I want that puppy for a pet!
awwww, don't you wanna pet him? XD
He is so cute! I want one!!!
SESSHOUMARU!!!!! YAY!!!! Lolz very nice><
WOOOW thats a real draw of rumiko
the art work is realy good
is this my dog?It looks so cute.....
Go The Sessh!
HE is soooooooooooooooo cute!!!
AWWWWW! *pets computer screen*
cute?whats wrong with you people it will eat your fricken flesh off
I want one to eat my sister
Come on, boy! You're coming home with ME! Stop growling, MY InuYasha won't bite!
How can you call cute that thing?
How can not call him cute?!?
Now that I think about it.......I want one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its uber cute XD
Uh...cute doesnt describe that...  ...menacing, threatening, cold, blood-sucking precious white wolf does it...*sigh*
soooo cute! i love dogs!
I agree with Fluffy.
well....I think their rite...U can't call it cute but I guess the pic is great
i want him
cute but a creepy toung lol
I love that doggie! It's really cute!
another pic of the demon poodle
how will you slay me
but poodles are fluffy and you are fluffy
Poodles are also small animals.......and i dont think he is 1ft tall
i like all of u
I think the drawing is great.  But it's a little scary. not something I would want for a pet
No way this is scary this is asum and i would totaly have it for a pet how could you say sesshomeru is scary he is totaly harmless(well not to eveyone example his bro Inuyasha
But the question is.....do ya have the room for it
You know you would need a very larg Pooper Scoper for him.
Wow. People really do write weird comments. That's good. Now I know I'm not alone! Anyway, what a nice picture. I like Sesshomaru a lot when he's like this. He's such a well developed character. *Grins Cheerfully*
all of the good ones have faults...LOL
This is my dog........
He is so cute! wow
Kind of reminds me of a dog I had. The thing was so cute but totally evil. And yeah Sesshoumaru is sexy. I think I need to kidnap him and keep him to myself. Then sell my plushie on e-bay. Oh and wouldn't it be a super duper pooper scooper?
Cause i give him random demons you've never seen before to ride on/kill
Ohhh... Jakens a potty mouth.
Sesshomaru is SOOOOOOOOOO stupid I hate him sooo much LOSER
Oh look it's another animegirl14. They like to character bash but don't have the guts to say why they hate them.
C'mon Sesshoumaru! Lets kill Zeba!!! BLOOD EVERYWHERE!!! BLOOD!!! BLOOD!!! BLOOOOOOOD!!!!!! and more BLOOD!!!
That's going to be A lOT of girls going after Zeba.  ... Oh well I guess they should have known better.
SHUT UP ZEBA!!!! *echo echo* You better stop talking about Lord Sesshomaru NOW!!! *hmph. Rin doesn't like you!
Don't let Zeba get you mad Rin. People like that can't help being the way they are..... It's because their brains are smaller than Jaken's.
Damn Skippy! ...wait a second...i resent that! dont get me mad, i will summon horribly useless demons to attack you! ooh fear me ooh!
That wasn't exactly an insult to you.... I did say their brains were smaller than yours.
-cough-Sesshomaru's demonic -cough- bride-cough-Die!
.......why do people hate sesshy sooo much??
My dog is about like that but he's retarded
~sigh~ i know i know, jaken clean up on aisle...sehssomaru's sword....or something.
I want to watch it kill and eat.......hahaha....I don't know why...maybe I am a lunatic....whatever......I want one....
You are all stark raving mad...THAT IS TOTALLY AWESOME.Sorry please ignore my retarded comment.
ehh,nice dogy...*run's away calling mumy*
You know you look like a poodle. no affense or anything, i'm just saying. don't hurt me!!! (runs away. you have a little chance of living if you run...right?)
COOL!!!! I WONT IT I WONT IT.....hmmm if only my dog can do that.......
I want that dog it's cute in a wierd way.
thats a cool pet
noobs....who are those filthy humans to call mi poodles nuisance...my father left mi a dumb sword....i want that soungya of his....the one that mi and inuyasha sent back to hell.....i want that sword much betta then tetsusaiga...
a very bored Sesshomaru is cooler then you are!!! and you sound getto!!!
what th... What happened to my comments? I don't see them!
yeah i know!! on the first ones it looks like i'm talking to myself!!!
