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I love Kikyou! She's the coolest! Inuyasha and Kikyou forever!
yeah right loser! Naruko and Kikyou forever!
It's Naraku, and Kikyou hates Naraku...Inu-Yasha and Kikyou is what I think, but whatever. It's only My opinion.
Inu-Yasha and Kikyou is possible as opposed to Naraku and Kikyou *shudders at the thought* she DESPISES Naraku, DESPISES I tell you!
Naruko? Where the hell did you come up with that?
Kikyou and InuYasha? She wants him to burn in hell with her....but whatever. The NxK thing would work out if they could get past the "I HATE YOU!!!" thing.
Who the hell thinks Naraku and Kikyou should be together!!!! Naraku is UGLY as hell!!! His ugly wavy hair that look like crap!!!! Naraku is a freaking BABOON!!!!!
THEN WHY ARE YOU HERE??? Are you in that big of a need for conflict to come and trash Kikyo on a page meant specifically for her? What the hell is wronge with you?
I don't like Kikyou. I can't see her beeing with Inuyasha for few reasons. Kikyou wanted Inuyasha to change and their love broke so quickly, she didn't let Inuyasha explain about Naraku so many times, she wanted him to be in hell, and the person who loves some one wouldn't do that for their lover
Zvaogzdute 1st) Kikyou didn't nessecarrily want Inuyasha to change because she didn't like him the way he was she just wanted him to feel excepted and she thought turning him human might purify the jewel 2nd) Would you listen to someone who you believe betrayed you, slaughtered your people[which he kind of did], and now was like wait it just looked like me yeah we're watching we know but it looked bad 3rd) Hell in Budhism is pergotory the place between life and rebirth not eternal damnation she loves him
Naraku is the essence of coolness biatch. However he doesn't make a good couple with anyone I know  .
I want Inu Yasha to stay with Kikkyo. They are perfect for each other! That SHALL be the happy end of the story!
I hate Kikyou, but she is very beautiful!
Listen !!!!! Do we have to explain in every pic of Kikyou!!!!!Its Kikyo(English) and Kikyou(Japanese) ok!!!!
I like ikyo! She's much better than Kagome!
hmm,i kinda like kikyou/naraku togather,maybe even sango/naraku..
kikyou rocks!!!!!!!
sorry not going to happen i love kikyo but she dies so sad she really does die and inuyasha admits that he love kagome more and marrys her
Oye fellow kikyou lovers! Don't explain anything to the haters ;they have such thick skulls that they won't understand anything! Kikyou RULES!!!
Hooray for Kikyo! As for Inuyasha... ICK!!! I hate him.
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