Kita and Kana x3
your welcome
Kita and Kana are pretty and Sai is cute back there.xD ha, ha!*glomps him*:3
Sai:T^T Help...
Me:*pokes Sai's face*x3
Sai: Dx
Me: What's wrong?x3 I'm annoying, right?xD
Sai:Yes!*Pushes you off*
Me: Aww, but you look cute.3x
Sai:>.> I don't care.
Me:=) and that's why I like you.(xD lol)
Sai:I'm going somewhere else..*Leaves*
Me: Don't leave!Dx
Sai:But I have to...go on a mission!
Me: Ooh!~ I wanna come!=D
Sai:O_O No!
Me: Yes!~ >8D
Sai: D< No!This is a man's mission only,and you're not a man :3
Me: Aw, no fair!D=< I'm going to hokage to ask her! >=D*runs to Tsunade*
Sai:No you're not! *Runs after you*
Me:*gets to the door* Yes!~
Sai:*Tackles you*
Sai:*Quickly gets up and bursts through Tsunade's door* Tsunade! Don't let her go!
Me:*runs through Tsunade's door too* No Tsunade! Let me go!~ Please!~
Tsunade:Go where? Sai:Mission. Tsunade:I didn't give Sai a mission...
Me:*smiles*(xD) If you do, Can I go on it?:3
Sai:No! *Runs away*
Me:*runs after him* Sai, come back!
Me: Why not?
Sai:I don't know..because I don't feel like it.
Me: =0
Sai: x3
Me:=( (This is Akemi!x3)
Sai:....Fine.*Comes back*(I know :3)
Me: Yay!*glomps Sai >=)*(yay!*hugs you*x3)
Sai:=.= (x3 Yay!)
Me:=3 (x3)
Sai:..Can I go now?
Me: Okay.*gets off*
Me: =3
Sai:Ok.*Goes home* Oh,and don't follow me!
Me:*thinks~ Darn it!~*
Sai:*Thinks* She better not...
Me:*thinks~ Maybe I can follow him!~8D*
Sai:*Walks through his front door*
Me:*follows quickly*
Sai:*sees her*
Sai:Am I seeing things?
Me:*still hiding quietly*
Sai:...Huh,sometimes makes me wonder..*Goes in his room*
Me:*follows quietly*
Me:*watches quietly*
Sai:..I'm hungry.*Goes to the kitchen*
Sai:*Grabs a snack and goes back to his room-drawing*( He's drawing you,Akemi xD)
(lol,xD  *literally has a giggling fit* xDDDD)Me:*follows quietly*
(xD I'm going to upload what he drew) Sai:*Still drawing*
(xD I would love to see. And I have a feeling he drew me bad.xD)Me:*watches*
(xD Yeah) Sai:*Finishes up*
(xD) Me:*still watching*
(I uploaded it)
(I saw.xD)
(xD) Sai:I'm done..*Goes into the living room and out the door*
Me:Huh?*follows him out*
Sai:O_O I got to pee.*Finds the nearest bush and pees*xD
Sai:*Finishes* Kita:*Out of no where-sees Akemi* I see you two on a date :3 Sai:Two?!
(xD)Me:*smiles* Hi.^-^
Sai:O_O You were stalking me!! Kita:>.> No I wasn't! Sai:Not you!,Akemi! Kita:Oh..
Me: Yes!~ 8D (xD)
Sai: =.=
Me:*Giggles and waves*x3(xD lol)
Sai:Weird..Kita come here! Kita: :3 Ok.
Sai:Do you know how to draw? Kita:Uh,yeah. Sai:Ok then,could you draw a picture of Akemi and I to compare it to mine? Kita:Sure.
M: Ooh.~*takes out a piece of paper and draws me and Sai,xD*(I love drawing.~x3)
Kita:xD (I wonder how she'll draw 'em)
Me:*still drawing*x3
Kita: x3 Can I see what you have so far?
Me:Sure.:3*shows her a pic of me hugging Sai*x3
Kita: ^w^ Aww.
Me:^w^*continues drawing* Thanks.<3
Kita:^-^ Wait until Sai sees it xD
Me: I'm done!~~^-^
Kita&Sai:Let me see it!!
