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Aww...A big happy family...Well, almost!
it's the Adam's family....dun dun dun...
Holy crap I never realized how tall Nuraku was..
yeah. adams family would work. and duh naraku's tall. all the really cool evil ppl are tall. it a rule.
Yeh and hot and Filthy rich, have you noticed that? Evil guys are ALWAYS rich.
I love Kanna, shes so cuuute. I like Kagura too, and Kohaku, damn I like them all. . .lol. But the guys (Naraku, Kohaku) are sexy!
Yeh Kanna is cute, in a creepy ' I'm going to steal your soul' kinda way... Kohuku would be hot if he was (or looked) a little older.
i think i have that on a calender
This is an awesome pic.
kohaku should go back to sango cuz he finally has remembered about the fight where he killed everybody
Okay, 2 things:1. SaMkOol, that's not how you spell 'kohaku'.  2. I love tall Naraku!!
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