#1.NEW.JPG 1252x1723(266KB) Emily-234 viewsThis is Emily Older. She Looks Kinda Slutty Tho.
al_s angel.PNG 408x665(17KB) Alphonse's Angel-467 viewsThis is Melody as an Angel.
Base by xXxMasumixXx on DA.
amy.PNG 600x634(655KB) Amy for Amy XDDD-348 viewsI Did My Best. Hope You Like It. >:3
blonde.shrimps.PNG 932x1059(70KB) Ed and Emily= Blonde Shrimps-1440 viewsI Was Bored,So This Came Up...
cry to me...and i will find you.JPG 1700x2310(728KB) Call to Me... And I Will Find You.... And Call Your Name... Like Always....-1089 viewsI Drew This Half an Hour Ago. Alphonse Looks So Funny. XD I Was Tired When I Drew This...
Credit Goes to Arina Tanemura. I Took Scenes from Vol. 4, Chapter: Call My Name When I Get Lost at the Railroad Crossing.
edo.book.PNG 701x388(11KB) Ed in Emily's Library-328 viewsHe Was Reading Human Transmutation by Adam Howe.
emi.ed.jpg 300x336(50KB) Emily and Edward-1917 views
emi.gun.PNG 292x392(10KB) Emily-313 viewsThis REEAAALLLLLYY Sucks. This was SUPPOSED to Be A New Version of Emily [The Same One I Put Up Before] But it Came Out Uber Ugly.
Base By Me! ^^ On Deviant Art.
emied.jpg 342x400(44KB) EmilyxEd-1367 viewsWeirdo Couple
emily and edward..png 728x1132(1260KB) Emily and Edward-1387 viewsEmily: I Love You, Edward...
Ed: Emily...
Emily: I'm Sorry.... I...
Ed: Don't Be Sorry. I... Love You Too.
emily and juliet elric.PNG 499x378(15KB) Emily and Juliet Elric-687 viewsJuliet is Emi and Ed's Second Child.
Juliet's Bio:
Full Name: Juliet Lynn Elric
Birthdate: May 13
Likes: Tai Yaki[Fish Shaped Pancakes Filled With Red Bean Paste], Swings, Cats, Helping Out, Chores
Dislikes: Snow, Sad Stories, Alchemy
Siblings: Donny and Barry Elric
She Doesn't Become an Alchemist, Instead She Becomes an Artist
emily is saved.PNG 312x481(17KB) Emily Erin Rae Howe-1015 viewsAdam [Dad]: Hmm... I Could Use Her for My Experiment.
Angela [Mom]: *Looks Away,Sad*
Barry: No!! I Don't Have Any Brothers or Sisters Because of your Experiments! Can You at Least Let Me Have Just This One?
Adam: Barry...
Angela: Adam...Please?
Adam: .....
Barry: Dad, Please? Out of the Six Mom Had, I'm the Only One!
Adam: Fine.
Barry: Thank you!! *Grabs Emily, Holds Her*
Emily: *giggles, pulls Barry's Hair.*
Barry: I Love You, Emily!!
*Pretty Moment*
emily!.PNG 400x298(82KB) Emily-918 viewsI Was too Lazy to Change the Red Jacket,So I Suppose She's Wearing Ed's.
emily..PNG 314x397(65KB) Emily-1047 viewsStaring at Ed While Melody and Al Were About to Go on a Date [in their human forms] After Melody and Al Came Back, They Tried to Get Ed and Emily Together. They Succeeded, and Emi and Ed Went on a Date.
emily.ed!.JPG 1094x2069(472KB) Emily-483 viewsDrawn in Arina Tanemura Form.
Her Hair is Down in This Pic. She Was Staring at Ed When He Was Playing With the Kitten Al and Melody Brought Home.
Emily.PNG 477x429(141KB) Emily-1389 viewsShe Became a State Alchemist at the Age of 13, a Year Later After Ed. Lutenit (<Spell?) Colonel Mustang Sent Her After Him, So She Can Help Him Look for the Philosopher's Stone,Since She Too Needs It. She Has One Automail Arm,Left, Because Her Brother,Barry the Butcher [XD] Killed Her Mom and Dad,and Tried to Kill Her and Her Younger Sister, Melody. He Only Managed to Chop Her Left Arm. They Got Away Using Alchemy. Emily is the Same Age as Ed.
emily.research.PNG 560x420(17KB) Emily-230 viewsEmily is Doing Research in Her Library at Home. It Says "Human Transmutation"
Base by PockyPixels on DA.
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