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*takles* btw love th new user name~
Thank you ^^ But where do u keep dissapearing to!? Austri: *Is tackled* Um .. Hello?
sorry i was tlakign to karely b4~
hey, i wanna start now?
*On a friday in free period* England: *Botherin Austria* Hey Hey Hey, Gues what? Austria: *Sighs* What is it not England, and dont say Hi. England: =3= Fine, but Prussia's birthday party is tomorow, your cometing right????? Austria: Yes! youve asked me all week, and i said yes!
norway: *sitting behind ustria-giggles at them*
England: *Looks at Norway* Your coming to right Norway? ... Denmark is coming~~~~
Norway: *rolls his eyes* yes im comming, iceland wont let me not
England: Ok, so that make ...... a lot of people ....
Norway :*Lauhgs lil*
England: Well I'm gonna report back yo Germany. *Stands up and walks across the room*
prussi: *wehreve-sneezes* =____="
England: *Goes to Germany* Ok Germany! Were all set! Germany: *Nods* good
norway: *reading*
(Wanna timeskip then?)
~The day of the party~ Denmark: *Poking Norway's shoulder* Greece: *Sitting with Japan* England and Austria: *Together with America walking to Prussia's house*
(hi hi hi hi its cassy lol) ( omfg she's a spazz) norway: *glares at denmark*stop it ! JAPAN: *REDING-HASNT RELIZED GREECE WS NEXT TO HIM* AMERICA: *WALKING WITH THEM*
(ah, so you two ARE~ still together xD i thougt cassy goes to church xD) Denmark: Why? Greece: *Looks over to him* Japan ........ what are you reading? England: Hey America, will the party be fu?
(not really when she does she just sits in the car lol, im STILL here, no clue when im going home~) Norway: i dont like beig touched... Japan: uh... *shrugs* teh cronicles of vladimir todd~ America: it sohuld~
(xD ... oh cassy left 2 of her shirts at my place xD) Denmark: =.= Greece: The one with the vampire?
(really? XD i dont remember what shirt i wore to urs house o.e") Norway: *is secretly playing hard to get XD!* Japna :*nods*
(A black one with bejewled thingies on it and a green long sleve one were forgotten xDDD) Denmark: .... *Pokes his cheek* Greece: I finishied the first one .... the second one is allways out at the library when i try to take it out..... England: *Knocks on the door*
(she says bring them ts chool tomarrow~) Norway: *slap shis hand* japan: im jsut re reading it i need to read the 3rd one~ Prussia: *actually ahs no clue nyhitng is going on -in his room*
(xD) Denmark: Oww~ Greece: *Nods* England: * Guess we just let ourselves in ... *Opens the door*
Norway: u calle dit upon ur self... america :*shrugs walkingin in wiht him*
Denmark: TT^TT England: Norway~ *Waves* Austria: *Walks in*
norway: *waves at england and wlaks over* hey~
England: Long time no see~ Austria: We saw him yesterday....
norway: yeah~
England: *Smiles* Oh really. Austria: *Clutching the bag hes holding for prussia*
norway :*lauhgs alil* prussia: *has no clue aobut anything cuz germany kept it form him*
England: Oh and hear this, Austria actually got Prussia a present, like a real one, not a card like the most of us! xD Austria: S-Shut up.
norway: *jokingly* oh mi gosh~! *lUHGA*
Austria: *Facepalms* (Is it a party or surprize party??)
(surprise~) Norway: *chuckles*
Germany: *Claps his hands* Hey hey guys, hide someplace, im gonna bring in the birthday boy~
norwya: *Luhgs lil hides bhiend the cocuh*
*Everyone hides in a different place* Germany: *Knocks on prussia's door* Hey bro, i got somethin ro show you.
prussia: go away~ !!!! *hate when germany bugs him XD* norway: *same*
Germany: *Come on man, this time its for real! *Puts his hand on the doorknob* (I had to change accounts for right now)
(y? wouldnt let u see the otehr pic?) Prussia: *throws somehting at he door and it makes a bnaging noise that would scare anyone tht clsoe to teh door*
Germany: *Jumps a bit* Ahhh~ *Whispers into thew door nough for him to hear* Your masturbating arent you~~
prussia: what?!?!?!?!?!?!!?