THIS SUCKS! Now what am I gonna do?
I DON'T KNOW!!! the stupid wedsite is being retarded, or at least it's getting there! we even have to log in to post comments!! Ya hear me!! you guys are retarded!!!
A very bored Sesshomaru I don't know what happened to your comments but I was hoping you could explain something. I was reading comments on another picture and it mentioned you explaining what mmb ment. Seeing as how all of your posts are gone could you let me know what it means?
OOOWWWWW!!! my brain hurts from all this frustrastion
...*still hugging lord sesshomaru*.....why..it isn't that bad..atleast we found lord sesshomaru hehe
beacuse my brain dosen't like it when hard questions, words, and frustraions builds up in there. it likes it's personal space, thats why it's in a large area. Anyway, yay i thought you got mad at me for biting your hand and deleted your comments stupid thought.
I did btu I forgave you I was in a bad mood so yeah plus what she did annoyed me no evence though....
uuhhh i could of sworn it was Lord Sesshomaru's hand i bit but that's okay...i think...so yeah Lord Sesshomaru sorry about that but you have sharp nails. For anyone whos doesn't know what the hell i'm talking about go to the first picture and you'll see
oh..yeah but I mean that one girl you had done something to me then....don't you remeber......
uhh i didn't bite your hand tho...you're going to make me look all the way through the comments aren't you? no i don't remember...i don't think i ever killed you or what ever come to think of it...are you sure it was me?
uuh............-blink- mmb means magical mystery bitch.
ok then... *stops hugging lord sesshomaru* yay!! I am still alive hehehe *runs around to go pick flowers* hey does anyone know where rin, and jaken are, I wanna go pick flowers with someone. (maybe it wasn't you nikoyasha btu I thoguht it was sorry.....)
sesshomaru thats nice...not having the best of days, and you haven't been around anywere for a while now, where were ya?! it's boring without you around
I was frustrated about all my posts being deleated
*comes back with flowers* here lord sesshaomru oh and here is the seven dwarfes have somehow followed me GROAMPY SHUT UP ALREADY!!!!(I only remember two of the name doppy adn graumpy)... oha dn 8kilss lord Sesshomaru immposter and Sesshomarus soulmate (coughcough  you die  coughcough)
what? there's to many typos, yeah im mad becuase alot of things use to be funny and now they suck!
yeahyeah and sorry about the posty thing I had corrected it but the stupid website undid it beucase I sooo remember changeing my name atleast
try again or something, I can't make it out either..
aaaawwww you're so fluffy! ^.^
kk I will lord sesshomaru oh adn this thing says shintas_darkestgril that is till me I WANNA CHANGE MY USERNAME!!!!!! but the stupid website won't let me even make a new one grrrr....
FIX TYPOS!!!!! nothing you say makes sense anymore!!!! and i know the web site people are being retarted
Nikoyasha speking of typosyou spelled retarded wrong
shut up! its from all the frustraion! i have an IQ of -0.3 and a very short attention spane, oh and youre not so good you're self space between typos and you also you spelled speaking wrong!!! don't get on my back or my evil side will snap you in half!!!!
arghh both ofyou shhh we don't won't another repeat of what I did....
Well if you want to change your name Shintas_darkestgirl just edit your comment and change it then. That's what I do.
Is that my dog? He's been missing for ages! -puts lead on and takes home- Bad dog! Don't run away again! -pets- Good Sessy
you know he isn't your dog adn he could kill you VERY easily since he such a big and strong dog...and yeah I forgot about that for a while hehe
yay im back! well i was only away for one day, but i missed my computer *hugs computer*
uhhhh YAY!! hehe.....and yes this is shintas_darkestgirl
for some reason i have not smiled laughd or had fun for what seems like ages and the worst part is i have not even chased a bird in what seems like ages.something wrong with me.it could be the fact that i have nightmares about sesshomaru dieing by inu.or that i have nightmares about my death.my dreams say i will die by drowning in so large clear bodie of water.i dont know which nightmare is worse.in any case im to scared to smile lagh or be exited about the return of a very bored sesshomaru.i feel so low.
