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Search results - "bex"


Cute Teeth RyuuChi Crack: D I love this picture.
Ryuu and chihiro look adorable together.
Well ryuu has really pointy teeth and yeah.

Chihiro is bex-chan's.
: D
Untitled 1.png

Untitled 1.png
Gaara as a girl! XD!I love him insanly but my cousin saw bex's and wanted me to edit one to show them what i can do to edit.

So i had fun on this

YahI really hate saying that I don't trust you all....

MehI dun like it no more, and thats my school uniform and I used a school webcam

My shout it out ^^I was too lazy to draw my smexehful socks XD
chihiro sana maya fire chakra.PNG

chihiro sana maya fire chakra.PNG
Chihiro, Sana, and Maya's fire chakrajust sumthin i did when i was bored XD I wuv this pic ^^

Sana Kuchiki � ShyakuganMaster(me ^^)
Chihiro � Bex
Maya � Mayablackpower

Mah Dream Gaia Avi xDI have nearly all of it :3 and that's mah cat Gerald xDif yah gots it, add me (I'm Bex O) :3 and it's got the hair I want D:
Koratsu 1.png

Koratsu 1.png
The frist edit of him~and I haven't gotten his hair right since xD

I made another new account |D ...hai~

I'll tell you about him in the next picture xD
Koratsu 2.png

Koratsu 2.png
Koratsu, he's a collector of sorts xD
He goes around looking for people with unique abilities, last members of clans and such, then seals them in scrolls and brain washes them c:
Age: 220 yes, that's right xD he decided a while agao to remove his skin and replace it with ceramics and then sealed his heart in a scroll and his brain and apparently soul in another and keeps thim hidden within his body, he has a flesh type store in his chest that he has to replace occasionally or else it'd rot away.
9 pictures on 1 page(s)

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