Untitled.jpg 640x478(26KB) did i get it right>?did i get ur character right this time UryuushidaLover00? i wondered how to make akashi so i tried again. is it right this time/?
pmp-02.PNG 1208x845(253KB) Ryuuzaki profileyea...... anyways click for a better view :3 and also plzz try to read the bottom part i know its kinda herd to read i didn't do it on purpose
Midori -Imaginary- Past.png 1378x755(855KB) Imaginary by Evanescencethis is another lyrics back ground with Evanescence lyrics
this time its describing midoris past, the blue words r the ones that r most important
this is also parsley true, but yea :3 it took forever too do this XD
but anyways he always thinks of this song when hes not in a good mood, or actually pretty much anytime, he still finds this song fits him 3: