: (follows her) Hikaru: need help packing?
Tonia: N-No, I got it. *Puts the last of her books in her bag*
Hikaru: okay Kaoru: how are you today?
Tonia: I-Im good, thank you, a-and you two? (Oh tont the twins have club duty?)
(yep!)Hikaru and Kaoru: we're fine! but now we're gonna go now. see ya later! (skips out the door)
Tonia: *Bliks twice* Dove sono diretti? (Where are they headed?) *Gets up and goes out the door- looks town the hall to where they skipped*
Hikaru and Kaoru: (skipping to a big door and goes inside it)
Tonia: Hm .... *Walks down the hall*
George: (sees Tonia walking down the hall and follows her)
Tonia: *Looking around*
George: (walking behind her) Hi there! ^-^
Tonia: *Looks behind her* U-Uh, H-Hi.
George: enjoying your first day here?
Tonia: U-Uh, yea ... i-its fine.
George: that's good. I'm George btw ^w^
Tonia: I-Im T-Tonia
George: Tonia...that's a nice name
Tonia: O-Oh, T-Thank you.
George: your welcome. (thinking) oh crap! what should say next!?
Tonia: I-I shoud probally g-get going...
George: r-right! hehe...s-s-see ya later (walks away thinking) I can't believe I acted like a total idiot back there...
Tonia: *Walks toward the doors the twins went through*
Honey: (running toward the door) I'm late!!! Dx (stops behind Tonia) excuse me!
Tonia: *Moves out of thee way* S-So S-Sorry.
Honey: it's okay (smiles looking adorable and opens the door)
Tonia: *Waches him go inside*
Honey: (goes inside but notice Tonia standing there) wanna come inside? =3
Tonia: U-Um, O-Ok
Honey: yay!! (looks super cute smiling)
Tonia: *Follows him inside*
*bunch of pretty stuff everywhere* Tamaki: (chattin with Kyouya *I think that his name xD*)
(It is x3) Tonia: *Looks around, a little bit nervous*
Tamaki: (sees Tonia) well hello there!!
Tonia: U-Um Hello.
Kyouya: (looks at her) Tamaki: (walks toward her) so why are you here with Honey?
Tonia: H-He offered me ... t-to come inside....
Tamaki: (looks at Honey) Honey: she was standing there so I thought it'll be okay! (does the puppy dog eyes looking SUPER adorable) Kyouya: we can't really let her in since we're all kinda busy.
(X3 puppy eyes, and would the twins speak up for her xD) Tonia: I-Im sorry, i-ill just g-go. *Bows and turns to leave*
Hikaru and Kaoru: no wait!!!! Dx (blocks the door) Honey: (dramatic gasp) :O Hikaru: let her stay...just for alittle while? Kaoru: yeah please?
Tonia: *Blinks twice Confused*
Kyouya: (sweatdrops thinking) how did they get there so fast? Tamaki: I don't see why not ^-^ Hikaru and Kaoru: yay!!! =D
Tonia: *Still confused*
Haruhi: (outside of the door trying to get inside but the twins are in the way)whats wrong with this door? Tamaki: (beside Tonia) I know you seem confused but right now you're in our club room. (roses in the background) this is paradise to please everyone!!!
Tonia: *Blinks again* O-Oh ...
Hikaru and Kaoru: (notices they're blocking the door and moves out the way) Haruhi: woah! (almost fell inside) ((gotta go for a while))
(KK) Tonia: *Giggles for the first time since moving to Japan- very cute giggle)
Hikaru: (blushes at her giggle) Haruhi: (turns around and look at the twins) why were you two blocking the door for? Kaoru: we didn't want her to leave (points at Tonia)
Tonia: *Waves nervously* C-Caio. (Hi)
Haruhi: oh Hello. (smiles) I'm Haruhi. what's yours?
Tonia: I-Im T-Tonia.
Haruhi: (does the cute smile) nice to meet you ^-^
Tonia: *Smiles like in pic above* L-Likewise.
Tamaki: and I'm Tamaki! ^w^ Kyouya: Kyouya.
Tonia: N-Nice to m-meet you.
Tamaki: (grabs her hand again) nice to meet you too! Kyouya: likewise. Mori: (seen in the background just sitting there)
Tonia: *Blushes- nods*
Honey: (on the table eating cake) want some cake? =3
Tonia: U-Um n-no thank y-you. i-im fine.
Honey: aww really? it has chocolate with strawberries and everything! (I just made myself hungry...xD)
(X3 u made me hungry too x3) Tonia: I-Im actually .. a-alergic t-to strawberries.
(XD) Honey: oh...I'm sorry! Mori: (is sitting on the same table with Honey)
Tonia: N-No, i-its ok, no one r-really knows that a-about me a-anyway.
Honey: oh okay! Hikaru: wanna tell us about youself? Kaoru: and get to know each other?
Tonia: U-Um .... i-i ... i-i guess so.
