that was a trick??
 playa playa
shut up...inuyasha really does luv kagome more than kikyo
It's true, Blackrose.//hack, and I hate Kikyo.  Is there anyone that agrees with me?  I guess it is true that if one of them were to die, the other would kill themself.
kagome is like to sweeter yet somehow just like inuyasha like his mortal faze
What did you just say saturnsilencegoddess???? O_o LOL Oh, and moon godess, no. I luvies Kagome! ^-^
well nice pic
I agree with you Moon Godess, Kagome is so perfect with InuYasha....I WANNS BE KAGOME!!!
i wish that i am kagome too  they are sooooo lucky to have each other
But i think we should kinda pity Kikyou also...i mean...its already bad enough that she is dead n didn't exactly have a perfect life n all but thats just my opinion anyway...
how come Kagome looks confused?
This episode was so excited and nerve racking I almost riped my pillow.
the reason kagome looks confused is because inuyasha hugged her and inuyashas not like that
 Does he ever get in her pants
i saw the episode...and i remember...that because inuyasha thinks it's too dangerous for kagome to stay in "this" world......i also remember that inuyasha took the four souls jewel..and kagome can not come back...so he gave her the last hug....but it's not really like that you know.......kagome kinda do something and she can come back again....that time inuyasha was hurted .......and can't fight without kagome.....well...something like that...i almost forget...
Why doesn't Kaogme ever hug him back? She should!
konninwa watashi harusa hi your show is how you say amazing
I half-agree with Moon Goddess. Kagome's the better girl for my Inu. But since the 28th volume of the manga, I like Kikyou, too.
i start to find some kind of kikyo later later later much much later on in the series/manga. i like evil mean whores sometimes, kikyo, i dont like her much. but after epi 100 and on she gets pretty cool. she start to realise she shouldn't be alive and shit. kagome and inuyasha were meant to be, but, i wish they weren't. if anything, they should do a side series where kagome falls in love with sesshoumaru, or bankotsu, or kouga, or even miroku (maybe). but that's just me i guess
I remember this episode I loved it! I kept rewinding it like 10 times. I hate Kikyo too, I hope Inuyasha ends up killing Kikyo to save Kagome, that way she can move on, she's only in the way of Inuyasha and Kagome...
Kikyo sucks i hater just as much as kikyo hater but she hasn't read these comments but i know kikyo hater so nothing special there
that is beutiful
i dont care.  as long as Inu Yasha is aroud im happy  P.S.GET A LIFE stop drooling over them and im not mean .your just a sissy
i wanna be just like inuyasha you know what im saying i wanna be with kagome she would make a persfect girlfriend for me
I wish i was her
i think she looks more surprised at him hugging her than confused. but it's still a sweet pic!
Cho kawaii!!!
there so cute! I hate her....
It took me about half an hour to read all your comments... Amazing.
i agree with most of yall. Kagome and inuyasha belong together. And all of yall who hate kikyo, i'm wit yall.
i want to be kagome!
ya inuyasha & kagome r go toghter
I know i really think that kagome and inuyasha should be together because they kiss in the second movie.
inuyasha was really perfect for me
I agree animefreakzz
Ilove Inu-yasha he is so SEXY  Kogome is so lucky to have a guylike Inu-yasha
I so am Inuyasha. My personality is exatically like his. And a plus I found my Kagome. In real life she looks just like her and it is great.
i have been watching the anime on adult swim for sum time and i love it! i really think inuyasha and kagome should get togrther, and miroku and sango to. love miroku!
ok...dis is d best pic ever!!!  i wish i had seen dis episode
i like them so much.
they are totally so cute together
you cant really notice the face cause it's actually me that he's hugging
hahaha!  nice one kyo_s_luvr! aniways..hi everyone!! i also LOOOOVEE INUYASHA!!!  they look sooo GOOD together...
They are GREAT together she softened his heart you know!!!!
And along with everybody else I wish I was Kagome!!!
I MISS BANKOTSU!!! NOOOOOO! I'm Kinda mad at InuYasha 4 killing Bankotsu! I still love InuYasha...Those two mach more than others... Except Miroku and Sango...
hi my friend says: awwwwwwwwww they look so cute together  i say : i love sesshe inu huged me
(im kagome 101's friend b4 I had a user account)I agree w/ XxxBlOoDyxVaLeNtiNexxX!!!!!
Awwww, Inuyasha really does care  . Take that all you Kagome haters!
im not a kagome hater
Not you, I meant people who hate Kagome.
i really like this pic. they make such a cute couple!
100% TRUE
Awwwwwwwww, so so cute
why u sad-or r u happy?
InuYasha-sama and Kagome-chan make the best couple...well... besides my beloved Miroku-sama and I..... Anyway, I think Kagome-chan belongs with InuYasha-sama! Don't you think it was their fate that they meet?! Kagome-chan is ALWAYS there for InuYasha-sama and InuYasha-sama is always there for Kagome-chan! Love is so beautiful! That doesn't mean I hate Kikyou-sama! She's cool and she had a rough life so I have some pity for her even though she wouldn't want it! *sighs* Anyways.. ~InuYasha to Kagome eien!!!~
No way they are good couple! That lowzy bitch Kagome don't deserves him! Besides Inu Yasha loves only Kikyo. so, GET LOST, KAGOME!!! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!  Inu Yasha! Give up on Kagome!
awwwwwwwwww! How sweet!
all you people who hate kikyo i hate you and anyway kikyo met inuyasha first!!!  anyway even though i hate kagome you shoulnt call er a bitch cos shes not a dog(i wish she was a cat so inuyasha would hate her hehehe...)
shut up, kagome hater. If inuyasha didnt love kagome, he wouldn't risk his life to save her or say it doesn't matter if he dies, as long if kagome is alive. he said that in one ep, and inuyasha loves her
Don't tell us to shut up. You don't like the true, but Inu Yasha doesn't love Kago and NEVER did. You stupid dot!