Me:*shows the picture* Ta-da!~^w^
Kita:*claps* Sai:...You suck.
Me:*sarcastic* I know, right?(xD lol)
Sai:xD Yeah. (xD)
Me:=3*pokes Sai's cheek*
Sai: >.< No touchy.
Me: Why not?x3
Sai:>.> Because I said so.
Me:=( Dx
Sai:x3 But I can poke you *Pokes you*
Me: Okay.^-^(xD)
Me: :3
Me:^3^ '3' are you fake smiling?(xD)
Sai: :> Yes.
Me:Dx I knew it!
Sai:I knew too. ^-^
Me: xD
Sai:xD Is right.(T^T Akemi,when are you going to edit you and Sai? I wanna see how you edit yourself.)
Me:=3(Dx Soon I will,and if you want to know, go to my "Akemi moonlight angel"account. Just type in Shizuka in the search box and press the purple head girl. Then go to my account and press the Akemi,or me album) ^w^)
Sai: :B (Ok ^w^)
Sai:=.= Why are we doing this?
Me: No reason in particular.x]
Sai: =.=" Ok then..
Me:*pokes Sai again xD*
Sai:T^T Why do you keep doing that?(How my gift going so far?)
(I was out all day, but I'm working on it now.:3)Me: Becauz your cute!~ x3
(x3 Ok) Sai:No I'm not..
Me: Yes you are!~x3
Me: :3
Sai: T^T
Me:8D*colors in the picture of Sai and me*83
(xD) Me:*continues to color*
Sai: The only part of me you need to color is the:Hair,eyes,and clothes.
Me: I know. Since your skin is so pale, I don't need to color it , right?
Me: :3*still coloring* I hate crayons! Dx
Sai:So do I.Colored pencils are better.
Me:^w^ Yeah.
Sai:Are you almost done?
Me:*finishes coloring* I am done.:3
Sai:Can I see it?
Me: Sure!~ x3*shows him*
Sai: :3 Pretty good.
Me:*hugs him* Thank you!~ :3
Sai: o_O You're..welcome..
Sai:Can I go home now?
Me: Maybe!~ :3
Sai:*Walks home* Bye!
Me: Bye.T^T
Sai:Ok,then!*Goes home*
Sai:*At home*
(Sorry, I didn't see you comment. Dx) Me: T^T*sulking*
(That's ok xD) Sai:*Drawing*
Me:*takes out piece of paper and draws*
Sai:*Sneaks up on her* What are you drawing? :3
Me:*shocked* Woah!~ *turns around*Sai-kun!~*hugs Sai* I thought you were gone!~ x3(xD) I'm drawing you, again!~ x3
Sai: o_e Ok...
Me:=3*gets off and continues drawing him*
Sai:....You confuse me sometimes...
Me: I know.x3
Sai:T^T But why?!
Me: Because its fun.x3*colors the picture*
Sai: �� How is it fun?!?!?!
Me: You look funny when you confused.:3
Me: =P x3*finishes coloring*Donee!~ x3
Sai:Can I see it?
Me:*shows Sai* Like it?x3
Sai:Uh..yeah.(x3 Right now,I'm making a rant for Sukaya(My Rpc),Naruto's wife)
(xD Okay x3)Me: You look so cute here!*hugs the picture*
Sai: o_e Are you ok?
Me:*takes out pocky and nods* Yes!~*eats pocky*8D Pocky is good for the soul!~(xD)
Sai: "T^T (xD It's up)
( I'll check it out.x3)Me:Want some pocky?
Sai:Uh,no thanks.
Me: Okay!*eats some more pocky*x3
Sai:Nevermind,I want some!
Me: Okay.*gives him some*:3
Sai:*Eats it* (T^T I never had pocky before)
(It's delicious!~  but too small D:)Me:*takes out 5 pocky sticks and eat them* T^T Why is pocky so small?
Sai:�� Because they made them like that!
(xD lol) Me: I know, but still you can't be satisfied with 1! D: Your satisfied with 5 or 10! D8
Sai:=.= Ok..
Me: xD It's true!
Me:*takes a kunai and shoves it in the ground*
Sai:Why did you do that?
Me: I'm bored.~ Dx
Me: Are you bored, too?
Me:What should we do?
Sai: Dx I don't know!