Germany: *Opens the door*
prussia: *sitting at his computer watchign utube vids*
Germany: *Walks over there and grabs his ear* I try to do somthing nice and your trying to avoid it!
prussia: ow! waht teh fuck ar eu tlakinga obut?!
Germany: *Pulls hism up and pushes him out of his room, im talking about this! *Pushes him into the living room and turns on the lights where chicks can be seen everywhere*
prussia: *twtiches*
Germany: Guys! Theis is when you jump put ans ay surprise! Its not the mail man again! England: *Laughs and jumps out* Surprise!
norway: *Laughs jumping out does the twirly finger* whoo, surprise~~~ japan: *had jsumpe dup *(XD! at teh mail man)
(i know xD) Greece and denmark: *Jumped up* Austria: *Stood up and waved* Surprise~
prussia: *sweatdrops*
Austria: *Giggled lightly seeing his face- covers his mouth- a giggle from him is as rare as purple orange juice xD* England: OMG! Austria actuallu GIGGELED!!!!!!! .... plus 10 points!
noraway: omg! japan: *laughs*
Austria: *Covering his mouth blushing* (How is prussia reacting??)
(moth dropped XD) Prussia: *mouth had dropped slgihtly*
Austria: *Looked up at Prussia and looked away*
prussia: *shake it off*
Germany: Well then, start the party!
norwya: *get sotu form behind teh cocuh* prussia: *rubs his ear cuz it still hurts*
Austria: *Clutches the bag tighter and goes around the couch* (Holy crap! i just printed a picture of al our hetalia characters is ta ALL came out BLUE!!! i searched an hour and a half for them! TT^TT brb shower)
(that sux! and k) prussia :*sighs cuz he hates wehn anyoen make s big dea outta his birthday*
Austria: *Looks at him seeing him agrivared*
prussia: *was jsut leanign aigsnt a wall*
Austria: *Looks from him to the bag he's holding-thinks* should I give it to him now? ....
prussia :*sigh*
Austria: *Stand up and walks over*
Prussia :*notices and looks up*
Austria: Uh ... *holds out the bag and turns his head away like a stuborn child* h-here! H-Happy Birthday Prussia...
Prussia: *reaises an eyebrow sigh and and unfolding his arms tkaing it*
Austria: *Becomes less tense and crosses his arms*
Prussia: *oepsn it*
*Insude is a hansewn chick plushie, medium sized, feels very Very VERY soft and also a pack of purple peeps* Austria: T-They were out of yellow peeps...
prussia: *wont show thur hsi "manliness" that he aboslutely adores teh stuffed anime hugs austrai aroudn teh shoulers with one arm* thnx~
Austria: your .... Welcome
prussia :*thinking~omg the plushie chick i soooo cute!!~*
Austria: ....
prussia: ~~
Austria: *Leaves his grasp and walks over to England*
norwya: *was sitting on the couch bored*
England: Heyyyyy~ Did he like it? Austria: All he said was thanks, im not sure ....
norway: *same-staring otua window* prussia: *was tlkaign to iceland who came over*
Denmark: *Walks over and plops himslef next to Norway* Heyy~
norway >.>... uh.... hi....?
Denmark: Whatcha doing?
norway: um... nothing.....?
Denamrk: Kay ...
(omg lol just got bakc form kathryns XD( norway: *mutters-stalker*
(y were u there???) Denmark: *Stress vain* For the last time, im not a stalker!
(had to work o nsomehting for science lol) Norway: *laUGHS*
(xD) Denmark: *Sighs*
(her doggy is sooo cute!) Norway: *yawns slgihtly*
(xD i love him too) Denmark: So .... Hows ... your Violin?
(misty's a girl... <.< >.>) Norway: waht do u mean?
(see! even now i forget! xD i allways forgot when we were young xD) Denmark:P I mean ... hows the praticeing doing ....
