This.Took.FOR FUCKING EVER. But I love it
IK it's epic :O
masa: *is walking aroudn bored*
Anzu: *leaning against the fence looking up at the sky watching it about to rain heavily* [[it's about 5 months after she moved to konoha so she and he know eachother pretty well]]
masa: *sees her and walks over* waht u up too?
Anzu: *looks down and over at him bangs inn her face unormally* you shouldn't be out here...it's going to rain..
Masa: do i look like i care? u shouldnt be out here either~
Anzu:...Thiss is one of the few times i'm alod outside do you think i'm going in just because of the rain?
Masa: not realy~
Anzu: Exactally. *obviouslly allot different then from before*
Masa: *thinking~ shes so not the same its kinda scary...~*
Anzu: *looking up at the sky*
Masa: *starst walkig again*
Anzu : *looks over at him but dosn't stop him which is extremley different then normal*
Masa: *sihgs lgihtly while walking*
masa: *stsop as the rain starst to fall*
Anzu: *looks a a bit cofused* [w-why hasn't he left?...]
Masa: *tilts his hea dup at the sky letting the rina flal on his face*
Anzu: What are you doing.
Masa: *tilts his hea ddown and galnces back at her* enjoying the rain...
Anzu: *nods lightly then looks down her hair getting soaked in her face*
MasA: *soft eyes*
Anzu: *same*
masa: *still looking at her*
Anzu: ...*bites her lip slightly*
Masa: *adverts his gaze*
Masa: *thinking* i cant stnad seeing her like this*
Anzu: *can tell he was looking at her*
Masa: *turns his head away*
[[what should we do? o.e ]] Anzu:...*excpecting to leave*
(i dont...know... o.<") masa: 8nots moving*
Anzu:...Why...are you here?...
Masa: my buisness, does nto need to be told...~
masa: ....
Anzu: [....why is he still here...he probally dosn't care.]
masa: *looks back at her soft eyes*
Anzu: *happens to look up* ...*blushes faintly but stays quiet*
masa: *meets her eyes this time*
Anzu: *looks a bit scared then looks backdown*
Mas?A: *soft eyes*
Masa: *same*
Anzu: *looks over to the side*
masa: *leans againt the fence*
Anzu: *looks up at him and sighs* [why is he still here]
masa: *same *
Anzu:...You don'tt care about me. why are you here?
Masa: *looks at her as if shed lost it- thinking~not care about her?! how oculd i not?!... wait second! did ijsut fuckign think that?!~*
Anzu: *same still lookig up at him [sitting against the fence >3> I don't think I mentioned that xD]*
Masa: *same eye soft*
Anzu: *looks a bit confused the looks down,bangs still in face which is normally a no no for Anzy xD*
masa: *stnads up*
Anzu: *looks at him from the corner of her eye kinda wondering if he's gonna leave*
masa: *doesnt move*
Anzu: *shakes her head*
masa: *smae*
Anzu: There's no point for you to be here.
Masa: oh?
Anzu: You don't care anyway.
Masa: *looks slgihtly annoyed* and who ever sid that?! *eyes wiened slgihtly with a sweatdrop bitting his tougen realizign eh just said that*
Anzu: *blinks slightly looking a bit confused* What?
Masa: uh...... *btie shis lip*
Anzu: *cocks her head to the side* Tell me.
Masa: *adverts hsi eye* no one ever said tehy didnt care... *umbmles especially not me(
Anzu:...*looks back down* Masa...thanks
mas: *steps towards her but stops dea din his tacks*
Anzu: *looks up at him* ...what?
Masa: *btie his lip slgihtly looking t her*
Masa: *smiels very lgihtly and its small not a big smile but jsu noticable* listen, everythings gonan eb ok...i promise ull make it through this....
Anzu: *shakes head looking doen again* I'm not sure...
masa: *takes a deep breath letting it out and walks voer to her putting his hand on her soulderS* it will, i promise you...for everthing bad that happens something good awaits in teh future~
Anzu:*looks up at him* maybe for you Masa...
Masa: no.... its for everyone..... *puts his hand on the side of her face-realizes what hes doing and moves it imediatly* maybe ull actually realize that... *thinking~ just like when mom lost the kid b4 amaya.... she got amaya in return~* (yes there was suposed to eba child betweena maya and syuri but it passed away in the whom(sp?))
(( aww D: and I'nm gonna have to go for awhile my friends are bringing me to the mall fer my birthday]] Anzu: *had blushe noticblly when he put his hand on the side of her face* I-i'm sorry to hear that.
(mmkay XD lol) masa: *move his other han doff her shoulder ad turns to walk off* you sohuld hea dinsdie for a while ur gonna get sick....
[[backk ]] Anzu : *shakes her head and gets up then walks over and hugs him from behind very gently*
masa: *blushes*
Anzu: *stays for a second then starts to let go obviouslly a bit nervous*
Masa: wah- wat was that f-for?