Tamaki: Yay!!! okay everybody! Sit on the table!!! XD Haruhi: (sweatdrops) o.o; (gotta go eat...since I really did made myself hungry xD)
(KK x3 ill be here) Tonia: *Also sweatdrops*
Hikaru and Kaoru: what if we don't feel like sitting on the table? then what? Honey: (too busy eating his cake) Tamaki: (dramatic gasp) :O (goes to the cornor and sulks xD)
Tonia: *Giggles again*
Haruhi: there he goes sulking again... Hikaru and Kaoru: (blushes alil at her giggle)
Tonia: H-He does this ... a-alot?
Haruhi: yep Honey: uh-huh! Hikaru and Kaoru: (nods) alot
Tonia: Oh ....
Kyouya: (walks over and pats Tamaki's back) there there... tamaki: (looks at Kyouya with a chibi kind of sad face) Mori: (looks at Tonia)
(I love Mori x3 hes so cool! x3 but the twins r still my fave x3) Tonia: *Watchin Tama and Kyo*
(I like Mori the most <3 hes so awesome X3) Kyouya: on our next meeting we'll all sit on the table. Tamaki: really? kyouya: really. Tamaki: yay!!!! =D
Tonia: *Giggles*
Hikaru, Kaoru, and Honey: (blushes alittle at her giggle) Mori: (notices Honey's blush)... Haruhi: (giggle with Tonia)
Tonia: *Looks at her watch*
Haruhi: (notices her looking at her watch) got somewhere to go?
Tonia: *Looks up* U-Uh, yea, i do ....
Haruhi: oh. you can go right now if you need to Hikaru and Kaoru: no!!!! Dx
Tonia: *Bows* I-Im sorry but ... *Stands back up* I have t-to get home.
Hikaru:...okay Kaoru: hope we'll see ya tomorrow.
Tonia: *Nods- waves while walking out the door* ~~~Later that evning~~~ Tonia: *In the first park the twins told her about- sitting by the fountian- shouldnt be out this late cause its when >.> <.< People come out!!*
some guy#1: (goes to the park and see Tonia and smirks) well well well! look wwhat we have here!
Tonia: *Was reading and not paying any atttention to him*
some guy#2: Hey we're talking to you! Some guy#1: shh! (grabs her hair)
Tonia: Ahhhh! L-Let go!
Some guy#1: nah I don't think so (roughly pulls her hair making her stand up) you ignored me so you're getting what you deserve
Tonia: A-Ahhhh. I-Im s-sorry!
Some guy#1: saying sorry doesn't cut it!! (throws her to the fountain)
Tonia: Ahh! *Fell into the fountian- also was wearing a white shirt so now her bra is completely visable*
Some guy#2: (evil smirk) I can see her bra Some guy#1: (evil laugh and grabs her arm to pull her out the water)
Tonia: Ahh, L-Let me go!
Some guy#1: (not listening to her and takes off her shirt) Some guy#2: we ARE sharing right? Some guy#1: of course!
Tonia: A-Ah! *Strugling to get away*
Some guy#1: hey stand still! (punches her face) Some guy#2: hey derrek! easy...we don't need to kill another one...
Tonia: *Tears rolling down her face- realy scared*
Derrek: yeah yeah whatever (puts is hands in her bra)
Tonia: Ah! S-Stop! P-Please!
Derrek: (still not listening to her and rubs her breast) Daneil: (*second guy* walks behind Tonia and touched her butt)
Tonia: A-Ahh! *Tears rolling down her face* P-Please.
Daniel: please what? (pulls her pants down abouts to put his hands in her panties)
Tonia: STOP!! *Tries to grab his hand away*
Derrek: (squeezes her breast alittle too hard) stop resisting you know you like it (evil smirk) Daniel: (puts his hand inside her panties and rubs her booty)
Tonia: A-Ahhh!
Daniel: (puts two fingers in her butthole)
Derrek: (kisses her on the lips) Daniel: (moves his fingers around)
Tonia: *Moans- sausing her mouth to open*
Derrek: (slides his tounge in) Daniel: (still moving his fingers around)
Tonia: Mmmmmm!
Daniel: (pulls his fingers out and rubs her other private)
Tonia: *Tears just streamind down her face while being forced on the kiss- thinking* ~Why ... Why Me ....~
Daniel: (puts thre finger in her private)
Tonia: Ahhhhhhh! (Oh great, u come on and i have to go in 5 minuets)
Derrek: (kisses her even more roughly) Daniel: (moves his fingers around) (o.o...I blame my mom)
(X3 its ok, well i gotta go, night x3) Tonia: Mfffffffff!!
(sweet dreams!) Daniel: (moves faster and faster)
Tonia: MmmmFffffffff!
Daniel: (pulls down her panties and uses the other hand to put his fingers in her butthole again moving even faster)
Derrek: (bites her lips) Daniel: (chuckles) she's getting too excited down there! (still moving his fingers)
Tonia: *Wimpurs*
Derrek: it'll be over before you know it (grabs both her breast playing around with her nipples)
TOnia: AAhhhhhhhnnnnnn!~
Derrek: (pis her bra off and licks her nipple while squeezing the other)
Tonia: Ahhhhhhhhh~ (Hey i may dissapear)
Derrek: (sucks on her nipple) (awww...)
