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Gah..Inuyasha is so cute in full demon...
woah hes rapeing her
aaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwww!!!! PLEASE CHANGE MY PLACE WITH KAGOME
Looks like she is trying to kiss her & he is turning into full demon
InuyashaWizard, that's just wrong!
It looks (...) I hate you!!!!!!!!
Always_Right but it looks in this pic like, but what really happens is much more rightt
I would like to be Kagome but I don't want Inuyasha scratching up my arms.
I think Kagome is trying to escape from Ynuyasha's claws!
love it, love it, love it!!!!! You did not see the movie did you lory_girl14 Kagome kisses Inuyasha so he would'nt become a full demon then Inuyasha kisses Kagome next.
You're right, angel. It's from the second movie, isn't it?
Kiss him!! Hey don't talk about the movies... I haven't seen them, but if it's true I can't wait to see it happen!
kagomes love for inuyasha made his evil go away...so cute
i wanna see the 2nd movie, too.. hmph
omg! kagomes' like really takin this transformation of Inuyasha seriously...i mean....wow she''s got some courage.....i wouldn't want to grab a trasformed demon like that...i'll died!! but i like his apparence....^^ i'm so werid.....n i wanna watch the movies too!!><
Wtf are you talkin about hurricane_force_winds ? I mean I'll admit I don't like Kagome but what does this pic have to do with HATING Inu and Kag
Now, here's a Couple's Shot! BRAVO!!! Bravo Kagome-chan! BRAVO!!! I admire her strength and love for InuYasha-sama! That just shows they belong together. She ALWAYS stays by her side and InuYasha-sama know damn well he cares for her so much! I like this picture because it shows the burning passion that Kagome-chan has for InuYasha in order to save him. Once again, bravo Kagome-chan! ~InuYasha to Kagome eien!~
Kagome would never get a chance to kiss Inu Yasha if it wasn't for that. So just took her chance, he doesn' really care of anybody but herself. Looking more deeply, we can see, that these two has no future as a couple. Inu Yasha belongs to Kikyo.
Akahana, URUSEI! What do you mean "they have no future as a couple"? Of course they do! If they didn't, then why does InuYasha-sama always risk his life to save Kagome-chan!? Answer that! In this picture, she is risking her life just to save InuYasha-sama! He could have killed her in a heartbeat in his full-youkai form and she knows that!! She could had ran away, but she didn't! 'Cause she loves him and he loves her! They're DESTINED for each other! ~InuYasha to Kagome eien!~
I'll answer to you all right. He protects her just because she looks like Kikyo. Kagome NEVER risked hers miserible life just for free. Now she decided to kiss him and do so. She do never thinks of another people's feeling. IBy the way Kikyo got him first. So Inu Yasha SHALL stay with Kikyo. So, Sango-chan, DAMARE (take a hide)
... Kikyo's kind of, um... How do I put this? Dead, perhaps?
She's ressurected. Almost like Rin. So we can't say she's dead. Dead don't walk.
SHE KISS HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everything about this pic is wrong.
Hmm, sorry Akahana, but Kagome does care about other people. Or she wouldnt risk her own life to save Inuyasha or to help protect the others in the group when they are in a pickle. Like then they were fighting Kanna and Kagura, Inuyasha had been hit by the own force of his tessaigas hidden power. With Sango's soul captured and Miroku unable to use the wind tunnel, Kagome put herself at risk to stop Inuyasha from being killed and was able to force Kagura and Kanna to withdraw.
Yeah, it's true, but all she did to other people had got her own secret meaning. She doesn't anything for free. Remember when she resqued Kikyo. She was angry because Ki didn't say thanks to her. That's the example of my point of wiew.
omg this is my favorite scene in the 2nd movie. i love that movie. damn it these pics are giving me withdrawls!
I agree with Akahana. They have absolutely no future together.
Yeah, because its seen as rude to not thank someone when they help you, especially if they rescue you. Most people would expect a thankyou, but Kikyos just a cold bitch and would walk off without saying thanks...
Look Akahana, Kikyo screwed her chance with Inuyasha before by not believing him. She believed that Inuyasha betrayed her( stupid Kikyo). Kagome would never distrust Inuyasha, she admitted she loved Inuyasha 5 f***** times . Kikyo probably admitted she loved him maybe at least once. Kikyo helped Naraku get the jewel shards She's dead and unfeeling all she does is walk around there with her soul stealers taking inoccent people's lives :cry:She's a heartless, slutty, selfish, ungrateful, kinky hoe :-
sheesh wad a bad time to go demon!RUN!RUN KAGOME!B4 HE EATS U!!!!!!u must not die!!!!
Kagome is the right 1 4 inu yasha but GOD DAMN HE IS HOT!!! i WISH I COULD TRADE PLACES WIT DAT F***ING GAL!
i have seen the movie and it sux but not as much as the fith one and I really wanna say this to Kagomes face...HA HA YOUR GONNA GET YOUR TOUNGE BIT OFF IF YOU USE FRENCH!!
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