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Me: XD Geting famous eh Ryuukyou? Ryuukyou: *sighs*
=3 i only glmop cute, hot and or smexxi guys x3 or my friends XD
Me: Yeah same with me XD Ryuukyou: ... whatever
aww but itsa good thing ryuukyou ^-^honest~
Ryuukyou: I don't care... the only time people got close to me was to hurt me.
= *clings to his leg* nut im innnnnocccceneeeeennnnttt~!!!! i dont hurt anyones characters unless they hurt me first ^-^ *thining~ hope he doesnt know im tottally not innocent*
Ryuukyou: *sweatdrops* Ok ok just let go of my leg!
*giggles and lets him go* =3
Ryuukyou: Are all the girls like this? Me: Hm... Mostly XD Ryuukyou: *sweatdrops again*
*stick stounge out* i has a demon buddy~ ^-^ kinda like u >.> <.< ut hes just a lil boy *slight sweatdrop*
Ryuukyou: You're friends with a demon? *not used to see demons geting treated friendly*
e: yeha keitaro-kun x3 hes only like 6 or maybe 7 or wa sit 8 XD i forget~
Ryuukyou: *slight sweatdrop* You have memory problems
i havent tlake dot him in person in liek pshh.... *counte son fingers* er... june...? .. oh i remeber! XD hes 6 =3 ima go get him, *walks off to get him*
Ryuukyou: *sweatdrops gets bigger* What the...
--ike 20 minutes later-- me: *comes bkac holding keitaros hand* =3 seee~? kaitaro: *is one of those shy lil kids hides behind my leg*
Ryuukyou: *glances at him* Me: Awwww ^^ so cute
me: isnt he? x3 keitaro: *hiding behind my mostly*
Me: *waves at him* Hi, don't be shy... Ryuukyou: ...
me: this is kaitrao x3 kaitaro these are some frined of mien =3 rei and ryuukyou kaitaro: *glancs at ryuukyou thinking~ hes a demon?~- cna tell when seomone is a demon even if he cant see them*
Me: *smiles* Ryuukyou: Uh... hi.
keitaro: *hiding slgihtly still* m: >.> <><
he's really good looking
(Thanks ^^) Me: *looks at Ryuukyou like insentivating him to talk* Ryuukyou: Hm... so you're a demon uh?
keitaro: *nods lgihtly*
Ryuukyou: Well feel lucky that you're a kid. There are Demon Hunters around here. Me: *sweatdrops* Did you really have to say that??
me: *had sweatdroped too* kaitaro: th-they dont scar eme.... they neevr will...
Ryuukyou: *smirks* I like this kid. Me: Well that's a new...
me: o.o" .... oh wow.... keitaro: *still hding a bit* (g2g *sihgs* -.-" i ahte this girl nicole in rl shes 8 and a bitch)
Ryuukyou: Eh.. he reminds of me when I was a kid... I used to hide behind my mom a lot... Me: Oh... (Ok and o.o so young and allready a pain)
me: *giggles* awww~ keitaro: *sweatdopr mumbles~ but shes so not my mom~*
Ryuukyou: *heard him* I know she's not, you just act like I used to hiding behind her.
he looks so KEWL!!!! ^o^
Thanks ^.^
your welcome :3
kaitro: *same*
Ryuukyou: *sighs randomly* So... as a demon, what powers do you have?
keitaro: *shrugs lgihtly* i-i dont really know yet.... my master said i wont know till im 8~
Ryuukyou: Oh... well I'm not a full demon so I don't know those kind of rules... Me: Yeah Ryuukyou can create black fire and black tornados
me: nice~ keitaro: t-thats cool~! me: keitaro, doesnt know what type of demon he is, no one knows, so thats why he wont know for a while~
Me: Oh... Ryuukyou: *shrugs* I guess...
me: *pats keitaros head* atleast hes cute for ow~ =3
Me: Yeah ^^ But Ryuukyou's cute too *hugs him* Ryuukyou: *sweatdrops*
me: *giggles* no, duh, hes not cute..... hes hot! *glomps him* keitaro: *covers his mouth not to giggle*
Ryuukyou: *sweatdrop gets bigger* Not again >_< Me: *laughs*
me: =3 keitaro: *dame*
Ryuukyou: *sighs* Me: Face it, you are a girl magnet ^^
me: yesindeed he is ^-^
Ryuukyou: Is that a good thing? Me: Yes, at least until you get a girlfriend
me: yeah then all living fnagirl will be dead o.e" keitaro: *had walked ove rna climbe dnto sitting in a tree while we we'rent paying attention*
Me: *giggles* Yeah Ryuukyou: *sweatdrops*
me: =3 keitaro: *same*
Me: *notice Keitaro isn't there* Where's Keitaro? Ryuukyou: *can sense him - points out the tree* Over there
keitaro: o.o" *small sweatdrop giggle lgihtly and sticks his tougne out* me: *looks o.o" oh oww, hes fast...
Me: I didn't even notice him geting in that tree o.e Ryuukyou: Wonders of being small...
me: me niether o.e" keitaro: *yaws lgihtly*
Ryuukyou: I could disappear from here as well... Me: *holds his arm to prevent his escape* But you're not disappearing... *dark glare* Are you? Ryuukyou: o.e Uh.. n-no
me: yeah... ar eyou...? *uses a flashlightl to make a as stupid as narutos scary flashlgiht face* -.-" keitaro: *leans his head agianst the trucnk on the branch hes on*
Ryuukyou: *steps away from you* o_e I... am.. not... Me: *scary voice* Good...
me: *puts my flashlgiht away* ketaro: *eyes closing slgihtly*
Ryuukyou: *sighs (I gotta go)
(mmkay =/) me: *looks at keitaro* he looks tired* keitaro: *same*
Me: Maybe he needs some sleep.
me: maybe~
Ryuukyou: *yawns* Me: Shouldn't you take him to sleep?
me: if he'll evne come down *sweatdrop* he doesnt like goign anywhere by force and gets stubborn, once hes founda spot to sit, he sits...
Me: Uh... now that's a problem... Ryuukyou: Just grab a pillow, give it to him and let him sleep there. Me: *huge sweatdrop* You're kidding right?
me: ryuukyou, he could get sick sleeping i an tree or fall otu of it!
Ryuukyou: *shrugs* I slept in trees since I was 15 and I'm still alive... Me: Don't be stupid, he's just a kid.
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