I am half insane right now HEHEHAHA PLUS I LIKE THIS GUY A LOT!! THAT NONE OF YOU KNOW! *eyes twitches* I LOVE COFFE! Allyson: *bonks Kaina on head* WILL YOU SHUT UP ABOUT ALEX ALREADY!!!!!!! that is the guy she likes by the way *drags now unconscience Kaina into chamber where luke, alex, nate, leila, adn ashley are
AHHHH! how do you know my name!!!!??? *eyes twitch*
(shakes uncontroably)im going to die by drowning..im going to die by dieing in a clear lake..(rocks back and forth)im going to drown..in a lake...a clear lake...(keeps repeating over and over)
*looks around for lake....tip toes away from collie and hides behind sesshomaru and A/67*
It was probably the lake of RFG drool from one of the other pics.
any way i scarred...help!
Allyson: what are you saying you have the same name as me ha that is kind of funny but no I am not you she was refuring to me and yes I actully locked her up with alex..but that is what she gets for locking me and luke down stairs with the lights off at around midnight she will pay for that they all ran up stairs and now beucase of her I like luke she keeps reminding me of him syaing that I( will marry him and ARGHHH kill KILL!!!! Kaina and alex: SOMEONE HELP US!!!!!
*blink* uh did I miss something?
ok......any one want to fill us in?
i would but ive been gone for two weeks because i was grounded again. Yay im back again ^_^ but for only satin knows how long *sighs*
im ok aslong as i dont have a dream that i die again..
die you danm wolf die in the depths of hell
NO!!! don't send him down there or we'll have to deal with him!!
*thinks* Hmmm....  *opens portal* toss him in here.
good thinking now how come i coudn't think of that???? Yushiho- somebody re-kill me!!
yes (rubs paws together evily)we shall trough him in the portal!what a good plan!now where the hell did he go?! danm hes fast. on this one not that i want to but i hope naraku or prehaps sesshomaru or even inu kills him. dont kill me!sesshomaru wouldent want to get fillthy wolf blood on his hand.
Kiana: *runns up and breaths heavily* ehy guys I have been gone a while haven't I? well um anyways.. to explain a few things I was staying at allyson's house
i could kill you all. So whats all this talk about heaven or hell im not goin anywherefor a long time
your soal shall be divowerd..desend into the darkness and never come back..die decend into hell and rise again...i wish you pleasant electric singnals.
hi guys sorry ive been gone so long so sesshomaru454 wants to kill me? or Yushiho? Im confused...Yushiho: No one shall kill my master. A little late for that don't ya think, Lord sesshomaru's killed me three-two times now. Yushiho: well...except for him.
Not afraid of death? Are you crazy? ..... She threatened to die my hair neon blue and make me go shopping. That girl's taste in colors is enough to scare anyone... She waned to put me all in pink. *shutters at thought* Pink I tell you, PINK!!!
you're sooooooooo creepy O_O try not to do anyhing stupid or A/67 well get ya....newbees
im not afraid of death im afraid of what i will miss.
collie would ya get off of that subject already
ok! (runs after mouse) must chase! must play ball!
hey the nouse is mine! *runs after mouse*
 i guess you can have it. i will chase the frog!
hey guys i am back!!!...... again....
hello! again
AWWWWW wait............how did u git a pic of my dog?
he is sooooooooooooooooooo not your dog!
Funny ^_^
Holy  I don't think I ever saw so many comments on 1 pic.
teehee Fluffy REALLY IS fluffy!
no there are more on a different picture!^_^ but sesshomaru is not fluffy and his name is NOT fluffy!
ya men tell him
never mind
Did you mean Amen? That's the closest thing to it that I could think of.... But you're both right. People who call him Fluffy are nothing more then RFG.
whats going up?
no idia
Sesshoumaru-sama is so freakin' SEXY in his demon form! *drools over him*
songo impersonater!*go crazy with battle ax and mutant chickens* yukis killer(to be):you evil pervert!!!!!
now, lets calm down COLLIE!!!,oh, sessy is still cute
die! go to helll songo impersonater! i will not be silanced! no one in helll willl control collie montoya border!
A to the HOLE! *giggle*
this is the coolest thing I have ever seen  I LIKE IT
He's is so scarry when he is is like that!!!!!!!!
My life is scary *dark look* ^_^ *burns forest*
Your funny ^_^ *watches the buring trees* pretty ^^
*laughs* Pretty...O.o Michael: *shoves her off random cliff for no reason*
*still mesmerized by fire*
has anybody even noticed i was gone?