Me: Let's go by the river!~x3*grabs his hand and runs toward the river*
Sai:*Being pulled* Fine! Just stop pulling on me!
Me:Okay.*lets go and stops running*
Sai:I'm coming,just keep on going.
Me: okay!*runs on*
Sai:*Mutters* Man she's weird...Wait up!
(xD)Me:*gets to the river* :3
Sai:*Follows after* Ok,we're here.Now what do you want?
Me: I want you to walk on water with me!x3
Sai: Dx But I don't want to! I want to draw! :3
Me: Aww. Please! D: But you always draw, like me.
Sai: �� Fine!*Gets on the water*
Me: =D Yay!*focus chakra and jumps on the water*
Sai:*Thinking* If only she fell in..
(xD If I fell I would panic because I can't swim. 3x) Me:*running around on the water* Whee!~ x3
Me:*still running*
Sai:*Accidently falls in* Dx
Me: Sai!*runs over*Are you okay?*grabs his hand and starts to pull him up*
Sai:Yeah,I'm fine.
Me: Okay!*helps him up*
Sai:*Gets up* So what should we do now?
Me: Let's climb that mountain!:3*points to a big high mountain*
Sai:WHAT THE F***! What if I fall off!?!?!
Me: Your a ninja! Think like one! Your land on your feet, like a cat ...... or die!~
Me: ^-^ Doesn't that encourage you a little?(xD)
Me: Aww, Plz! D8
Me: Yay!*runs over to the mountain* (This is something I'll probably never do in real life.xD)
Sai:*Same* (I know OwO )
Me:*starts to climb the mountain*
Sai:*Runs up the mountain*
Me: hey! Wait for me!*runs up the mountain too*
Sai:*Waits for her*
Me:*catches up* Thanks!:3
Sai:You're welcome.*Runs up the mountain more xD*
(xD) Me:-_-*runs after him*
Sai: x3
Me:*catches up*ha!~
Sai:=.= *Runs faster*
Me:*runs faster too*
Sai:*Runs even faster*
Me:*runs very fast*
Sai:*Runs more and reaches the top*
Me:*smiles and reaches the top- starts laughing* xDD
Sai:Why are you laughing,I got here first?
Me: That's why I'm laughing! I tricked you into racing me up the mountain so you wouldn't make a big deal and complain. And you felt for it!xDD
Sai:...I hate you.
Me: I know. But I loves u.x3
Sai: >.> Stalker...
Me: ^w^ Thanks!~*hugs Sai*(xD)
Me:jk! I got bored! I'm not a stalker!Dx
Me: Did you bring your drawing notebook?:3
Sai: :3 Yes.*Pulls it out*
Me: Now you can draw this beautiful view!*_*
Sai:Uh..ok.*Starts to draw*
Me: x3*takes out drawing notebook and draws too*
Sai:*Still drawing*
Me:*goes over to Sai* How's the drawing going?>w<
Sai:Good,I'm almost done.
Me: That was quick!~ O.<
Sai: x3 Yesh.
Me:*continues drawing*
Sai:*Finishes* I'm done!*Shows her*
Me: Oooh!~*-* *steals the picture*x3
Sai:Hey! Give me back my drawing!
Me: But it's awesome!D8*finishes drawing* I'm done!~x3
Sai:>.>....*Steals her drawing*
Me: Hey! Gimme back my drawing!D8
Sai:>< Not until you give me back MY drawing!
Me:But I want both of them!>3<
Sai:...No you don't.
Me: Yes I do. 8D
Sai:No....you don't.
Me: Yes .... I do. 83
Sai:..If you give me my drawing,I'll give you yours :3
Me: >.< Fine.*gives back his drawing* Here.>,,>
Sai: :3 Here's your drawing.*Hands it to her*
Me:*takes the picture*>w<
me: Let's jump down this mountain now!^w^
Sai:...I rather draw a bird,then fly on it :3
Me: Cheater.~ >.> I wish I can do that.>w<
Sai:You can fly on it too!
Me:Thank you!^-^*glomps him*
Sai:You're welcome.(x3 Did you see the picture of Naruto and Sukaya on a date?)
(Yes.OwO) Me:*gets off*x3
Sai:*Gets on the bird*
Me: Wait for me! D8
Sai:Well,get on!