(XD how do uge tmistaken her names i MISTY its not even masculine o.e") Norway: *shrugs*
(I keps forgetting her name xD) Denmark: *Sweatdrops*
(XD) (btw what time of year for them is it? liek same tiem as us?) Norway: *yawns slgihtly*
(Umm ... yea, guess so) Denmark: *Thinks* i try to think of a good talking topic ... and i cant think of another!!!*
(hahah ultimate things of winter~) Norway: *shivers slgihtly cuz hes cold*
(xD) Denmark: Norway ... You cold?
Norway: *stubbornes as always* no~ of course not~ *hands are like ice like minea re right nwo XD)
Denmark: Aw come one Norway, tell the truth ..... for once.
norway: *annoyed makr* what do u mean for once......?!
Denmark: You never tell the truth when your around me!
Norway: *hinking~that cu zi dnnt wnan seem pathetic u idiot!~-turns his hea daway sieltn ends up shivering agian-sweatdrop*
Denmark: Aw come on Nor~ your cold.
(amke home do somehting XD) norwya: a-am not! *crosse shis arms*
Denmark: Fine, be that way~ (Ill be dissapearing at 10 tonight)
(ok~ =/) Norway: *smae-beings tubborn thso hes obviosuly cold*
Denamrk: *Thionks* Geese, why is he allways like this .. cant he admit anything!?* Austria: *Sitting on a different couch alone and sipping a cup of fruit punch xD*
prussia :*wlaking around* (u sohuld make denmakr do something) Norway: *same*
Denmark: *Puts an arm around him* (I was planning to) Austria: *Same*
norway :*blushes slgihtly*
Denmark: *Smiles*
norway: *trys to squirm slgihtly but doestn after aobut 2 seconds cuz denmakrs arm around him is actualyl warm*
Denmark: *Screaming in his head* IM SO AWESOME!!!!!!*
(XD!) Norway: *sitl llbushigng slgihtly* japan: *sees him adn iggles*
Denamrk: *Looks at him* Greece: *Looks up and smiles* (http://www. youtube.com/ watch?v= OGxUPaNm EBI&feature =related (Fill spaces))
norway: *same* Japan: *was jsut sitting at aa table just inda wathicng everyone*
(Sorry i had to eat) Greece: *Looks over at Japan*
japan :*was lgancign aroudn notices and blshe faintly*
(Did u like Junjou Hetalia? xD) Greece: *Smiles lightly*
(yeah xD) japan :*advers this glance blushgin thinking~is he actually lookigna t me???!!?!~*
Greece: So ....
Japan: *thinking~ is he tlakign to me?!?!?!~*
Greece: ... *Thinks of somthing to talk about*
Japan: *kidns liek spazzing i nhis thoguhts*
Greece: So Japan ... what ... kind of music do you listen to?
Japan: *shursg gently* Jrock, hard rock, soft rock, andything rock really~, waht about u?
Greece: Uh .. Laika, Rock, a bit of Metal, and Dance....
Japan: *nods* dance is cool, especcially techno~
Greece: *Nods* Stuff like the all different types of Shuffles ....
Japan: *gapes lsgihtly* liek teh melbourne shuffle? *knwos that the only people he knows that cn do it are asians XD!*
(xD) Greece: *Nods* Jumpstyle too ....
Japan :*giggles* cool~
Greece: *Smiles* Can you do the Melbourne?
Japan: *nods* yeah~
Greece: *Nods* Cool.
japan: *just knia=da glances aorund*
Greece: *Sees England and watches him* England: *Tiptoes up to America and pokes his cheek*
america: *wraps his arm aorund hims*
England: Wazzup?
ameria: nuthing~, whats up with u?
England: Just lovein you~
america :*huckles&
England: *Smiles*
America: *chuckles*
England: Whats so funny?
america: *kisses his forehad lgihtly*
England: *Lightly blushes*
america :*smiles-glances aorund* where germany? *slgihtly afrind of that*
England: *Shrugs* (Hey ill bbe gone in like ... 10 minuets)
(k) America: hmm...
England: ....
America: . . .