Tonia: Aaaaahhhh Aaaahhhhh~!
Derrek: (same) Daniel: (puts his own pants and boxers down his...ding-dong is hard)
Tonia: A-Ahhhh P-Please N-No!
Daniel: (grabs both of her buttcheeks ready to put his weenie inside her butthole)
Tonia: Nooooo! Pleaseee! S-Stop!
Daniel: (still not listening to her and put his weenie inside her butthole) so...tight >.<
Derrek: (kisses her on the lips again) Daniel: (pulls his weenie out and puts it back in over and over again)
Daniel: (going faster and faster)
Daniel: (same) I'm coming...
Tonia: N-No! S-Stop!
Daniel: (ends up comming in her butthole)
Daniel: (pulls his weenie out while breathing hard) Derrek: (stops kissing her and lets her go)
Tonia: A-Ahh. *Colpases to the ground*
Derrek: (chuckles) you should clean yourself up little girl. Daniel put your pants back on (walks away) Daniel: (puts his pants back on and runs away)
Tonia: *On the ground- cant move* (OMG, the twins should come to da rescue! x3)
(once again you read my mind...or share the same mind x3) Hikaru and kaoru: (walking by and sees Tonia on the ground) Tonia!!! (both runs toward her) what happen!?
Tonia: *Sits up- grabbing ont them* I.... I was ..... r-r-r-raped. *Crying*
Hikaru: (looks angry) who raped you!!!???? what does he look like!!!??? Kaoru: (hugs Tonia looks angry too)
Tonia: S-Some guys named ....Derrek a-and .... D-Daniel .....
Hikaru: (helps her stands up) we'll go to the police but first we gotta get you home. Kaoru: (helps her stand up as well)
Tonia: *Nods- clingin to them*
*later* Hikaru and Kaoru: (stops by the door of her house)
Tonia: *Had gonnte dressed on the way* T-Thank you .... f-for bringing me h-home ....
Hikaru: no problem Kaoru: we promise you that you won't see those two rapist again (smiles)
Tonia: *Nods* T-Thank you. (Hey ill be back later)
Kaoru: (smiles) you're welcome (awww...)
Tonia: *Opwns the door and waves bye- closes the door*
Hikaru and Kaoru: (waves too and calls the police)
~Next day at school~ Tonia: *Walking to class*
Hikaru and Kaoru: (walks toward Tonia) how you feeling today?
Tonia: *Looks up at them- smiles* I fine.
Hikaru: are you sure? Kaoru: did ya told your parents about it?
Tonia: *Nods* Y-Yea.
Kaoru: what did they say?
Tonia: T-They told me not ... to go out a-after dark .... anymore .....
Kaoru: oooh Hikaru: why was you out late at night anyway?
Tonia: I .... I like reading ... under the moonlight .... and i had nowhere to read because .... they were building a balcony off my room .....
Hikaru and Kaoru: oooooohhh...
Tonia: *Nods- stits down in her seat*
Hikaru and Kaoru: (sits in thier seats) George: (thinking) geez what's up with these twins?
Tonia: *Opens her book again and starts reading until class starts*
Christine: (playing a nintendo ds under her desk) George: (thinking about Tonia) Sasori: (reading a book too)
Tonia: *Reading- flips a page*
Hikaru and Kaoru: (chatting about the club and stuff) George: (starts drooling at a perverted image of Tonia)
Tonia: *Reading*
teacher: (finally comes in the classroom) sorry I'm late you guys! alot of stuff going on these days...okay lets get this class started!
Tonia: *Close her book and puts it in her bag- does whatever their doing for class*
christine: (turns off her DS) George: (still daydreaming) Teacher: (goes to Georges desk and slams the ruler on his desk) pay attention! George: (jumps) dah! o.o
Tonia: *Coppying the board*
Sasori: (copying the board as well) christine: (writing down every single word the teacher is saying) Hikaru and kaoru: (sitting there listening)
(Im gonna timeskip to at lunch period x3) ~Lunch bell rings~ Tonia: *Closes her Algebra book*
George: (runs toward Tonia) T-Tonia! helloooooo ^-^;
Tonia: Oh, um, Hello.
George: s-so! um...how are ya?
(OMG! New usaname!!! x3) Tonia: Fine, a-and you?
George: g-good hehe ^_^
Tonia: Thats good. *Stands up after grabing a small bento box*
George: so uh...w-wanna sit next to me in lunch? (thinking) I feel like a total dork!
Tonia: Um .... a-actually .... i was gonna sit with ... Hikaru and Kaoru but ..... i-i guess wi could sit together ... t-tomorow .... S-Sorry.
George: oh...ok...tomorrow...(walks away in shame) Christine: (watches him) tsk tsk tsk...
