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yup 8D
wow Nexxy that's kool!!! i wuv your little chibi self XD i wuv Metal and Rock too it takes up most of my ipod 0o
Now I wanna make one .u.;; Very nice 8D
Awww! How cute! I luv the shout outs! XD
lol, thanks and same michi-chan XD and you should make one and to both of you, thanks xD
lol i should! if i knew how to make a chibi on paint xD
Yews welcome. X3
I drew it on paper then scanner it in XD
Im making chibi me right now on paint XD
oh XD how do you make those kool BG 0o
I knows how! XD Its probably easier on photoshop though >u>;: Bex, you explain XD
lol. -w- I wanna make one. XD *is a copy cat -w-*
LOL! HOSHI!! *glomp* Hiya!!
I finsihed muh chibi me x3 -glomps tew- 8D
*glomped* *loved* *w* Hi Mi-chan! And I wanna see Kari! X3
x3 I have to finish that rest of it. XD Its a Shout It Out.
Imma make one! 8D *huggles Mi-chan*
hiya :3
*huggles back* ME TOO!
lol XD
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