Of course we noticed ^_^ and welcome back ^^ No one said anything because -- *blink* -- *looks back and fire is out* T_T Who put the fire out ..... *takes out bottle bomb and throws it on the remaning bit of forest that's managed to remain undamaged by A/67* *huge fire starts* *stares*  Yoko: ~sigh~ I knew it was a bad idea for her to stop taking those pills -_-;
*climbs up cliff* haha, yeah. I gave those pills to Michael. Michael: *hugs her* A/67: *laughs* can you get me some more? *sees fire* Hey! Who burnt that last bit of forest i was saving?!
karame noticed i was gone but a/67 didnt..*sigh*
I was actully going to ask in a post if anyone knew where you were. You came back before I did so... well you know.... oh and sorry A/67 ^_^; *more trees grow* There now you have your little bit of forest back. *takes out pills* Here I just got a refill ^_^ ........ Yoko: O_o; girl stop giving out your meds. I don't think I can deal with you without them anymore. Karame: Well you'll just have to deal  .... so A/67 you gonna light that fire any time soon ^^ I can always make Yoko grow more
hello! have you met my mutant hamster carry? she is poisones if you try to eat her !
Good thing i don't eat hampster meat ^_^;
Fluffy! ^0^ *Glompies picture* He looks so kawaii with his tounge on the side.
O_o; ...... *speechless*..... *pulls out Blasty Jr.* >=}
yes! more pills! *gets tackled my Michael* ^_^ you're funny.
pills bad!
No collie. Pills good ^_______^ Yoko: Well at least she's taking the new ones Karame: ~stares into space~
whats wrong with you I take happy pills!!!!!!
yay your here pills veruy bad
realy? My mom says That I NEED happy pills or I am the spitting image of a very angry wolfy ooooh wolfy ^
an angry koga?! lone wolf gets mad somtimes but not always.
ummmm..... not koga Josh says tsume more like MOTORCYCLES!!!!
Michael dumped me. So now i have to take pills just to keep from blowing up the world. ^_^
pills good for you. (pills bad for me)
*rocks back and fourth and sucks her thumb* O_o
peanut butter.
i feel like dying now. *sits in the middle of a desert and lets vultures peck her eyes out*
*eats sandwhich*
-waves- hiya, and nice pic... o.O i'm new so hehe  i still gotta figur this out
HAZE THE ROOKIE!!!! *throws ice down back* Now carry my flamethrower.
*yawns* wow...how long have ive been asleep for??? O.o;
*eating sandwhich*
i want a sandwich! Rookie! Make me a sandwich! *throws more ice at her*
*hands a/67 a sandwhich* *eats her sandwhich*
*eats sandwich* ^_^
mmmmmmm *finishes sandwhich*
*makes a nother sandwhich*
*finishes sandwich and eats humans* Evgeni: *watches her and looks sick*
careful what you do in front of him. hes probally never killed before
chocolate?! weeeeeeeeeeee *goes on the hunt* mwhhwhwhhahahahha
*steals bag of pocky and eats all of it* ^_^ mmm.. i win! *continues to eat human* oh i'm sorry, did you want some? *hands an arm to Evgeni* Evgeni: O_O *throws up*
*twitches* chooocolatewee!11 weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !hahahahhahahahahh
GIVE ME CHOOOOCLOLAT THAT TASTERS LIKE TSUME'S FLESH!!! CHOCOLATE MILK! *gives collie 11900000000 cartonas of chcolate milk* justs a experemint!
