vlcsnap15264wx6.png 449x337(48KB) zOMG AkakoHe's Chihiro's childhood friend (well sort of 14-ish) , but she thinks he's dead, but he's not, but he doesn't remember her and thinks the she's his worst enemy. Plus at some point he got the 8 tales, so I'll go into more detail about him later.
chihiroakako.PNG 640x480(91KB) Chihiro Remebering AkakoThat's what Akako looked like when he was younger
akako.png 181x221(48KB) Chibi ^^isn't he cute ^^?
ispywidmilileyeAKAKO.PNG 640x480(80KB) I Spy With My Little Eye.....AKAKO!!!Chihiro:it can't be....
Person In Reflection:....
Person In Reflection:*smirk*
*Blade slice*
Chihiro:*hack* *falls to ground*
Person In Reflection:Thats right...
[to be continued]
rpcissues.PNG 500x881(56KB) OMG THEY HAVE ISSUESand thats just six of them D: and Mikoto gets smart, but I felt like doing that
okay, tell me which one of these and which one out of ALL my rpc's is your favourite, the one withe the most votes with be fangirlophobic in my next one of these XP
fav for next:
makeover.png 640x480(49KB) YushI gave him a new look because he was too Sasuke like *nods*
h2yk.JPG 620x708(52KB) H2yk presents: Ren and Haruka in Akako's clothes!Akako is a character from a fan comic HeartBeat. Its a blood+ Fan comic by Olive or as she is know on the otaku Hagi girl. Its a parody of the typical "Mary sue" Meets boy, fall in love blah blah blah, but heartbeat 2 and 3 plus the specials are freakin hilarious!
Akako's "love interest" Hagi dose not hide the fact he hates her and...well, I'd read it yourselves, you don�t need an account on theOtaku to read it, just search Hagi under fan comics.
Ren is from saotome yoshimi's manga Koden! Haruka is from My manga, Ukimara!
If you like Ocarina of Time, check out H2yk�s version Ocarina of tim on www.artofkoden.com click on the H2yk tab!
H2yk is Yoshimi and I joint account. We use it to make fan comics mostly� I drew Haruka, the blue haired girl and Yoshimi drew Ren the black haired girl.