Tonia: *Walks out of the room and looks around for the twins*
Hikaru and Kaoru: (standing by the window in the hallway waiting for Tonia)
Tonia: *Walks over to them* H-Hi guys.
Hikaru and Kaoru: Hi Tonia! ^_^ (both sees Tonia's bento box) what did ya bring for lunch?
Tonia: Oh j-just some Ogrini and last nights leftovers.
Hikaru: thats cool Kaoru: lets go to lunch! (the twins skips thier way to the lunch room)
Tonia: *Giggles- walks folowing*
Hikaur and Kaoru: (in the lunch room sits down on a table)
Tonia: *Gets in and walkng over to the table*
Hikaru and Kaoru: (sees Tonia walking toward thier table and smiles and waves) George: (staring at Tonia) *.* Sasori and Christine: (minding thier own business)
Tonia: *Smiles- sits down across from them* S-So what are you two gonna do at club today?
Hikaru: well Tamaki said we're gonna have a whole day full of sweets.
Tonia: Candy? :3
Kaoru: yep! lots of candy today
Tonia: I like candy, its sweet.
Hikaru and Kaoru: you should join us!
Tonia: R-Really?
Kaoru: yeah really it'll be so much fun! ^w^
Tonia: Ok, ill come then. *Smiles*
Hikaru and Kaoru: yay!!! xD George: what are they so excited for?... Christine: (playing her DS) just leave them alone george.
Tonia: *Giggles- eats some of her lunch*
Hikaru and Kaoru: (eating thier lunch)
Tonia: *Bites some of her ogrini*
George: (watching Tonia eat) look at that sexy woman eating her ogrini...Christine: danggit george! will you stop talking about her so I can play Zelda the Minish cap!?
Tonia: *Giggles* Hey guys? (Omg i luv dat game!! x3)
Hikaru and Kaoru: (looks at Tonia) yeah? ((that's cool!! but...I never played it before T~T))
(x3 do u even have a DS?) Tonia: Could you guys actually waid for me instead of skipping off by yourselvs? *Giggles*
(sadly no >.<) Hikaru: oh (chuckles) sorry we'll wait for you ^-^
(x3 its ok, oh and pokemons a game fro the DS if u need another) Tonia: *Giggles* Thanks. (Oh and did u watch the whole series of Ouran?)
Kaoru: welcome! ( I kinda skipped a few episodes ._.)
(id u see the .... lobelia epi?) ~Lunche bell rings to end~ Tonia: *Packs up her box*
(no I don't think so) Hikaru and Kaoru: (packs up thier stuff) George: (still watching her)
(Aw darn, ok so how many exactly did u skip?) Tonia: Now you two dont go to fast ok? *Giggles*
(about....10 or maybe more episodes ._.) Hikaru and Kaoru: (was just about to skip again) okay!
(xD) Tonia: *Giggles- starts walking*
Hikaru and Kaoru: (walking with her)
Tonia: *Looks at them both* Hey guys? Are you two onto video games?
Hikaru: video games are pretty cool Kaoru: yeah.
Tonia: *Nods* Kay.
Hikaru: why you like videogames? Christine: (hearing thier conversation)
Tonia: Yea, my dad owns Nintendo corperation. *Giggles*
Hikaru: wow o.o Kaoru: that's cool! Christine: O.O what!!!!??? A nintendo corperation!!!!!!????? Sasori:...that was my ear...-_-
Tonia: *Giggles- looks back to Christine* Not A nintendo corperation, THE Nintendo corperation ^^
Christine: (gasp) that's so cooooooool~ *.* Sasori: there she goes again >.>
Tonia: *Giggles*
Christine: that must mean you have ALL nintendo games!!!
Me: Ohh ... yea, Square Enix, Bandai, and a whole bunch of others *Giggles*
Christine: oh my gosh! shut. up. you gotta be kidding me!
Tonia: Im not, dead serious~
Christine: (shrieks like a fangirl) you must take me to your place! *.* George: I wanna join!! Sasori: gee I wonder why >.>
Tonia: Any thime ^^ ( Waht about the twins??)
(almost forgot about those two o.o) Christine: yay!!!! XD Hikaru and Kaoru: (right behind Tonia) what about us?
Me: *Looks back at them* You two also of corse ^^
Hikaru and Kaoru: yay!!! XD (dances around) Christine: (dances with them) George: (daydreaming again) Sasori: (looking at the scene having a "whatever" look on his face)
Me: *Giggles*
Sasori: so do you like it here so far?
Tonia: *Nods*
Sasori: that's good. we hope if you'll stay...especially george >.>
Tonia: *Giggles some more*
wow ... now that i look at this ... this sux xD
XD hey I forgot I had a second account! imma fav these pics
lol & what time do u have to leave?
![Exclamation](images/smiles/icon_exclaim.gif) actually...right now I'm supposed to be in bed ._. I have to go before my mom yells at me D= m'sorry! see ya tomorrow!
(lets get this RP started! =D) George: (smiles thinking her giggles are cute) Christine: (stops dancing) so what's your most favorite video game of all? OwO
(Lol u got on @ the same time as me) Tonia: Well ... um ... i dono, i like so many i cant choose.