Ok, I won't tell you to shut up. *an explosion that came out of nowhere sends Kagome haters into oblivion*
O.O i never knew tat would happen ( well i only watch up to the 7th episode  )
if you like this go to my album
 They look so sweet together! -^ _ ^-
Yeah, before he stea shards from her and trow her into wel. So this moment is fake.
fullmetallover i totally agree , and anyone who likes inuyasha the show not the person with the screen name ,im me at [email protected] please i have no life + its VACATION! so im really bored
Inuyasha and Kagome are perfect for each other, I'm ya! (I wish i was kagome as well xD<3)
Think a little more serious: perfect for what? For quarrel? for stupid "Sit!"? Or maybe for egocentrical "Inu yasha help me! I'm so ambicious and helpless!! But I'LL sit you because you love Kikyo not me"? yes, for that they are perfect, but notfor love or any that kind of relationship.:
they are so cute 2gether!!!!!!
Inuyasha FREAKS! He is so ciumeg and he looks nice with both! Anyway Kagome and Kikyo are somekind the same person! So is no diference! You all are very funny! Let Inuyasha to choose betwen Kikyo and Kagome! But like i already sayd he is too ciumeg and he is with Kagome and Kikyo in the same time! Who have enough brain will understand!
fullmetallover is right... inuyasha loves kagome more than he loves kikyo or else he wouldn't stick with her and protect her... he'd just go for kikyo
omg i remeber this episode. this is one of of my fave episode. they belong together not kikyo. INUYASHA AND KAGOME FOREVER!!
They belong together they make such a cute couple
awww... this pic is so nice... i still remember this episode... it so touching...
The picture's great!
I agree w/ ladydeath and i think kikiou is just jelous that she is gonna lose him in the end anyways
I'd love to hug Inu Yasha. He looks so cuddley!!
My god I HATE this couple. It's too OBVIOUS.
Ok ok. Kikyo is DEAD for one. Has been through the whole anime. Not saying im a kikyo hater. Kikyo is very strong and beautiful in her own way. But I really think that inuyasha belongs with Kagome. I mean we all go through the first love and Inuyasha will always care about Kikyo. But it's time to move on. Do people always marry there first loves? I don't think so. And I think Kikyo didn't and never will love Inuyasha as much as Kagome loves him. And for all you Kagome haters and Kikyo haters! Listen!
No, YOU listen. Hel-l-lo!! People don't always marry there second love either dummy! And who cares if Kikyo's dead? Inuyasha dosen't! Kagome dosen't even belong in that time! She should go back to her own time and leave Inu and Kikyo alone! Plus, Inuyasha would be miserable with Kagome! She would tell him to sit and we know it hurts Inu! And plus, Inu swore to Kikyo that he would always protect her! And also he was engaged to Kikyo for god's sake! It was Naraku's fault that whole inccident happened idiot!
bankotsu lover#1 you are stupid  anyway i am inuyasha's biggest fan EVER i spent 24 hours watching 6 discs
yeah I don't care! Don't have a go at Ban-Chan!
i love kag+inu...theyre the perfect couple that doesnt make me angry....and kikyo needs to STAY dead....shes been reincarnated like 3 times already!! too many if u ask me....
thank you very much tasha (I'm bankotsu lover#1 diffrent username) and the person who called me stupid you are a motherfukin stupid head!!!!!!>_<
lol Ban-Chan
*tackle tasha* tasha!!!! *huggle*
hiya Nik *hug* you're on early...that was Ban-Chan *points up*
oh lol ^^, well Thea vanished so I was on here for a while. I almost had thoughts of going to bed cause I have to work with my sister tomorrow. But it will be fun ^^ I <3 working with Cait
if you have work go to bed ^^,
nooes! I want to talk to meh Tasha!!!
aww thank you...out of all the pics I've commented on today and you choose one of the most crowded -.-' how are ya btw?
lol not uh! the other one with sasuke is more crowded!! ^^ I am goin alright, lots of misquitto bites on me though...
fine...but I haven't stopped commenting on others
how the hell are these misquittos biting my chest and back?! I am still wearing a shirt O_O
lol i get ant bites even though i waer jeans XD
now my feet itch -_-
Poor you
*bows* thank you, thank you very much!^-^
you're insults are the same...you do know that?
hey! why do u guyz h8 kikyo so much? If kikyo didnt exsist then kagome wound't exsist ya no. N y do u guyz fight, their both the same person (well kind of) and stop sayin stuff about kikyo!! Would u like if i said stuff about kagome? But dat doesnt mean dat i hate kag. i like both of them but my fav charater is kikyo!!
ehem i would like to make an announcment... STOP ARGUING AND SHUT UP!!
Inu Yasha really loves Kagome but he cannot express his feelings towards her.
this picture means that Inuyasha really care about Kagome alot I think
sorry but your being mean im a kikyo hater but i dont think she a stuiped bitch
He pushed her down the well after this
INU-KUN!!!! Take tat, Kikyo-bozu!!!
I know Inuyasha is incredible!
inuyasha can't hug her any harder or he is going to squish her
that's looks so great but it feel so sad if I look to kagome
Admit it man...Inuyasha loves Kagome!
INUYASHA AND KAGOME (...) Kagome haters are annoying because they cant STAY IN THERE ALBUM!
That's a nice picture you got there http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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