Me:*jumps on*
Sai:Ok! Bird:*Flys away*
Me: Wow, what a view.>w<
Sai:It sure is..
Me:*watches the view*
Sai:*Draws the view*
Me:*watches him* :3
Sai:Why are you watching me?
Me: Because it's fun!x3
Sai:...Do you have a crush on me or something?
Me: Um, somewhat.^-^" I like alot of people like Sasuke, Suigetsu, Sora, Deidara, Hidan, and more.^w^
Me: ^w^
Me: I fear heights.^-^
Sai:Uh,good for you. *Still drawing*
(xD) Me:=_=
Sai: >.> Well sorry!
Me: It's okay.~ x3 *hugs him*
Sai: :3 Ok.
Me: So, hows the leaf village?x3
Sai:It's awesome!
Me: Cool!~ :3
Sai:So,how's...your..village doing?
Me: Okay. I wish it was awesome there. T-T
Sai:What village are you from anyway?
Me: I don't live in one village. I live in many actually, so all the villages I went to are okay.=3 (xD lol)
Me: x] I'm a traveller.
Me: Because it's fun to travel to place to place. I love exploring. x3
me: x]
Sai:Which village was your favorite to visit?
Me: The sound village.>=D Jk!xD The mist village?
Sai:Why it the Mist village your favorite?
Me: Actually it's not my favorite village. I like the leaf as well.
Me: x] You sound bored.
Sai:Well I am..do you think we should get off of this bird now?(They're still flying xD)
(lol, I know.xD)Me: Oh, I almost forgot!~ Sure we can get off.~x3
Sai:Ok.*Lands the bird* So now what?
Me: Let's ask the hokage for a mission!*3*
Sai:T^T But I don't want a mission!
(Sorry, I was watching something.xP)Me: But I'm bored. +_+
Sai:We can carve something...
Me: Like?
Sai:Anything! :3
Me: But I'm too lazy to think .w.
Sai:What about me?
Me: What do you have in mind?=3
Sai:...We could carve eachother..
Me: Sure.~
Sai:Ok!*Gets peices of wood out*
Me:*thinks~ If only I knew how to carve people.~* *takes a piece of wood too*
Sai:Do you know how to carve? If not,I could teach you.
Me:*thinks~ he read my mind~* Thanks, may you teach?
Sai:Ok.*Shows her*
Sai:*Minutes later-done explaning* Now you see?
Me: Yeah.*-*
Sai:Ok! So let's start! *Starts to carve*
Me:*carves too*
Sai:*Still carving*
Me:*carves too*
Sai:*Minuites later-* I'm almost done!
Me: Me too.
Sai:Then after we carve,we can paint them! x3
Me: You have the best ideas!~ x3
Sai:x3 Yes I do!
Me: I'm done!~~^-^
Sai:Then paint it!
Me: You have paint?:3
Sai:Yesh ^w^ *Gives her some*
Me:*takes some and paints*^w^
Sai:*Starts to paint*
Sai:*Still painting*
Me: I'm done!~*shows Sai*^-^
Sai:Great!*Finishes up*
Me: Thanks!^-^
Sai:^-^ I'm done too! *shows her*
Me: Awesome!~^w^
Sai:Thanks!~ ^-^
Me: Your welcome!~^-^
Sai:Now is there anything you want to do besides a mission?
Sai:Well? Do you have any ideas?
Me: No.
(Sorry, I was watching something.>w<)Me: You have any ideas?
(OwO What were you watching?) Sai: No.
(Yesterday it was Death Note.xD Today was Naruto Kakashi Gaiden(aka Kakashi in his younger days.)x3) Me: The only idea I have is a mission.x3
(Oh xD) Sai:Earlier you were too lazy to think,so what makes you think you can do a mission?
Me:I'm strong!>=D
Sai:It's almost 9:00 at night,we should go home.
Me: Aww, okay.
Sai:^-^ Bye,see ya tomarrow!
Me: Bye.;w;
Sai:Bye!*Goes home*
Me:*sits down and takes a kunai and draws in the ground*
Sai:*At home-sleeping*
Me: I wonder Sai's doing.:3*goes to his house*
Sai:*Still sleeping* xD
Me:*goes inside tiptoes in*
Me:*sees Sai, thinks~ He fell asleep?~*>w<*watches him*
Sai:*Starts to snore*
Me: O.O*watches him*
Sai:*Wakes up* Huh? *Sees Akemi* AHH! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE!!
