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Melina-2197 viewsMeet Melina! One of Nin'S Monthly Models she's great in battle but not so good on the cat walk even so that cute little face of her's got her into modeling.

if you want you rpc to model for the mag let me know you gots to edit them tho in the new styles that coem out because i don't want to take that away from you.
%NinsMonthly Michiko.png

%NinsMonthly Michiko.png
Artical On Michiko-2603 viewssorry if you want dif words Mi-chan you can send them to me via-email ! or in anime forum PMs, i didn't know what to put or how to reach you XD52 comments

Insider Phoebie!-2815 viewshope you like it13 comments

Suzuka Insider!-3450 viewsI can alwasy redo it if you unhappy with it!

Writers note to readers:
(i do not own suzuka)

Insider Hana-2740 viewshope you like it14 comments
Insider kita.jpg

Insider kita.jpg
Insider!!! Kita Addition!-6918 viewshope you happy with it kita ^^ and I am still taking request also making a few in Covers for the zine so if you want your character to be on one let me know

(oh and i do not own kita)

Truely~Onyx/terra-chan ( I'll go by either)
ninsmag insider Hanage.jpg

ninsmag insider Hanage.jpg
Insider Hanage-3245 viewsstill alittl T-ed off about the imatations but I'm back and I'm getting this mag up and running again Request for outfit insiders and additions are now open

~Onyx/Terra-chan (i'll go by both)
ninsmag insider onyx.jpg

ninsmag insider onyx.jpg
Insider Onyx Addition!!-6748 viewsOkey i figured it was time to come back ^^13 comments

New outfit Inspired by Michiko!-975 viewsthis out fit is not for sale and has been inspired my Michiko ^-^ and her style!7 comments
9 pictures on 1 page(s)

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