Neat picture from Hitomi's "I Am"....
it is so cool KIKYOU
the flame efects go with her in this pic
Kikyou-sama looks COOL in this picture
all of u ppl bad mouthing kikyou on HER pictures and stuff...r retards...ur just trying 2 make every1 feel as bad as u
 Urusei #1 kikyo_hater!  Kikyou-sama is cool!  You suck testicles! Poopy testicles!
Kikyo is awsome!
Kakashi sux and Kikyo is ok  .
Kakashi ROX! And so does Kikyo
Whats so bad about Kikyo.?
Me like this picture
kikyo is cool, just because she loves inuyasha, she is so pretty and for some reason, i just like the cold, girls on shows
Kikyo's just a little demented...but wouldn't everybody be if they where in her posision? It's no reason to hate her because her past changed her.
she's like kagome beautiful but somewhat annoying ^_~
You mean Kagome beautiful ljke her. Because Kagome NOTHING without Kikyo
Awright!! FIRE!!!!!Burn, BURN!!!!!!!Don't get me wrong, Kikyo ROCKS, kagome SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~♥the princess is back~♥
what up!!♥
hey ban chan☺☻♥
peace theprincess!! I ♥ ZACK!!!!!!!!!
*sigh*...I'm back again...if anyone cares...am I an annoyance to anyone...if I am, I'll leave.
Hehe...yeah, hi hon...are we okay?
yeah were all good lol
^-^ =^_^= (us)
lol yay!
Yep. Okay, so what were you doing for that 30 min I was gone?
i was eating bananas :3
I dont eat that many bandanas ^-^. (yo ban)
hey wanna join this site called gaiaonline?
I've heard of it and a friend of mine from school wants me to join (but I keep forgeting  )
join now!!! yur master commands you!!!
♥theprincess is back hello.....‼
Yo again. ( Did Lord Orochimaru really tell you he wants me to join? )
Ahhh. Well, I WILL try to remember.
lol you better sorry for that late reply my sis had to use the comp
i was sorta supposed to have a little bro but he died and stuff.....
...oh  thats to bad...
yeah ^^ i happen to be the youngest theres me im 11. my sis: 21. my bro:21. my dad: in the 50s my mom: in the 40s XD lol
I live with my grandma (but shes mom to me)
where are your parents? everyones old in my family lol
lol when i was small like 5 i hoped onto my bike and ran away from home and I went to my aunties XD
^-^ funny. And Ban, sweety, why wont you tell me how you're doing any of those signs?
i actully took a bus there lol
On your own?
yeah XD
ask theprincess!!♥♣↨
I've always been overprotected...and where is she hon?
i snuck out got my pennies and crap hoped the bus man that was fun lol
I dunno, i just got off the phone with her, but i guess she left....♥???♣
I would have been WAY too scared at that age to do that...
well, okay...
anyways, i wish J would hurry up and get his ass over here......♥♠♦
HAHA...okay hons, it's getting late (really really really should go ) bye.
kk byez im headin out toos so byez also
O HELL NO BITCH U BETTER SHUT UR MOUTH! i believe inuyasha said. "are u kikyo? no? ur right kikyo was cuter....WAY cuter." and dats a quote!
angel777 ur all right you go
screw u angel777the weakest dogs bark the loudest.that as well is a quote.not from inuyasha but from DBZ.LOOK IT UP BIATCH!!!!
Kagome is not a low life bitch! Inuyasha would've gone to Kagome,if he would've moved on from Kikyo.He'll be with Kagome now that Kikyo's dead!
not neccissarly.....wat if takashi (mangaka of inuyasha series) decided to kill inuyasha off and put him in heaven with kikyo. i didnt say kagome was a no life bitch ( i was thinking it) i called demonspet8595 a no life bitch
Inuyasha wants to be with Kagome!
no he wants to be with kikyo. 
why would he want to be witha slut like kagome?
im not bashing u ar anything (u seem like a cool person 4 standing up for wat u believe in ) but i notce ur screename has 2 VERY hated chahaters
Inuyasha loves Kagome,and to prove it he vowed to protect her with his life.Plus they've kissed.
so ....kikyo and inuyasha have kissed at least 4 times, and to prove inuyasha loves kikyo he even vowed to protect kikyo in front of kagome. so he basically made the same promise to different women. but he loved kikyo so much he made the promise IN FRONT OF kagome.
