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That is so cute....
that is sooooo cute
they realy look good together so peaceful
Soooo CUTE! They belong together! Have u seen them kiss?
I'm so happy for kagome
Eeee! ^___^ That's soooooo SWEEEET!! ^o^/^-^ I wish this could happen in the series.
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awwwww! That's so sweet!
thats really sweet (and hot) THIS INSPIRES ME!!! *laughs diabolically*
its way cute, it just gives you this warm feeling inside
i agree with sasukeschik,it gives me a warm feeling.
SO SWEET!!!! Awww....
That's cute
they are really matching......really romantic...it gives me a happy feeling inside.......
they seen very happy in a way
wolf'srainfan of coarse everyone has seen them kiss each other havent you seen the second movie duh!!
soooooooooooo BEAUTIFUL
That is precious! But why does Kagome get all the love?? lucky...
That's not fair .......she's so, so lucky
how cute this is byfar the most romantic picture ive seen of them together
I love That pic, Its like So cute, since inuyasha hardly shows love!!
this is so sweet!! I love this picture
Why r they in a tree? it's cute!
hehe...............u r the most perverded person ive heard all week
when did this pic show in inuyasha's show/
I'm with inuyasha_kagome_zax, when is this on the show:?:
i agree with tessa
Lovely pic, makes me feel Warm 'n' Fuzzy
is she inside his clothes?
Cute!!!!!!!!!! I luv that Picture!!!!!!!!!!!! SSSSOOOO very cute!!!!!!!
inuyasha is so hot
sex me up
its a really nice pic...makes me feel sad for kikyou though.....
i agree with kikyokagome12 it really looks wierd
One question: why does Kagome's hair look blue?
That's why some people like anime. Because they wish they had what the characters have.
very cute pic
how cute.......
now,this is called real love8-)
This is a fan art
it's pic is so cute
aww twats swo sweet lol
wow......that look's goooood i love the pic
awwww thats so cute and adorable
inu x kag wonder what inu's thinking
we know they like each other
I love Inuyasha as a guy but I like this pic. I think it's so CUTE b-cause we all know they love each other!DUH!
I can tell this is fanart.Not bad this is a really romantic pic and InuYashas' robe is covering Kagome. (...) beautiful!
this picture is so beatiful because they look so cute together how romantic
inuyasha... so hot... lightheaded...*faints again*
mawwwwww cute
this is the most uglist fan art on inuyasha
why is his eyes blue/green?
why is his eyes green? /take that bicth kagome out! now
so cute i have a inuyasha kagome galley two for any one that wants to see it
So inu really does have a soft side AAAWWWW! its so cute i wanna cry
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