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Me: Beat they butts, Honeybunch! Kabuto: Okay Sugarbear!
DAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Reading your comments makes me laugh! I might hate Kabuto, but I want to be your friend... you make him sound so funny!
xD xD xD LMAO the first comment's hilarious!!! "Honeybunch" Lol
XD SUGARBEAR?!?! HOW LOW HAVE YOU SUNK, KABUTO-KUN?! kabuto: can we talk about this later, hana?
urrrrgh SUGAR BEAR?!!!!!!!!! dont make me spew!
XD u guys scare me!
Uhhhhmmm...... Kabuto's Woman...... Isn't Kabuto gay? Sooooo.... Does that mean...?
Kabuto: I'm going to kick your ass, sakura01. me: uhhh..ok. can you hang on a sec? Kabuto: make it quick. me:* takes mp3 player out and plays the the song ' All About Me' by Matt Dusk* ok, ready. Inner self: that kid thinks he will kick our butts but THAT WON'T HAPPEN!!!!  (see next pic)
Kabuto + Orochimaru-Sama = *drool*. I like this picture. . . it's pretty and sparkley and it makes him look evil. . .mmm, evil bishies. . .
hes not gay, well not that i know of anyway
HIS HANDS ARE THE HANDS OF GOD! That's why they glow!
Killer Ninja: See ya, girly! (throws alot of Kunai daggers) Me: Help!!!! ?: You okay? Me: Kabuto! Kabuto: I'm gonna destroy this guy! (makes the attack backfire) Me: He's so cool Kabuto: This is what you get for hurting my girl!
he's pretty cool for a traitor! for some reason i have an attraction to guys with silver hair when it comes to anime(as long as they're young). I love you Kakashi! By the way, Kabuto looks hot in this pic!
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