(XD) Christine: really? what about final fantasy games or something (sings) classiiiiic~ George: geez chris stop giving her a hard time! Christine: I'm not! >.<
Tonia: Well i havnt ... really played Final Fantasy ... i play pokemon though.
Christine: o really? pokemon is cool...what's your favorite pokemon? =D hikaru, Kaoru, and George: (thinking the same thoughts) she ask too many questions...
Tonia: Um ... i like ... Drifloon...
Christine: (blinks) that pokemon? well it is kinda cute ^-^
Tonia: *Nods- thinks to herself* Im hungry, cant i go now?
George: (stomach growls) O.O... (everyone looks at him)...I still haven't ate yet ^^; Sasori: go eat something. Christine: what about you? Sasori: I already ate sooo I'm gone. (walks away)
Tonia: Im ... hungry too ....
George: well lets eat! (takes out his bento box and puts on the table) Hikaru and Kaoru: (does the same) Chirstine: I'm not hungry. I've ate something earlier)
Tonia: *Takes out hers*
George: (opens his bento box while staring at the twins) Hikaru and Kaoru: (does the same while staring at George) Christine: (looks at them) >.> <.<
Tonia: *Opens hers and takes out her chopsticks*
George, Hikaru, and Kaoru: (grabs thier chopsticks still staring at each other) Christine: (question mark appears on top of her head) ?
Tonia: *Looks down at her bento, with cute flower shaped carrots, heard shaped Ongiri, and some rolled omlets*
Christine: (looks at Tonia's lunch) awww that cute. you made it youself? George: (has a bunch of rice with meatballs and hot sauce all over it) >.> hikaru: (almost the same as george but has carrots and no hot sauce) Kaoru: (almost the same as Tonia's but not heart shaped)
Tonia: *Nods* Yes *Eats one of the carrots*
Christine: ah cool George, Hikaru, and Kaoru: (still staring at each other with an "I will win" expression)
Tonia: *Eats some more*
George, hikaru, and Kaoru: (begins eating thier food as fast as they can) Christine: O.O...(speechless)
Tonia: *looks up at the boys*
George: (is winning) Hikaru: (is in second place) Kaoru: (last) Christine: (states the obvious) looks like George is winning.
Tonia: Huh?
christine: eating contest -_- George: (suddenly stops) my 'ounge!! DX why didn't I bring mah wadda!? Hikaru: HA!! (continues eating) Kaoru: (still eating)
Tonia: Oh ... *Eats*
chirstine: (watches the boys) George: (tries to eat his food) ahh so tingly >__< Hikaru: (chokes on his carrots) Kaoru: (stops eating) Hikaru! (pats on his back) George: (has food in his mouth) HMMM!! (continues eating)
Tonia: *Worried about Hikaru and eats*
(I'll brb gotta go to the store)
Hikaru: (completly swallows the carrot) I'm fine now! George: (is shocked and swallows his food) you're tougher than I expect Hikaru but this last piece of meatball will end this...(about to grab the meatball with his chopsticks until Kaoru grabs it before him) OI(hey)!!!! DX
Tonia: *Giggles and eats her rice ball*
Kaoru: hurry Hikaru! finish your meal!! Hikaru: kaoru...you didn't have to do that Kaoru: eat Hikaru! eat! Hikaru: (tears running down his face) I will. I will finish my meal. I WON'T LET YOU DOWN!!!! (starts eating faster than before) George: nuuuuuuueee!!! D= (tries to get his meatball out of Kaoru's grasp) Christine: *sigh* so dramatic -_-
Tonia: *giggles and eats*
George: (still trying to get his meatball) Kaoru: (holding on to the meatball) Hikaru: (finish his food and stands up) I am the winner!!!!!! George: nooooooooooo! (falls to his knees) I failed... Christine: get over yourself >.>
Tonia: *Eats an omlete*
Kaoru: (puts the meatball on the table) Hikaru: (grabs his brother's hand) kaoru... I thank you for helping me win...Christine: oh gawd
Tonia: *Blushes at their twincestyness*
Kaoru: oh hikaru...(looks at Hikaru with love in his eyes) Hikaru: kaoru...(looks at him the same way then hugs him) girls in the lunch room: (squeals at the scene with hearts in thier eyes) Christine: >.>
Tonia: *Looks down and eats trying not to be like everyone else (Im gonna dissapear soon, i have to go eat at BK)
(mkay) George: (feels left out) T_T Christine: ugh...>.>
Tonia: *Finishes and closes her bento*
Christine: (looks at Tonia) you don't like fanservice either?
Tonia: Um .... no comment...
Christine: uh huh -.- Hikaru and Kaoru: (is behind Tonia) you don't like us?
Tonia: *Blushes* N-No i do! i mean ... um ... i dono .... i like you guys though, as friends ...
Hikaru and Kaoru: yay! =D (fives each other) Christine: you blush alot.