England: *Pecks his lips*
america :*pekcs him bkac lightly-denmakr and norway cathign his eye laghus alil* is norway actually letting denmakr do that? *kidna schocked*
England: *Smils and sings in a whisper* Relayionship blossoms~~~ Germany: *Comes out of no where and hugs Austria* Austria: Ger ... Many ... What are you doing?
prussia :*sees slgiht agrivation amrk as always* America :*laughs alil*
Germany: Hugging you, what does it look like? Austria: *squirms* well could you let go?
Prussia: *Leaning onagisnt teh wall*
Gremany: No~ Austria: =.= please?
prusssia: *stil lahs agrivaiton amkr hawk eyes at germany*
Germany: *Looks up ant prussia and sticks his tounge at him*
Austria: >.< *Squirms*
prussia: *smae*
Germany: *Squezes more* Austria: *Squirms and looks over to Prussia and mouths* Help~
prussia: *goes over and tugs at germany triyng to get him off*
Germany: Ey! Dont inderfere!
prussia :*glares* let him go~
Germany: Why should i?
prussia: *was stil ltuggienr ong him-tickles him*
Germany: *Laughs and lets go by accident*
prussia :*had given austrai tha chance tor un*
Austria: *Just walks over to England* Germany: H-Hey! Thats cheating!
prussia: not really~
Germany: *grinds his teeth*
prussia: *laightly thwonks his head* od do that.... i clal mom up and tell her ~ (XD the mom card cuz hes griding his teeth wooow XD)
Germany: D-Dont tell mom!! (xD brb shower, tell pink 4 me x3)
(k) Prussia: then dont tdo it~
Germany: Ok!
prussia: *sitkc shi tougne out at ihm*
Germany: *Sticks his out*
prussia: *acting liek li lwkid with germany( norway :*lagusha li lseeing gemrany and prussia*
Germany: *Acting the same* Denmark: *Looks over and laughs also*
norway: wooow
Denmark: You said it. Austria: *Covering his mouth so he wont laugh*
norway: *yawns slgihtly* prussia :*tkae sthe hcanes tor un away and rusn down the hall to his room clsoing the door na dlocking it*
Germany: Agh! Damn it! Now we cant have this frigin party without the birthday boy ..... Austria ... you know the plan right? Austri: *Looks up and nods*
(oh god im afraid XD) Prussia :*goes over ot his comp*
Austria: *Walks over to prussias door and knocks on it lightly-says all cutely ans Moe* Prussia-San? (xD dont be)
(ans moe??) Prussia: *glances over at teh door*
Austria: *Still all cute* Prussia-San ... you know this is a party for you, and everyone would greatly apreciate it if you would atleats come out and celebrate it a little bit .... (And Moe, Moe meaning anyones personaly definition of kawaii, sexy, cute, ext.)
(i learned somehting new today XD) prussia: *whines slgihtly form teh cuteness* i dont wannnnaaaa
Austria: *Uses an errisistable cute voice* Please Prussia-K-Kun, we all want you there. (Kun! x3)
prussia :*blushe fiantly whiens slgihtly cuz he gives up walkign over tthe door craks t opens lgihtly looking out at him asking "whY?" cuz he know sit jstu toet him out* (i love how prussia doesnt even care that saustrai obviosuly knows he like him XD)
Austria: Because ... we all went through the trouble of making this party special for you *Looks down and plays with the edge of his coat* (xD)
Prussia :*sighs openign the door more* guilt tripper.... *acusingly asks* Germany put u up to this didnt he?
Austria: ... Halfly
prussia: *raises an eyebrow*
Austria: What?
prussia: ...
Austria: *Hesitates but takes his hand* Come to the party ok?
prussia: *sweatdrosp*
Austria: *luts go* Agh i give up!!
Austria: P-Prussia?
prussia: *teasingly pull bakc jsut slgihtly* steal~
Austria: *Blushes lightly* W-W-What are y-you doing?
prussia:*le ihm go* teasing~
Austria: D-Dont do that!
prussia: . . .
Austri: .....
jpaan: *ahd peaked downt he hall hearing austria yell* o.o
Austri: *sees him and waves*
japana :*waves lurkign away*
(amy-chan u said to tell u if i was on n i am so plz go on aim)
Austria: so ... Will you cine back to the party?
Prussia: *sighs* fine...
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