1-4[1].jpg 640x480(99KB) 2289 viewsDeidara: u don't look so good...afraid of fluying,un?
Shizuka: no...
Deidara: -_- not much of a talker r u? Itachi said u can read minds,hey read mine, un!
Shizuka: i don't wanna know what's in ur mind
Deidara:*gets kinda mad* ur no fun, un
Shizuka: u wouldn't be eighter...
Deidara: what do u mean, u choose to join akatsuki by free will
Shizuka: i'm not talking about that...it's my past...
Deidara: oh...okay, un
freak_out[1].jpg 480x360(86KB) what did u say?-2163 viewsShizuka and Yuki were walking home when Ino saw them:
Ino: aww u 2 make a cute couple
Yuki and Shizuka look at each other and freak out:
Ino: *scared for life and faints*
hailey019[1].jpg 731x1024(524KB) ...sumer time...-5143 views:| maybe a day off?
An-Ya:weee fun
Izumi: shizuka-chan its fun open ur eyes *gigles*
Shizuka: can't...too scared...
An-Ya: umm...okay why?...
Shizuka: don't know..just don't swing it too fast...
Izumi: aww...ur no fun...but cute...just like a 5 year old...
An-Ya: *laughts*
Shizuka: *pouts*...tnx...
IzumiLibrary.jpg 1146x860(270KB) what?-997 viewsIzumi: wow so many books, i didn't know the Aki clan had this kind of history...
Yuki: yeah well not all of them are history books some are filled with techniques and stuff
Izumi: u mean like this photo album?
Yuki: heh? *blushes* put that down...
Izumi: no fun...so why did u brought me here?
Yuki: u read fast...so i eas thinking u could help me find some kind of or something....
Izumi:oh i get it u're missing Shizuka and...
Yuki:*looks away* no i don't
Izumi: -_- sure u don't
kiss.jpg 470x353(84KB) kiss-1463 viewsrandom edit with Neji and Izumi
l_35be2a2c3ee9dfccc5b5c0489e2bbcc7[1].jpg 375x500(95KB) random edit with Shizuka and Yuki-1762 viewsYuki: u're not going anywhere
Shizuka: Yukiatsu Aki put me down right now or u are going to regret that u were born a boy
Yuki: don't call me Yukiatsu and i'm gonna regret ever being born if u are going to get killed
Shizuka: don't care i want to go join the Akatsuki
Yuki: mom is going to kill me so u stay here
Shizuka: heeeelp....
naruto21300693015-48-59[1].jpg 960x720(144KB) M-Me-Melody where r u?-738 viewsShizuka:*too scared to notice the nurse hat on her head* Melody? do-do see those red lights over by those windows? Melody? i'm alone...not scared not scared *trembling head to feet, hears a sound* okay okay i'm scared...sheesh some ghosts
naruto_genin0023[1].jpg 640x480(132KB) get off-1819 viewsAn-Ya :*jumps on Yuki's back* Hey Yuki
Yuki: ach...oh it's you *blush*
(he isn't happy because he is starting to blush every time he sees An-Ya)
naruto_genin0036[1].jpg 640x480(137KB) the start of the Chunin Exams-1733 viewsThe chunin exams are coming so they are kinda worried
naruto_genin0038[1].jpg 640x480(110KB) ...but...-2155 viewsSasuke said ''hi'' to Shizukaso Ino got mad because she was the one that said ''hi'' to him :
Ino: why did Sasuke-kun say ''hi'' to you than me?
Shizuka: ...Pleasa don't yell Ino, you are near me so i can hear u just fine...
Ino: I'm yelling whenever i want so that's that, understood?...
Shizuka: um...no...but i'm not going to argue with you so...bye bye
naruto_genin0053[1].jpg 640x480(135KB) the first battle of the chunin exams-1995 viewsIzumi:here Shizuka ...*gives her hat to her*
An-Ya: huh?...
Izumi:Hold until after the battle, I know Neji, he'll try to make me angry by taking it so...there's no hat, he can't make me angry
Shizuka:hmm you're kinda right so well....good luck...
Izumi: yeah tnx
Neji: U know i can make u angry whenever i want don't u?
Izumi: shut up Neji
Neji: see? i told u...
Izumi I.hate.HIM!
naruto_genin0065[1].jpg 640x480(144KB) give it back-7791 viewsIzumi ( i decided to go with it) and Shizuka were talking when Neji came and took Izumi's hat:
izumi: give it back !
neji: nope...it's summer and u dress like its winter so i'll give it to you then, kay?
izumi: oh f**k u, neji! ( tryes to punch him)
neji: fiesty girl... (pushes her)
shizuka: neji-san leave her alone and give her hat back...u're really anoying.
neji: hmph fine...see ya GREEN, bye red
izumi: scr*w u!
shizuka: well...that was nice...
naruto_genin0316[1].jpg 768x432(160KB) At the Konoha Sports Festival-2099 viewsWell because her bandages we're jus taken off Yuki took her place
An-Ya:Go Yuki!
Shizuka:I know that Yuki could run but not like that...he really wants to win this race or...
An-ya:*laughts* or he just want to get u off his back...
Shizuka: ...*sweat drop* yeah sure
naruto_hinata0030[1].jpg 640x480(130KB) ...bored...-6731 viewsthe result of my and my friend bored-crazy minds :P...cute isn't she?...pls comment...
naruto_hinata0169[1].jpg 640x480(123KB) ...Scared...-1145 viewsIzumi bumped into Kiba, hit her head and Kiba took her to the hospital. She woke up and got scared by Akamaru >.> or maybe Akamaru got scared of her :P :).
naruto_ino-saku0084[1].jpg 704x384(132KB) ^-^ their first mission-1372 viewsShizuka: why r u guys so happy?
Melody:yeah ur never happy when u see us together, so what the deal?
Pain: ur first mission together! u must go and investigate a... (Hidan:skip THAT part)... hospital...
Melody: what part Hidan-sensei?
Hidan: the part were the hos[ital is haunted
Shizuka And Melody: HAUNTED?!? u backstabbers !!!
naruto_ino-saku0120[1].jpg 600x400(167KB) ...ambush....(might over done it with An-Ya's eyes :P )-4454 viewson one a mission they we're ambused by sound ninja's, Izumi was hurt...An-Ya ans Shizuka we're trying to protect her...:
An-Ya: I'll try one last atack...if that doesn't work then...
Shizuka: ...An-Ya-kun what are doing?Your jewel is starting to break
An-Ya: I know i can feel it...but this might the only i can help u guys
Shizuka reads An-Ya mind: *i won't be able to see anymore but...it's better than to see my fiends get killed*
Shizuka: An-Ya stop it !
An-Ya : 1000 poisoned needles
naruto_ino0010[1].jpg 640x480(111KB) An-Ya-4801 viewsshe's blind but uses a certain jutsu with the help of the jewel on her forehead that alows her to see for some time...she's in shizuka and izumi's team...
naruto_ino0086[1].jpg 626x470(119KB) only 2 more days-2592 viewsIzumi:hey An-Ya
An-Ya:huh? hey Izu-chan
Izumi:so when r u taking those things of ur eyes?
An-Ya:the day after tomorow
Izumi: u don't seem very happy about it
An-Ya: i am happy but i'm afraid 2...what if i still can't see? i don't have the jewel anymore
Izumi: don't woory so much, things will work out, u'll see
naruto_ino0168[1].jpg 639x1500(197KB) Melody-3042 viewsLast name unknown ( because i'm too lazy) Melody will be teamed up with Shizuka althought they were declared (sp) rivals...as it will be seen in the future.
Her powers...i don't know...anyone help me please ^^"
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