Anzu: *shrugs* Cause I knew you wouldn't~
masa; *blushes*
Anzu: *turns the other way walking ignoring the rain, back to her weird quiet self*
masa: *turns to look at ehr wind blows slightly*
Anzu: *shivers slightly then starts walking again *
masa:*tkaes off his over coat he had on wlaks up behdn her and puts it on her sohulder b4 turning to head home*
Anzu: *puts her hand to it then looks at him and smiles a tiy bit*
masa: *wlakign hands in his pockets-heading home*
Anzu: *starts walking back*
masa: *walkign home*
Anzu: *few days later sitting in the forest on a tree branch reading*
Masa: *otu for a wlak with izumi andhinai-aka his team XD-on tehir ay bakc forma mission*
Anzu: *samee reading romeo and juliet xD*
masA: 8not listening to tehmt alk*
Anzu: *can hear them but dosn't know masa's there*
izumi: Masa-kun~! are you evne listneing when we're talkgin to you`! masa: huh? oh sorrry i was blocking you out so ididnt hear a word ^_^" *being a smart ass* hina: *crosses her arms* thats not very nice masa~
Anzu: *hears them but dosn't say anything, a bit better then the last time Masa saw her but not by much*
masa: *glances up at her seeing her*
Anzu: *reading*
MAsa: *same*
Anzu: *turns a age still not noticing him and assuming they kept walking*
izumi& hian: *goiong on and on giggling allot* masa: *sighs*
Anzu: *notices them and looks down raising an eyebrow*
MasA: *not evne payng them any attentiopn*
Anzu: *waves slightly with a faint smile*
Masa: *sees her and smiles softly*
Anzu: *looks at his teamates and laughs a little quietly*
izumi: *peaks over at her and giggles* hi hi person~
Anzu: *get quiet again* Oh Hi.
Masa: *sihgs* these are izumi , and hina, tehir my teammates,~
Anzu: *waves slightly* I'm Anzu.
izumi: hihi~ hina: hi~ =3
Anzu: *glances at Masa then back at her book*
masa: *glance up at her*
Anzu: *turns a page*
masa: *looks over to the sky*
Anzu: *same*
masa: *sits o nteh gorund relaizing izumi and hina rent going anywhere~*
Anzu: *notices him sit and shakes her head smiling lightly* So persistent...
masa: *glances up* ? izumi & hina: *dead i ntheir trakcs giggligna dn gossiping*
Anzu: *smiling softly pretending not to notice him*
masa: *raises an eyebrow*
Anzu: *same*
Masa: *shkse shi hea dleanign bkac a bit*
Anzu: *turns another page knowing he'll wander up eventually*
masa: *glance sup at er now and then*
Anzu: *giggles slightly*
MasA: *get s alsight quetionmakr*
Anzu: *same*
masa: *thinkging~what si she up too...`*
Anzu: *knows it won't take much longer for curiosity to get the best of him*
MasA: *thining~ iwant to know so bad....~*
Anzu: *Same~*
masa: *jumps up to the branch* wathca up to?
Anzu: *giggles a bit and looks up no longer quiet but a not exactally nromal for her* Why Hello there!
masa: *raises an eye bro-quick sigh/huff* what u up to~?
Anzu: *shrugs* nothinggggg.
masa: its neve rnothiung with u~
Anzu: Pshh~ *closes the book*
masa: *chuckeld lgihtly* ryo: *flying around ove rhead* (<--b4 he ever met anzu obviously XD)
[[mhmm]] Anzu: *glances up a bit curious as to why the bird is circling*
masa: hunh? *glances up sees ryo adn whistes* ryo: *flys down landing on masa's shoulder* masa: hey buddy~
Anzu: o.e Neh?
Ryo: ^v^ masa: oh right, uh Anzu, this is my long tim best friend and partner, Ryo~ Ryo: ^v^ ~hello~
Anzu: *grins* Nice too meet ya~ This is Shinju He just moved here ^-^ Shniju: *gins*
ryo: *still in bird form on amsa shoulder* ~hiya~ masa: heya shinju~
Anzu: o.e Did the bird just talk?
masa: *lauhgs* yeah? ryo talks ttelepahically~, and to tell teh truth even tho hes blakc and purple, hes a falcon o.<"
Anzu: *blinks* What the....
MasA:yeah, hes weird~ ryo: >v> 8looking at masa peck the sid eof his ehad* masa: GAH! *holds his head* hey!ryo: ~asshole~
Anzu: *giggles* How cutee <3
ryoo: *fly up to a branch rihgt by masa head haveing a glre challenge with him8
Anzu: *still giggling getting a tad closer to the edge of the branch* [[ *pokes Masa theres yer clue]]
masa: *noticed she ha got clsoer to teh edge looking over at her-not noticable but tensed very slgihtly*
Anzu: *slips a bit dropping her book and moving to the side quickly * Ahk!~
masa *grabs her*
Anzu: *blushes darkly being pulled close to him* M-masa?
masa: *blushes and had pulled her bakc to safe par tof the branch-face red*
Anzu: *blushing very darkly still being held close to him but not making a move to lean away*
masa: *realized he was sitll holding her and lets go lookign away blushign dakrly* s-sorry...
Anzu: *breathing was kinda heavy and leans back a bit* N-no Thankyou,
masa: *could feel his hert rate accelerating fomr that XD-put his hand on his chest* >__< ryo: *jumsp to masa side* ~u need to clam urself masa~ *had said it so only masa could hear*
Anzu: *looks up* you alright?
Masa: i sh-should be... *trying to clam his heartrate*
Anzu: *no clue what's wrong with him* should be?
Masa: *nods lgihtly han dover his heart-eyes clsoed trying to calm himself*
Anzu: *looks really worried*
masa: *shae shi hea dlightly trying to think striaght*
Anzu: *looks to Ryo then Masa with the same worried look*
masa: *calms down jsut enoguh* ryo: ~ur crazy budeh`
Anzu: What was that?
Ryo: ~a long story~
Anzu...I have time [[I hate school >.<]]
(XD its ok~ who doesnt~) Ryo: ~well, idont know how t put it so~
Anzu: *tirns to Masa curiouslly*
masa: .... id rather not explain....
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