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rate and comment plzz X3
Sexy.x3 By the way, did you finish watching Death Note?x3
not really  I've only seen half a episode ^-^"
xD lol, I finished it! It's addictive to me.
I suppose I always see in front of all but I forget it again and again xD I love Yagami Light <3
Do you like Light Yagami or Kira Light Yagami?OwO (Yes I classify Light Yagami and Kira in different categories even if they are the same person.xD) And yes I like Light Yagami.<3
i like both Yagami Light and Kira Light Yagami x3
Yay! Me too! I love Kira's evil smile!>=D
Me: *makes Kira smile*  xD
xD Me:
I have even a Death Note xD
A death note?=O
yes ^-^ but no real... unfortunately xD
xD You want to kill people?OwO
maybe ... who knows xD *evil smirk*
xD Wow. That's evil. Would you kill people you hate, or kill murderers like kira?OwO
I do not really, although but some would have earned. But killing is not the answer
I agree, killing is not the answer.
then you do not how better to make it
Do you like Ryuk?(sorry random question.xD I like ryuk!<3)
yes Ryuk is cool *~*
XO X3 I love his laugh too.xD
although Rem is also cool *~* I once found a site because it is claimed that Rem is female xD
xD Yeah, I like Rem too!~:3 and yeah she's female.x3
Omg O__O provides not just from female... and I always thought Rem is male TT~TT
Oh,At first I thought Rem was a male, than I found out she was female.^-^"
see all Shinigamis somehow from male o__O
Yeah. xD You read the Death Note manga?
yes, the Black Edition with over 300 pages ^-^"
=O Wow, so you know what happens at the end? =(
I know by AMV's what happens at the end
Oh, it was soo sad. =(
yes  and the two real movies I've seen
I cried when Light died.  and I haven't seen the movie yet. ^-^"
*L stance* I resist me always cry as much as possible
=( It was sad when L died too. Did you like Teru Mikami?
Teru Mikami, I do not really know only from pictures
Oh. I like him.=D Do you like Misa? L?(Sorry for all the questions.XD)
L is cool <3 I ask myself just as much as he can eat sweets without the fat to become  and Misa is sweet ^-^ (no prob. ^-^)
I was thinking the same thing! lol  and yeah Misa is sweet.x3
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