Tonia: S-Shush you! I blush alot ok! *Stands up from her seat*
Christine: sorry just sating the obvious ^-^ George: (stands up) don't make fun of my an- I mean tonia! o.o Kaoru: no finish what you were about to say. (evil looking face) Hikaru: we won't do anything to you. promise. (same evil look)
Tonia: Huh??
George: (thinking) dang I should've said anything -_- (talks)...uh...anonymous o.o Christine: smoooooth >.>
Tonia: .... *Turns to leave and head back to class*
Hikaru and Kaoru: wait up! (follows her) George: (slams his hand against the table) how could I say such a word to Tonia! >_< Christine: hey you said it >.> (stands up and leaves) George: (hangs his head down) I'm a horrible person T_T (walks out the lunch room)
Tonia: *Heads toward the clasroom*
Hikaru and Kaoru: (still following her and finally caught up to her) Christine: come one slow poke! George: I'm coming...(head still hanging down while walking)
Tonia: *Keps walking*
Hikaru: you aren't annoyed about george are you? Kaoru: or could it be (whisper) christine?
Tonia: No no no, im not annoyed with anyone. *Walks*
Hikaru: so nothing is Kaoru: bothering you?
Tonia: Nope~
Hikaru and Kaoru: (smiles) that goooooood~ (spins around together)
Tonia: *Giggles*
Hikaru and Kaoru: (blushes alittle bit at her giggle and begins walking together)
Tonia: *Walks into the clasroom*
Hikaru and Kaoru: (follows) Christine: (goes to a girls bathroom) George: (still walking toward the class very slowly)
Tonia: *Goes and sits at her desk*
Hikaru and Kaoru: (sits on thier own desks) George: (walks in) teacher: George? what's the matter with you? George:...nothing....(sits on his seat shamefully)
Tonia: *Waits for calss to start*
Teacher: (blinks) oh well. kay people! class is about to start! sit down and shut up!!! Sasori: (already in class ready for class)
-after school- Hikaru and Kaoru: (skipping out of school) schools over time to have fun! ^o^ George: (still sulking) T_T Sasori:...okay what the fudge happened to George?
Tonia: *Walks over to George* Um ... George ... is somthing bothering you?
George: (looks at Tonia)...I acceidently called you an anonymous...T_T Sasori:...that's it?
Tonia: You really think .. i care about somthin stupid like that?
George:...you're not angry? o.o
Tonia: No.
George: (immediately stops sulking and is now happy) yayz~ ^-^ Sasori: (whispers to Tonia) I'm sorry we have wierd people in this school.
Tonia: *Whispers back* Its ok, im used to weird. *She turns and heads out the door*
Tonia: *Whispers back* Its ok, im used to weird. *She turns and heads out the door*
Sasori: ah you can deal with it better than I can (takes out his book while opening the door) George: (is now walking happily while singing the happy song)
Tonia: Perhaps. *Walks down stae stairs and out the front door*
Sasori: yeah...so anything you like about this school?
Tonia: Um ... a lot of stuff, the school itself it beautiful, huge ....
Sasori: *nods* Christine: (is right behind Tonia) hey dar =D
Tonia: *Jumps lightly, stops walking and turns around*
Christine: I'm going to your place~ and get to see all the video games there right? =D
Tonia: Um .. im not sure about today ... ita a but unexspected, how about ... tomorow ok?
Christine: okay I'll wait until tomorrow -w- (walks off) (gotta go to bed. night)
Tonia: *Waves and walks over tothe car that was waiting for her* (Night)
Christine: (goes in the car that's waiting for her) Tamaki: (is right behind Tonia) hellooooooo Tonia~
Tonia: *Turns around* Oh ... hello ... Tamaki-Sempai.
Tamaki: enjoying your day so far? Hikaru and Kaoru: (watches them in the background)
Tonia: Oh, its been allright.
Tamaki: that's good. (takes out a rose) it'll be horrible for a beautiful woman like you to have a bad day Haruhi: (in the background) >.> tamaki...
