cute lol?
[[Can we go on this one? the other picture takes forever to load]] Bekah: *rolls her eyes mumbling under her breath about him being a liar then turns around leaving the store, obviouslly not beliving him*
(lol ok) Shoushin: *pulsl his shirt up and rolls his eyes*
Ruelle: *pops up from behind the counter obviouslly had been listening witgh a grave face*
shoushin: *has uesed the excuse b4 on someone else b4 and it works that tiem not so mcuh this time*
Ruelle: Concequences.
shoushin :*looska t her8
Ruelle: *turns around her dress silently swishing as she walks to the backroom obviouslly in a unerved mood*
shoushin :*watches he sighign*
Ruelle: *in the back* Watch yourself Shou.
shoushin: yeha i know... *leans on the counter*
Ruelle: *rearrainging some of the dolls in the back, which she always does whn stressed*
ally: *runnign aorudnwtih one fo the toehr dolls*
Ruelle: Be careful Ally.
ally: hmm? *loosk to her*
Ruelle: *looks back to the dolls not answering her*
ally: *goes over* rue-y(her nickanme fo rher XD* whats wrong?
Ruelle: *continues to not answer her*
ally :*fown and rusn to the queit room o.e*
--next day-- sohushin: *st teh fonrt desk his ehaddown*
Ruelle: *walking outside around the area of the flowersop*
jace:*inside working*
Ruelle: *heads inside thinkig about getting flowers for Ally*
jace: *sees her and smiels softly. arrangeing a gorup of flowers at the ocunter that he been ordered in*
Ruelle: *one of her fake calm smiles once she realizes who he is,* Hello Jace~ *soft melodic voive seeming just at place amongst all the flowers*
jace: *smiels slgihtly* hey~, what brigns u in here?
Ruelle:, I'm thinking about getting some flowers for my younger sister, she loves flowers and she's always very sick, and can't get out much *just a good liar as Shou, really just getting them to make up for ignoring Rue the day before*
jace: oh im sorry to hear that...
Ruelle: *nods softly* I was hoping you might help?
jace: well id say if u know her favorite color get her somethign like that *Shrugs* or well its kdna depends o nte messag eu want to give her~, sicne after all differnet flowers compose different meanings~
Ruelle: *hmms softly to herself* She's a young happy girl, she loves bright colors, oh and butterflys~
jace :*chuckles* so uwant soemtign bright, it would attract butterflies as well~
Ruelle: *nods softly smiling* Exactally~
jace: hmm lemme think for asecond*
Ruelle: *waits patientlly obviouslly used to it*
Jace: *wlaks over to shelf putting the flowers he ahd down and lifts up two pieces of catmint* mgiht i sugest catmint, its a wonderful buterfly attracter sinc eits sweet smellgin and brighly colored~
Ruelle: *smiles softly carefully taking it avoiding his hand* lovely~
jace: *msiels slgihtly*
Ruelle: *looks up at him smiling* How much are they for a bouquet?
Jace: a small bouquet is 10 dollas a large one is 20~
Ruelle: *smiles softly* A large one then~ She deserves it, *reaches into her dress pulling out a little money purse with a roll of money, and takes a crisp twenty out and hands it to him*
jace: *has sfot sile* rihgt away~ *goes ove rot eh register putting it in getitn the rescipet they have to gie and goe sover getting the amoutn for the bouquet and goes ove rot eh counter putting it on the paper adn wrapping*
Ruelle:*waiting patientlly as usual*
jace: *wraps it and hand it to her with the little recipet* there you go`
Ruelle: *takes it delicatly as usual avoiding his hands* Thank you, she'll love them. *smiles softly* They're beautiful~
jace: *smiles*glad u think so and hope she does too, that our job here to satisfy as greatly as possible~
Ruelle: *smiles softly turning* Goodbye Sir~
jace: bye
Ruelle: *dress swishes in that strange silent was holding the flowers gently walking to the doll store*
jace: *wache sher* shoushin: *at the counter* ally: *in back*
Ruelle: *walks by him smiling softly and walks into the backroom* Ally~ I have a suprise for you~ *holding the flowers behind her back*
ally: *looks up at her was sitting on the floor reading*
Ruelle: *holds out the flowers still smiling*
ally :*having never seen flowers gasps and gets up8 oh my gosh *run sover* rue, what are these?
Ruelle: *smiles gently kneeling down holding the flowers out* They're called flowers Ally, they grow in the ground, these ones are called Catmint~ They attract butterflys
ally: *gasp and smiles tkaign tehm* thakou rue!! M*hugs her*
Ruelle: *smiles gently hugging her back gently* No problem, dear
Kiara: *on of the dolls whos like 14* wats going on?
Ruelle: *looks up* othing dear, just a present for Ally~
ally: look kiara, arent they prettY? kiara: *smiels at her* very ally~
Ruelle: *smiling softly standing up again brushing the dress off*
kiara: im oging infornt sohushin needed me *one of the onyl toehr dolls allowedin front-goes t teh front*
Ruelle: *nods softly smiling*
kiara: *in fornt talkign to shoushin*
Ruelle: *stands up getting a vase with water for the flowers*
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