8drinks the milk* mahahhahahhahahaha hahahahahahha ahhahaHAHHAHAHA HAha aha hahahahhah h aha hahah a h aha ahahh ahahah ha ah ah ah a h hah a h ah ha ha hah a hh ah ah h ah a a hahhahhaha a hahahahah aha hah h ah ah ahhahahhahahahhahahha a ah hahah ahhahahah hahahhaahhahahahha ahah ha ahahhaahhaha hahahhahahahha
*drinks lotsa lotsa chocolate milk*mmmm... choclate!!! *eats doughnut*
hahahahahyhahhahahhahh hahhahahhahahhahah hahahahhahah ahahhahahhahhah ahahahahhahahha hahahhahah ah ahha hahahhahahah ahhahahhahaha ahhahhahah ahahhahah ahahhahahhaha ahhahahha ahhahah hahahhahaha ahhahahhahah ahhah ahah ahahh ah ha hah ah h ah ah hahahhahahhahhahahahha ahha ahh aha hhahahhah ah aha hahh ha hhaha hah hahahhah ah ahh ah ah hahha h ah hahahhahah h ahahhahahahhah ahha ahahhahahha mutant chikens hahahhahahhahahahhahhahhahhahahhahhaha
Nah you don't need to worry. She'll stop sooner or later.... either that or will be killed by Sesshoumaru again when he gets sick of it. Btw if you haven't figured it out most people here are nuts ..Albel: You don't have to tell me about it. I have to live with the most psychotic one of the group.. *sees someone eating Monopoly pieces* O_o then again....Karame: Oh shut up *thwackes Albel* and I wan't telling you
grave robber:du to the fackt that my sister passed out because she couldnt catch her breath i will be talking for a while.
Yup ^__^ and I hope collie is going to be ok. She's been laughing for a really, really long time. Hopefully that lack of oxygen doesn't cause brain damage.
*soaked* ... ... *blink* ... Oh it is so on. *grabs huge arsenal of ballons* >=}
grave robber:dude.....
*also soaked* So thats how you want it  *grabs loaded super soaker* btw I have a pretty good aim>=)
*throws water bomb at barrier**still intact* Dang... well it can't hold forever *get another water bomb ready*
*dripping wet* =-$ This won't do ...... oh idea! *turns RFG zapper into a weapon**throws it at the shield**barrier falls down* Oh yeah *uses ballon launcher* >=}
*totally drenched* O_o; Ok this is getting me no where fast. *uses fire technique to dry off* Now what to do next ... *thinks* ... Hmmmm ... *smacks hand on head* Duh why didn't I remember it before *open portal and turns on fire hose at full blast**other end ofportal opens right over EvilSammy* >=} .... ~note to self: Stop forgetting you can open portals~
Ummmmm .... K ^__^ *throws out the rest of the water ballon arsenal* I'll make something to snack on. *gets out chocolate, gram crackers and marshmallows* Gotta love s'mores. Esp flamming s'mores ^_^ Mmmm flamey goodness *passes s'mores*
smores? mmmmmmmm...... yep oit is i collie! i have returned!
ACK! WATER! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! *runs from water* water hurts fire! water makes fire cry!  *sits in a corner and builds a fire out of twigs* O_o *twitch*
Awww poor A/67 *pushes Evgeni to her* Fix her please... oh yeah *pulls out flamethrower* She loves these things ^_^ .... Yoko: Do you really think that is going to get him to -- Karame: shhh
is it just my computer. because i cant find the folders that has the name of the shows then the things that lead to all the pics! it really pisses me off.....and i wont be wroiting for 5 days starting satersay,
Evgeni: (sigh) ... (hugs her) A/67: you are so sweet (hugs)
Yo quiero un perro as�!!! y m�s si se transforma es humano despu�s y me habla s�per cachondo por las noches.. o todo el d�a XDDDDDD!!!
what the hell?! i know its a mexican fan girl!
*stares at comment above collie* Uh. Hm. *no comment*
se the XDDDD IT Has to be q fan girl
I may be crazy but fan girls definitly give the word a whole new meaning!
i l;ike chikens
i know!
It cool to do or say random things it keeps everything interesting
hmmmm did you say cheeza??? Tsume was following me again!!!!!! T_T I am bored now muahahahhahahahahahahahaha I am evil!!
*comes in out of portal* *blink* Pizza! *leaves*
Hmmm...i like pizza. (buys a pizza and eats the whole thing like a hog) Evgeni: can i have a piec- nevermind. (pizza is gone before he can ask)
Can't he be my pet?
no sesshomaru cant be your pet
I like orange jiuce
Evgeni is my pet. I feed him, and take him for walks, and pet him... Evgeni: you're so creepy. A/67: that's why you love me >=) Evgeni: who said i loved you? A/67: (gives Evgeni a look that says "Say you don't love me and i'll eat your soul") Evgeni: O_o.
man the orange juec thing was random! your one of us now!  ! come to the dark side angelicas evil we hacve cookies...
