DarkWall5.png 1024x768(1176KB) What Hurts The MostA wallpaper I created, featuring Dark Mousy from the series DNAngel, as well as the lyrics of Rascal Flatt's "What Hurts The Most".
LOL OMY GOD!!!.PNG 586x473(68KB) to much time tudering a dummy (PART 2 to da comic!)mitzu got sick becasue she spent to much time TRYING to teach naruto stuff for a test..
Hinata: omy gosh! i should go get help! omy gosh, omy gosh, omy gosh!!!!
Mitzu: ....done even think about going 3 miles (their on the farthest part of town) just for me now sit down and eat your figgin fo~ naHNaHboooooooo~ *sleeping*
all stair at her...
Midori -Imaginary- Past.png 1378x755(855KB) Imaginary by Evanescencethis is another lyrics back ground with Evanescence lyrics
this time its describing midoris past, the blue words r the ones that r most important
this is also parsley true, but yea :3 it took forever too do this XD
but anyways he always thinks of this song when hes not in a good mood, or actually pretty much anytime, he still finds this song fits him 3:
laon 25 41.jpg 638x920(107KB) Sing for EternityA voiceless young man fell in love with a maiden. Suddenly she fell ill with an unknown sickness. The man silently cried out for help as he held the dying girl in his arms. Only an evil Song Witch anwsered to his silent pleas. She said she could heal the girl and even give the young man the most beautiful voice, but he had to come and sing for the Song Witch. Heartbroken he agreed. The Song Witch healed the maiden, and took the young man away and he sang for The Song Witch for all eterinty.