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*runs after him* Wait up!
"Fly like the wind..."
and he's... gone with the wind!
*Rideing on back* WEEEEE! FASTER! ^.^
go go happy children!  oj odbija mi. Kawaii!
*rides on his back* YAHOO! *falls off* YOU IDIOT!
totousai: "now Inuyasha, you shall master the tessaiga's ultimate power, the ability to make you fly!"
"hangs onto Inu's foot" this was a game! let me doooown! ooh i can see my house from up here!
me:catch me if u can...inu:"m comin to getya" *holds me in his arms* oooo*blush*
running not flying, but still AWSOMELY AWSOME your the AWSOMEREST
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