And free candy! ^_^ well...we used to have candy >=) BURRRRRPPPP!!!
awww cute puppy...MINE!!!!!!!!!
hobo! can i feed you to my mutants?
 Hmmm lets see! I have 3 different kinds of chocolate cookies. I have chocolate covered Oreos, just chocolate and chocolate chip chocolate cookies so take your pick  .
*runs off with the oreos* MINE! Evgeni: dumb american. A/67: Just because i like oreos and i happen to be american doesn't mean i'm dumb! >=( racist. Evgeni: (rolls eyes) A/67: dirty commy russian. Evgeni: (laughs)
>=) i knew you were gonna do that so i switched bags and those are fake  *Starts laughing her head off* but if you ask i''ll give you the real ones
Evgeni: i'm not a communist. And russia isn't communist anymore so there! (sticks tongue out) A/67: well...you're still dirty! I don't want oreos anymore 'cause Evgeni is a racist jerk! Evgeni: okay..i'm sorry. A/67: ^_^ (hugs him) I lurve you and all your racism. Evgeni: i'm not THAT racist.
i dont wanna be fed to mutants....
Can i feed you to Evgeni? Evgeni: i'm not really hungry right now. O_o.
awwww o well... theyre already fed.. *has a hobo hanging by a string over a pit of angry mutant chiken* serves you right for not telling me how to get to school!
One time i forgot where i lived and i sat in the middle of the street and cried. And Evgeni came and rescued me when the cops came. Cops are scary! Apparently i was in the front yard of our house the whole time.
Im hungry. Make me dinner! (throws an apron at Evgeni) Evgeni: i made dinner last night! A/67: You ordered chinese, that's not making dinner! Evgeni: i don't want to. A/67: DO IT OR I'LL EAT YOUR SOUL!!! ...kay? ^_^ Evgeni: O_O; (runs off into the kitchen)
Just layin' down the law. I wear the pants in this relationship and he's gotta know who's boss- (is suddenly hit in the head with an apple) Evgeni: >=( I am NOT a pushover!
your a potatoe chip!
*Just watching in amusement*
 I thought she was a horse in human form
*comes bouncing in with a candy bar in hand* So did I miss anything
Are too! I OWN you manslave! Evgeni: I can leave anytime i want! I don't have to listen to you! A/67: nacho? (holding a plate of nachos) Evgeni: O.O (takes nachos)
>=) I know how this man works like the back of my hand. Evgeni: can't argue with that! Nachosss... (shoving nachos in his face)
a/67 are you a amazon? you know the people that was all girls and thought man was their slave to toy with?
*hugs brother who is very ironicly named envy (fma)*Envy:let go of me you midgit!!! yukis killer:onni-chan why are you so mean you are more stubborn than a wolf!!! *laughs evily!!* envy:YOU ARE THE FULL METAL SHORTY!!Yukis killer: oh yea??? you aint even human!!! envy:diss man diss..
Nice pic though.
Maybe i am...im not from the amazon region though.  Evgeni: I am not your slave!!! >=( A/67: yes you are! (gives him a fish sandwich) Evgeni: ^_^ kay! (eats sandwich)
rub my feet slave! (shoves foot in his face) Evgeni: Ew! get your nasty foot away! (pushes foot) A/67: RUB MY FEET! (holds fish sandwich up) Evgeni: =O---- sandwich... (rubs her feet) A/67: ^_^ that's what i thought.
 .........no comment
All women should know that men will do anything for food. Evgeni: or s- A/67: -_- don't go there. just don't. Evgeni: okay, shutting up. (eats sandwich)
that is so not true wat a fool and this is the most random forum iv ever been on. ppl here are nuts but so am i there is a fire manica. with a banshi(a/67) and some other nut balss on this forum like 90% doesnt have anything to do with the asoma pic dudes dudettes and freaks
 ...yeah pretty much. ^_^ but i lurve the randomness that has no connection to the pics. FIREEEEEE! (goes on forest-burning tangent) hmm.. i like the um. white-ness in this picture. There! HAPPY?! (continues burning forest)
i really burned a forest in real life and it was not cool man is was nuts the forest caught on fire so fast that i couldnt run from it and it surrounded me. an i real do have a flamethrow cuase pyros are the best.(shoots roman candle at A/67 and killes her *she never returns*)
hmm...well that didn't work well because i'm back! My annoying self hath returned from the grave. (continues on forest burning tangent)
Thanks for the help. (sigh) there is always at least one or two people who hate my guts. >=) It's entertaining the things they come up with. I'm FICTIONAL hello?!!? Can't really die so keep stabbing away.