Inuyasha only said that because he did'nt know she was there,and the minute he knew she was he went straight to Kagome!
the minute kikyo was in trouble he LEFT kagome and went right after kikyo (right in front of kagome) u see when inuyasha is with kikyo he tries to hide the relationship with kagome, but wen inuyasha is with kikyo he dosent even try to hide it.
Only because Kagome said it was ok.Kagome's so nice she she did'nt want something to happen to even Kikyo.Unlike Kikyo who could care less!
u see when inuyasha is with kikyo he tries to hide the relationship with kagome, but wen inuyasha is with kikyo he dosent even try to hide it his relationship with her, u kno why? ppl dont hide true love.^^
By the way Riamuku Takahashi said Kagome is potentially stronger than Kikyo herself so Ha!
and who sealed hagomes powers????kikyo. so HA and key word is "potientally". and ofcourse because kikyo is so powerful the only reasonable thing to do is give kagome her LEFT OVER power.HAA
It was'nt Kikyo it was the evil side of the jewel,and Kagome's power comes from her strong,and pure heart!
no it was kikyo who sealed it off, and no it wasnt because her "strong pure heart" it is cuz kikyo sama was such a strong miko. y do u think kagome is even a priestess, because kikyo. being the reincarnation a a strong, kind, intelligent, and beautiful miko has its advantages.
Wrong it was the evil in the jewel.The demons Midoriko sealed in it did'nt want her to purify it.Kagome is a priestess,and therefore Kikyo's equal!
kagome is kikyo's reincarnation even if she is a preistess, so therefore weaker.(at first) if she does gain power, its only cuz she is the main charater. kikyo rules.
Kikyo's only the reason Kagome has power,but her strength comes from her.If she gains powes it's because she works for it! KAGOME RULES!
dats true kikyo is the reason for her power but she does work for it. i agree  . kikyo kicks ass.
Kagome kicks but too! Why don't we agree that Kagome,and Kikyo are equals.Is that fair?
yea. ok and i apologize in advance for the comments u might see on other kikyo pics.
Apollogy accepted,I'm sorry too.the important thing is that Naraku is defeated for what he's done to both Kagome,and Kikyo.Btw I do respect Kikyo.Just as Kagome does too.
yea true
Hi Suzu!
Whats up anything fun going on?
yea ur a pretty cool person (kagomeandsakurarule.)
Thanks,I just get carried away sometimes.
shes so pretty I love her hair!!
Kikyou rox while Kagome (and Inu-Yashas relationship)dropz!
^ fuck you. INUYASHA NAD KAGOME END UP TOGETHER MORON ;D Kagome is too GOOD. She saves KIKYOU and kikyou doesnt even say thank you. u kikyou fans are like 'oh feel bad for kikyou' LMAO WHY? Kagome saves her and she doesnt even give gratitude. FUCK YOU KIKYO!
always kagome getting bashed ITS NOT FAIR UGHH IT MAKES ME SO PISSED. you guys always come into kagomes gallery because you have no fucking moral and dont respect KAGOMES FANS. we dont want to read your stupid anti-kagome comments so stay the fuck away. how rude. so to conclude KIKYO SUCKS. KAGOME ROCKS. there, like it?
it makes me so pissed kagome fans are always kind about kikyo, the majority of thema nd some kikyou fans are just plain ass bitchy and disacknowledge the fact that kagome saved her ass. inuyasha and kagome are destines, thanks to kagome he is out of the tree and they are bounded to the red string of fate. inuyasha and kikyo dropz, PWNED.
Kikyo rules and Kagome drools!!! I hate Kagome!!!!!!
Hey Happy Girl..you know what? There is one thing I noticed...about you...you state the same reason on every kikyou pic...that she don't show gratitude...you have just one crappy reason for hating the miko kikyou!!! We kagome haters have dozens!!!! We have logical reasons for hating kagome. Not like you guys...'Oh kikyo's cold, kikyou's ugly, kikyo's evil...and all other bullshit!' Kagome is whiny, she almost kills inu by sitting inu for the most trivial reasons, everyone has to save her weak ass
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