Lmfaoo ik :3
so wanna rp?
Mhhkayy :3 Mayumi: *walking to Ayumu's house with a slim package wrapped perfectlly humming a christmas carol to herself* [[The songs a hint of what it is :3]]
Ayumu: *jsut has some music kinda blasting- cuz hes bored- osng is actually a tecno version of jingle ells (basshunters version)*
[[:33]] Mayumi: *hears it and sighs* He's probally not gonna hear me~ *knocks on the door still smiling though doubting he'll answer*
Ayumu: *sighs and turns down his music getitng up-hair not spiked for the second tiem that shell ever see that XD- head over to the door*
Mayumi: *shifting from side to side cold*
AyumU: *opens it enoguh to se eout the chicn holding it shut the rest of the way*
Mayumi: *grins happily* Merry christmas Ayumu!~ ^-^
AyumU: *Blisnk twice and closese the door liek he usually does-walks bakc to the couch* (XD!)
Mayumi: *twitches* ...oh fuck. no. *keeps knocking*
Ayumu: *Agrivation makr yells* go. away.!
Mayumi: *sighs* come on Ayu it'll only take a second~
ayumu: *doesnt step to the door at all*
Mayumi: *shrugs lightly kind of suspecting that reaction and set the package down leanig against the door* Merry christmas~ *mumbled as she walked away*
Satoshi: *was wlaking down the stree has some flowers with h im evne tho its winter* hey mayu-chan~! ^-^
Mayumi: *looks up and grins* Hey! Merry christmas Toshi~
Satoshi :*giglgeS* merry christmas~ to u too!, where ye headed?
Mayumi: Oh well I was just at Ayu's trying to give him a christmas present but wellll that did't end well son now i'm not sure *laughs lightly*
Satoshi :*giggles* well, Ayu-san has never bene the frinedly type so no surprise~ *still holding the flowers- sighs lgihtly*
Mayumi: *eyes drift to the flowers and grins* Oooohhhhh~ Who's the lucky guyy?~
SAtoshi: no one~, i was headign to go over ayu-sans and gt him then head over to Cheiko's grave~ (Cheiko = if u dont remember is their old temamate who passed away a couple eyars back)
Mayumi: *bites her lip lightly* Oh.... I'm so sorry :/
SAtoshi: *shake hsi head* no, its ok, no one woulda figured, it, um, u cna come if ud like, i know uve never seen it, nor a picture of her so if ud liek to meet he ru cna~
Mayumi: *bites her lip more* It's not my place..
Satoshi: but sitll, she woulda liked you, nad i think she'd be glad to know thers someone to step in our age to keep ayumu in place*laughs lil thinking~that was what she did~*
Mayumi: I'm not sure Ayumu would want me there..
SAtoshi: *rolls his eye* Ayumu doesnt liek anyone being anywher he is~
Mayumi: *shrugs*
Satoshi: wlel thinks about it, if u decide ot join we'll be at hte cemetary~ *turns and continues wlakig to ayumus*
Mayumi: *sighs and ends up walking with him feeling akward*
SAtoshi: *kockcs on ayumus door* ayumu: go. away! satoshi: hey ya big rat!,g et out of the cage and come wiht me to mrs. birdy!
Mayumi: &looks confused*
(XD ahhh friend ship lingo only works if the teorhs know itxD*) Ayumu: *walks over and hte lcoks on the door cna be heard being undone-opens the door* ur gonna see chieko?
Mayumi: *standing quiet-ish behind Sato*
Satoshi: *nods* AyumU: giv ema minute... *closes the door*
Mayumi: *same*
(g2g ngiht!) Satoshi: what amajor difference form when u try and get him to oen the door adn when i try huh?
Mayumi: *nods *
--late on at the cemetary-- stoashi :*hands ayu a few of the flowers and ptus the rest down o nthe grave* Hey Cheiko...~
Mayumi: *standing behind them holding one arem in the other still feeling akward&
Satoshi: you dont have to worry anymore, like u siad u would, we've found someone to keep Ayu-chan in line~ her names Mayumi i htk you relaly woulda liked her... --in short distance ht apperition of a girl wiht megenta hair and black eyes appears~*
Mayumi: *a chill runs up her spine feeling the remanents of her chakra and looking up to see her*
--the apperiton: *is chieko smiel softly*
Mayumi: *waves a tiny bit cautiouslly*
chieko: *waves lsgihtly* satoshi: *sitll tlaking to chieko*
Mayumi: *smiles softly kindof wondering if the others can see her,*
Ayumu: *turns hsi ehad away trying not to show his weaker side*
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