1~0.jpg 500x667(44KB) =3 All the picture of the silver is me cause... well, I collected them as if it was my picture! =3-14719 views
2.jpg 800x600(76KB) An Innocent smile-20721 views
20050426_918___Watashi_no_Kimochi___by_Arehandora.jpg 511x639(66KB) I love you...-17550 viewsI tried to wrap this rose for you but somehow I tripped and got tangled in the ribbons. I couldn't get them off without getting into more knobs so... I'll just give you this rose..
-^_^- and myself. I love you...
20050501_106_Pretty_in_Blue.jpg 600x511(69KB) Icey Cold-11167 viewsShe's struggling through something, something that had numbed her. She's in shock but she's still struggling through... through to what?
20050503_244_girl_n46.jpg 1600x1200(265KB) Which Side is She On?-13722 viewsMy opioion...
If Innocent: She's looking so lost looking for a lover to hold the sacred tear
If Evil: She murdered...
Muwahahahahaa.. hahahaha... HAHAHAAHAHA!!!!!!!!! -Lighting crashes-
20050508_671_Cute.jpg 640x480(55KB) Mommy..-12163 viewsSicky sick. Name an illness she's sick of.
Me think: Cold... duh.
3.jpg 480x640(40KB) True innocent-14542 views
4.jpg 750x563(47KB) The eye of the devil but the smile of the angel-12550 viewsThis is really me because her eyes is crimson and her smile is so hyperish or at least, she look like shes drooling enough to eat... CHOCOLATE! *pound onto chocolate and nibble onto it* Mm....
5.jpg 700x653(55KB) Charge-11658 viewsI have alot of looneys in my mind.... animals in fact and evil and sadder. @_@
Anyway.... This is "Charge" I named her Flowr but she demanded to for her rename and so.. her name is Charge!
6.jpg 545x768(82KB) Innocent Flowers-11621 viewsHer smile said that she would have no trouble
And the cat purrs saying that she always loved
7.jpg 499x518(33KB) My beauiful daughter Neko...-21196 viewsMe and my partner in crime and also best friend, Nemo, love to role play and I have a daughter name Neko and she had a son name Dark...;_; They may not be real but... they are real in my heart...<333
She is cats lover because she's a neko, half cat, half human! At age of nine.
8.jpg 640x480(97KB) Innocent in cold rain-20176 views'\o Walking through the rain,
with a cold blushing up my cheeks...o/'
9.jpg 500x375(19KB) The youth walking through the rain-12869 viewsMy daughter, Neko, at the age of four.
She may look innocent in the rain and dress but she's matured... x_x Heck, she read in the libiary all the time!
A.JPG 1024x768(591KB) Miss. Perfect blue-11061 viewsShe's really pretty with the blue background and she also look so angelish that I desire her style. SHe also look like a cute princess who's going out for a walk
B.jpg 1024x768(296KB) Princess Aira-13025 viewsI think her as me; not the characher but of how she look.
She eats sweet foods
She's wearing pretty dress
She has silver hair and crimson eyes and so... bam... she's me.
C.jpg 274x402(23KB) Elder of the Blue-12026 viewsShe look alot older and shiny.
So.... pretty and blueish
D.jpg 663x562(128KB) The child of the Flower-16689 viewsShe look innocent in those pink flowers.
She sleep and she slept on dreaming her world
of the flowers filled with hope and dream
E.jpg 800x1200(244KB) Hyperish love-12853 viewsShe look like she can party on all night,
just to love and protect and to....
F.jpg 800x600(102KB) Innocent blusher-16244 viewsShe's blushing and hiding from someone who desire her.
She hide as if she was shamed only to peek out with her innocentiness...
What do you guy think she is doing?
G.jpg 700x496(65KB) Innocent of the Night-17229 viewsShe look like a beauiful young witch,
wandering around in where soul swimmed through...
I love her dress!
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