Tonia: Oh .. no .. its alright ... but should you really be flirting with me in front of Haruki *Points to her*
Tamaki: (slowly turns around and sees Haruki) Haruhi: (gives Tamaki an evil look) George: (points at Tamaki) HA!!! =D
Tonia: *Waves* Bye *Steps into her car and closes the door*
George: (waves) bye Tonia! Honey: (on Mori's shoulders) bye Tonia! have a nice day ^o^ Haruhi: (grabbing Tamaki by the ear)
Tonia: *Waves as the car drives off*
Daniel and Derrek: (is seen walking out of the school)
~Later that evening~ (hope u dont mind me timeskipping) Tonia: *In her room playing tennis on her Wii*
(I don't mind) Daniel and Derrek: (is outside her window watching her play the wii)
Tonia: *In a spagetti strap shirt & short shorts, running back and forth hitting the virtual tennis ball*
Daniel: (watches her as he reaches for his pants) Derrek: (his hands is already inside his pants rubbing his junk) *sorry I have a sick mind >.>*
Tonia: *Stops when she wins- wipes her forhead* Wew~ That was fun .. what shoul i play next? *Leans down and looks at all of her game cases, the window is behind her so her bot is all there for them to see* (No problemo, so do i, i have a sex slave story with pink, feel free to look~)
Daniel: (zips down his zipper to let his dingdong spring out and begins rubbing) Derrek: (rubs his junk faster while breathing hard) *really? =D I'll check it out when I feel like it*
Tonia: Yoga! *Changes it to Wii Fit and pulls out the mat thinggy* (okai and i may get some stuff wrong cause i dont own a Wii yet >.<))
Daniel and Derrek: (thinking) y-yoga!? (both have the perverted look on thier faces) (it's alright I don't know half the things about the wii xD)
Tonia: *Stands on the mat and streches* (xD)
Daniel and Derrek: (still watching her while rubbing thier junks)
Tonia: *Streches and reaches her toes, tstands back up and streches to the side*
Derrek: (rubbing faster almost at his limit breathing harder) Daniel: (still rubbing his junk breathing not as hard as derrek)
Tonia: Tonia: *Steps off the mat* Im bored now~ Maybe i shoud get changed and head to bed~
Derrek: what!!!?? Daniel: shhh! (covers Derrek's mouth with his hand and himself and derrek in the bushes) Derrek: (has a disgusted look on his face)
Tonia: *Streches not hearing them, lifts up her shirt taking it off, not wearing a bra underneath*
Derrek and Daniel: (eye's widen and thier dingdongs springs up)
Tonia: *Slides off her shorts, in her undies, walks over to her drawr and pulls out a white bra*
Derrek and Daniel: (going back to rubbing thier junks again)
Tonia: *Puts her bra on* Bed time~ *Yawns*
Derrek: (crawls toward the window wanting to open it) Daniel: (still rubbing his junk)
Tonia: *Walks over to her door closing it and flips a switch turning on her celing fan- walks over to her TV to do somthin* (How long do u have till u have to get off?)
Derrek: (tries to open the window quietly) (I can stay on as long as I can until i'll get sleepy.)
Tonia: *Makes her TV look as if theirs purple and pink lava in it like a lava lamp* Yay~ (AWESOME~ ... ur not sleepy r u?)
Derrek: (successfully opens the window and goes in very quietly) Daniel: (follows) (I'm wide awake xD)
Tonia: *Stares at her TV* (Me too, im waiting for it to be 12 over here, what time is it where u are? Its 11:02)
Derrek and daniel: (crawls over to Tonia) (right now it's 11:11)
Tonia: *Yawns* (Oh, where do u live? On the east coast? We're in the same time zone)
Derrek: (jumps up and covers Tonia's mouth) Daniel: (jumps on her and tries to take off her clothes) (I live in Michigan)
Tonia: MMFF!!! (Ohhh)
Derrek: shh be quiet you! Daniel: (takes off her short shorts and panties) (yep...how about you?)
Tonia: *Strugles* (Rhode Island~)
Daniel: ( grabs her legs and digs his tounge in her...private) Derrek: (holding her down) (ohhhh...hey you know what notice? there's not alot of nicknames for vagina...atleast none that I heard of)
Tonia: A-Ah!! (Um, pussy, vag ... i think thats it xD)
Daniel: (continues to lick her) Derrek: (sticks his hands under her bra and squeezes her boob) (those I already knew xD I once heard va-jay-jay)
Tonia: L-Let me go! Ill scream! (lol)
Derrek: (grabs her neck with his other hand) you won't say a word Daniel: (sticks his finger in her vag)
Tonia: Ah! *gripping his hand trying to get it away*
Derrek: (is too strong and still gripping her neck) Daniel: (twists his finger around)
Tonia: *Coughing*
Daniel: (pulls his pants down showing his excited dingdong about to put it in)
Tonia: *Coughs and strugles roughly not wannting to loose her virginity just from rape*
Daniel: (grabs her legs to stop her from struggling and tries to put it in)
Tonia: *Keeps strugeling*
Derrek: (still holding her down) Daniel: (pushes it in)
Tonia: *Tries to yell out*
Derrek: (roughly kisses her on the lips) Daniel: (begins thrusting slowly)
Tonia: *Crying, trying to struggle*
Daniel: (thrusting faster) Derrek: (forcefully puts his tounge in her mouth)
Tonia: *struggles harder but then gets an idea & bites Derreks tounge*
Derrek: dah! (falls off the bed) Daniel: (still in her) derrek you idiot!
Tonia: *Sits up and tries to push Daniel away & out of her*
Daniel: (is out of her and falls off the bed as well) derrek: (whispers to himself) and you call me an idiot >.> ow my tounge >_<
Tonia: *Screams* FATHER!!!! Tonias Dad: *Loud foosteps can be heard running down the hall*
Derrek: oh sh**!! (runs out the window) Daniel: (tries to put his pants back on while running but trips and falls) sh**!!