 Uhh that may be true but still not good idea to say that
whatever, i don't really care anymore. i've got a big mouth. if there is anymore abuse coming, i deserve it. >=)
 no comment
(sings) I wanna rock n roll all night! And party everyday! I wanna rock n roll all night!!! Evgeni: ugh. keep your day job. (covers ears) A/67: (sings louder)
*has headphones on and music at full volume*
Who needs headphones when you can sing your favorite tunes! Evgeni: if you sing one more song i swear i will cut your vocal cords out with my hockey stick. (holds hockey stick up to her throat) A/67: O_O scary Evgeni...
 *backs slowly away form angry hockey player* their own to turn evil when mad
(backs into wall) O_O Evgeni: grrrr...>=( (still has hockey stick to her throat) A/67: eep! Evgeni is crazzzzyyyy!!!! Run for your lives!
how did we get from Sesshomaru to hockey  ?
The world may never know- Evgeni: SHUT UP! (whacks her with hockey stick) A/67: you're MEAN! (knees him in the groin) (sticks tongue out) Evgeni: O_O...(falls over in pain) A/67: (picks up hockey stick and runs off) >=)
Hmmm mabe I should wait to give her the news  *looks at Evgeni* I really don't wanna end up like him  Plus she has a hockey stick in her hands  *hides*
Hmmm...(looks at hockey stick) I hold great POWER in my hands! BWAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!! (thunder, lightning) Evgeni: pain...x_x (choke) (curled up on the floor) A/67: ALL SHALL OBEY MEEEEE!!! (trips and falls down a flight of stairs)
I shall tell you NEVER GIVE KAKASHI SENSEI a CHEESENIP!!!!! its scary he gets cheese high like collie does with chocolate milk!!!
*Eating Nachos infront of a huge bonfire* I hope A/67 didn't break anything  *bites lip* Umm A/67 have you seen your profile lately  If you haven't you should but don't get mad cause my friend did it behind my back  Oh and mine now says The Pyro Princess
I remember awhile back this pick wasn't even that popular. But now every1s all over :p
he's sooo hot and very strong!!!!!!
WOW  Lord Sesshomaru looks awsome in his demon form  Sadly I am only half Inu so I only have the ears  But half is btter the none
I'm...ooookay...(passes out) Evgeni: idiot. (slowly gets up and takes his hockey stick back) A/67: x_x... Evgeni: my how the tables have turned. (leaves)
 *waves bowl of nachs in front of A/67* If this doesn't wake her up nothing will
Ah..ACHOOOO  *turns into a 3ft Fire Elf*  NOT THIS AGAIN  Last time I was stuck like thhis for 3 days straight
dang! is that what i looked like last night? i didn't think anyone would take a picture.
*still a 3ft Fire Elf*  I HATE BEING THIS SMALL  *starts throwing fireballs at RFGs*
FLUFFY!!! UR BCK!!!!!!!!!!!!*HUGS BIG DOG*
(nose moves slightly at the scent of the nachos but she doesn't move) Evgeni: i know what she wants. ugh, i know i'm going to regret this. (kisses her) A/67: ^_^ I'm awake now! Yay! You woke the sleeping beauty! Evgeni: (mutters) more like sleeping nightmare.
I so agree with Lord Fluffy, Cute is not the word for it
*picks anime_ryoki up by the front of her shirt collar* do you want to know why i always keep my right eye covered?
DONT EAT MEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!
(coughs up a shoe) ...too late. Evgeni: great now you spoiled your dinner. I made borscht! A/67: I ALWAYS have room for seconds! BORSCHT!!! (attacks) Evgeni:
horse demon. (burps) ugh...my tummy hurts. Evgeni: you ate the whole pot of borscht! A/67: and the spoon. I ate the spoon too.
If it was a Wolf i would take notice
(burps again) mmm... borscht. Evgeni: i still can't believe you ate the whole pot of borscht! I didn't even get some!!! >=( A/67: it's not like you can't make more. Evgeni: ...