Me: xD Watching you.^-^
Sai:You creepy stalker!!!
Me:*hugs SaI*^-^
Sai:It's 3 in the f***ing morning! Get off of me!
Me: I know it's 3 in the morning. And your only going to make me laugh when your angry like this.*gets off*
Me: Aww, don't give me that look.
Sai:Why not?! You snuck into my house to watch me and rape me!
(xD) Me:*bursts out laughing* I didn't come to rape you!xDDD
Sai:Yes,you did!
Me: =_= No, I didn't!
Sai:Just get out!!! I need some sleep!
Me: But I'm bored!D8
Sai:Then sleep!
Me: But I'm not even tired..*falls asleep*
Sai:*Picks her up and throws her out the window* And stay out!
(xD) me:*sleeping*
Sai:*Closes his windows* Now I can go back to sleep...
(Sorry, I lost your comment._.)Me:*still sleeping*
Sai:*Goes back to bed*
Me:*wakes up* Ouch, what happened?
Me: Oh yeah, I was in Sai's house.
Sai:*Wakes up for a snack*
Me:*looks through the window*
Sai:*Grabs popcorn and goes back to bed*
Me:*watches him from out the window*
Sai:*Eating popcorn*
Me:*thinks~ Popcorn in the middle of the night, eh?*
Sai:*Watching Naruto(The show)* xD
(xD)Me: Ooh!~*thinks~ One of my fav shows!~* *-**watches it too*
Sai:*Falls asleep while watching it* xD
Me:*watching Naruto,xD*
Me:*sees Sai drooling* Yuck.>,,> (xD)
Sai:*Still asleep*
Me:*gets up and leaves*
Sai:*Wakes up,and notices Naruto is still on*
Me:*walking away slowly*
Sai:*Gets up to go to the bathroom*
Me:*yawns and keeps walking* Maybe I should leave Sai alone, he thinks I'm a stalker.=_="
Sai:*Goes back to his room*
Me:*goes home-somewhere in the leaf village-and goes to sleep*
Sai:*Wakes up-it's morning*
(Sorry, I'm editing a pic. xP)Me:*is already awake and outside*
(xD That's ok,who is it going to be?) Sai:*Talking with Tsunade*
(=P Well, she doesn't have a name yet but it's going to be SasuKarin or Sasuke and Karin's daughter.I'm almost done!~ Btw, Karin is from Naruto Shippuden.xP) Me:*training,xD*
(I know she is. xD) Sai:*Going on a mission*
(Okay,xD) Me:*sees Sai* HI!
Sai:O.O What is it?
Me: Where are you going?^-^
Sai:Uh,mission.Do you want to come?
Me: R-really? Your asking me to come? Yay! Oh course!*hugs Sai*
Sai: =.= Ok, now come on,I can't be late.
Me: Okay!*lets go of him*
Sai:Ok.*Runs to the mountain they're looking for* There! *Points to it*
Me: Wait, so what's the mission?
Sai:The mission is:We have to find an ancient....thing(xD Couldn't think of anything else!)
(xD lol) Me: Okay!~*looks around*
Me:*still looking around*
Sai:*Found it* I found it!! Let's go tell Tsunade!
Me: Okay!~ :3*runs to Tsunade*
Sai&Akemi:*They get there*
Me: Lady Tsunade! We found it!
Tsunade:Good.Let me see it.
Me:*takes it from Sai and gives it to Tsunade* Here.~ ^w^
Tsunade:Hmm*Looks at it* Yep,this is it! Good job Sai.
Me: Yeah, good job!~ ^-^
Sai: x3 Yay!
Me: =3
Me: Why so quiet?
Sai:I don't know...
Me: Okay.*looks at Tsunade* Do you have any other mission Lady Tsunade?
Tsunade:No,not right now.
Me: Aww. =(
Me: It's okay. Hey Sai, You wanna get ramen?^3^
Sai:ಠ_ಠ Ok.
Me:*takes Sai's hand and runs to the ramen place*
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