Dad: *Opens the door seeing his daughter and daniel on the ground* WHAT THE HELL?!
Daniel: oh f**k!! (fully puts his pants on and attempts to run out the window)
Dad: *Grabs him by the back of his collar and lifts him up* Who the hell r u and what have you done to my daughter?
Daniel: (struggles to put him down) n-none of yur business gramps!
Dad: *Holds him to his face* Do i look like a gramps to you? *His looks are in his late 20s early 30s*
Daniel: (takes a good look at him)....no sir
Dad: *Looks at Tonia* Is ths the guy? Tonia: *nond* Well ... one of them, the other went out the window. Dad: *Looks back to Daniel* So far youve donw this twice to my daughter, what do you have to say for yourself?!
Daniel:.....it's not my fault your daughter is hot.
Dad: *Hits him hard upside the head* If i were you id keep my mouth shut, im sending you to the police.
Daniel: ow...(rubs his head and curse under his breath)
Dad: Wheres your freind or whatever?
Daniel: he probably went home already....seeing how fast he can run
Dad: *Looks at Tonia* Your safe sweetie ok? Tonia: *Nods* Dad: *Carries Daniel out* Tonia: *Gets dressed qyuckly and gets into bed*
Daniel: put me down already!
Dad: No (Timeskippeh? ur turn since i did the last one)
-next day- Hikaru and Kaoru: (both went out the door about to go in the car) *I'm getting kinda sleepy...I'm gonna go to bed night*
Yonia: *allready in her car heading for school*
Hikaru and Kaoru: (sees Tonia in the car and waves at her) Tonia!!!
Tonia: *Sees them and waves- giggles*
Hikaru and kaoru: (smiles and went inside the car) Sasori: (is seen walking to school)
~Later at school~ Tonia: *Steps out of her car*
George: (jumps out the car, runs up to her and takes a few deep breaths before speaking) T-Tonia! how are ya? ^^
Tonia: Good, and you? *Smiles*
George: (blushes alittle at her smile) I-I'm fine Christine: (kicks the car door opened and runs toward Tonia) Toniaaaaaaaaa~
Tonia: *Looks over at her* Oh, hi Christine ^^
Christine: hiya ^-^ so! may I go over to yur house after school? =D George: (looking at Christine with an annoyed look on his face)
Tonia: *Nos and smiles* Yes, i asked my father last night and he said it was ok.
Christine: yay!!! ^o^ (jumps up and down and hugs her) (I'll be gone for alittle bit)
(awww okay) Tonia: *Smiles*
(I'm back =)) Sasori: (is seen in the background walking to the school door) Christine: (stops hugging her) good thing I brung my video games with me ^-^ George: (pokes Christine's shoulder) I was talking to Tonia first >.>
Tonia: *Giggles* Is their somthing in particular you want to talk to me about George?
George:...uh (blushes more)...can I join you two? Christine: (trying not to laugh at how red George is) X3
Tonia: Of corse *Smiles* the more the merrier~
George: (falls to his knees and grabs Tonia's hands gently) thank you...you're so kind (starts to cry) Christine: oh gawd
Tonia: *Giggles and turns to a laugh* Ok, ok.
Honey: Tonia!!! (runs toward her-looking adorable) Hi ^-^
Tonia: *(Smiles* Hello Hunny-Sempai~
Honey: (smiles back) The twins just texted me on the phone wanting me to tell you that they will be here pretty late. Incase if you're wondering ^-^
Tonia: Oh ok ... thanks for tellin me.
Honey: no problem! (runs toward Mori and jumps on his back) Tamaki: (is seen in the background crying on Kyouya's shoulder and shouting) I'M SO WORRIED!!!! I HOPE THE TWINS ARE SAFE!!!!! TT_TT George: (stands up) they're probably stuck on traffic.
Tonia: *Nods- heads for the door of the building*
George and Christine: (follows her)
Tonia: 8They eventually get to the class and walk in*
George and christine: (walks in the class and got in thier seats) Sasori: (already in his seat hiding his face with a book)
Tonia: *Walks past him* Hi Sasori *Sits in her seat*
Sasori: hi...
Tonia: *waits for class to start*
(Running footsteps are heard getting louder and louder) Teacher: (hearing the footsteps) what the...? Hikaru and Kaoru: (burst through the door breathing hard) we are NOT late!!!!!
Tonia: *Tries not to laugh*
(bell rings) Hikaru and Kaoru: YES!!!!!! (high fives eachother and happily skips to thier seat) ^-^ Teacher: (blinks)...okay let's start class! (writes stuff on the board)
Tonia: *Giggles and takes otes* (hey, ill be really quick, shower)
George and Christine: (takes notes as well while having smiles on thier faces) X3 Sasori: (puts his book down. his eyes are red like he was crying. takes notes) (okai)
-after school- Hikaru and Kaoru: (skipping to thier club room)
Tonia: *Packing up her books*
Christine: (happily walks up to Tonia) ready to go yet? ^-^
Tonia: Uh, yes, one second. *Packs the rest of her books*
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