*points* it looks like my cat o.o;; And I'm serious. Sesshy in dog demon form looks like my cat.
thats kinda weird but ok
come to t5eh darc side of the crazy we have..draco malfoy
Was collie just speaking russian? Evgeni: no. that was...i don't even know. A/67: hmm.. nacho? (eating giant box of nachos)
that is one sexy wolf  !!!!!!!!
 That's not a wolf its a dog  but yes he is sexy
I think nachos are a hottie. Evgeni: i don't even want to know... (leaves)
I'd like that as a pet
i'd like nachos as a pet. Evgeni: (returns) you decided to be somewhat normal again? ..no. i guess not. (leaves) A/67: NACHOS!!!! ^-^
 NACHOS! *rus off to rob nearest nacho factory*
NACHOS!!! (runs off to join Abey93) (grabs ski mask)
*kicks down factory doors* Hand over the nachos and you might live
GIVE THE NACHOS OR DIE!!!!! (holding a machine gun in both hands) Nacho Factory Workers: O_O
*laughs demonically* FORK EM OVER PUNNY HUMANS
Sesshomaru is a JERK  I think the dog is hungry. Any bones to feed this MORON  And this pis is SOOOO YUCKY
wow the comment abve id dissin lord sasshomaru! meow
... DIE!!!!!!  (chops abinash into tiny pieces with a large axe, then burns the pieces with flamethrower) Evgeni: ugh, i can't watch (looks sick)
lord fluffy no offence ment but you do know sesshy isn't an okami right and ling ping #2 i so agree with the pupper scooper... sesshy rules and that's final... i will cast the shadow of shi on any one who disagrees (*menicing laugh*)
I don't know why abinash said that Sesshomaru is a jerk, he must not like sesshomaru that much but Sesshomaru is stong.
Lord Sesshomaru could totallly kick his *ss! Poor stupid pathatic abinash.....glad A/67 killed them
I like killing things!!! >=D (holding up a baby bunny) Evgeni: don't. (grabs bunny) A/67: aww...
*eating stew* oops... um hey Evgeni I think your bunny just ran away ^_^;
Aw..I wanted to kill it. (puts machine gun away) Evgeni: I know something that's more fun than shooting innocent creatures anyway! A/67: decapitated Jaken's head volleyball?! Evgeni: ..no. hockey!!! A/67: hockey is fun, but i think Sesshomaru is fun too! Yay!
Here's a compromise. You can cut off Jaken's head and Evgeni can use it as a puck >
Hmm...kay! but only if Lord Sesshomaru is on my team! ^_^ Evgeni: what about me being on your team?! A/67: ..neh, you suck at hockey. Evgeni: ..and that's why im a professional hockey player.
professional hockey player. kool. Evgeni can be on my team if I can have Kouga too. *smacks Jaken' head* let the game begin.
This is somewhat ugly, but looks kool!^^
(is about to score when-) UGLY?!!?! (attacks) Evgeni: great. 2 minutes into the game and a fight has already broken out... (sigh) (drops gloves and joins the fight)
Ummm... I'm sorry but last I checked everyone was entitled to their own opinion...
yes you are right. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Unfortuantely A/67's opinion is that yours is bad  ... my personal opinion is it would be kool to have a dog like that. Then when some stupid kid next door thinks about coming in my yard they won't... either that or they'll get something bitten off >:-]
I can't be arsed to read the comments but If you don't like this pic...don't look and I agree with J...if there is anything I stick by, rights to an opinion is one of them
Exactly! I think the Dog looks kool! No where near cute but it looks really cool! Poodle on steroids if ya ask me!XD
 Poodle on steroids  I've never heard that one before
(sitting in the penalty box) Evgeni: now apologize... A/67: im sorry i attacked you for insulting Lord Sesshomaru. (pouts) >=( Evgeni: ..well i'm afraid that's about as good of an apology as you'll get from her.
your welcome!^^
what are you apologising for?
Because he made me! (pouts) Evgeni: I made you apologize because you were rude! A/67: But, she insulted Lord Sesshomaru!!!
OMG  n-nice doggy
we need.......a really big newspaper
Like he would need it
Hey that's an awesome picture you got there http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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