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Zabuza-kun looks hot without the bandages... *drooooool*
he does, yes
I printed this picture... I would've printed more, but the ink ended. T^T No faaaair!
Grrrrr....ZABUZA!!!!!! WHO DID YOU KILL THIS TIME?!?! Zabuza: Uh.....What are you talking about? Zenna: DON'T PLAY STUPID! YOU'RE ON A WANTED POSTER! Zabuza: Oh,uh, that....That's not a wanted poster, that's a....uh.... Zenna: *calming down* Well cuz? I'm waiting. Zabuza:That's a.... advertisement poster?
That's actually a character sketch poster. ^_^ *in a menacingly-friendly voice* Now tell me, my dear Zabuza-kun, how come the illustrator to whom you posed half-naked WASN'T ME??? *glower* Zabuza: Because... because... You were in school! Yeah, that's it... ^^ Me: You should've just summoned me, that's okay, I could miss a few classes for a chance to draw YOU! ^^ Zabuza: You'd skip school just to draw me. I'm flattered. ^^;; *thinks* I'd skip school to draw her, too... O.O
If you ever find one, PLEASE LET ME NOW!!!  I want him...
I agree with Laiyo and kakashi_neji_orichi~girl's first comments!  I also like him in the vest!
I like him in all forms, shapes and poses. And clothes. Or no clothes. >xD Mwah.
Cool...I saw this pic in NARUTO ANIME PROFILE BOOK (a really good book) cept this one is in Japanese.
I want a Naruto Anime Profile Book waaaah.... >O< And I have this pic scanned at home. ^_^ ♥
It's a Naruto art book, you can get it on the internet... TT-TT But they are only in Japanese...
Wheee I've started taking Japanese courses!  Tomorrow's my second lesson, but I didn't even have time to study... TT_TT
Wish I can take a foreign language  but I have to wait until high school next year (yes, I'm only 13)
Oh, I'm taking mine outside of school. They don't teach Japanese in our school, and I was just curious... ^^; And you're not in high school yet? LUCKY YOU!!! >O< G-aah. Whoever said highschool was supposed to be the greatest years of our lives???
Ner--oh wait, they get beat up...uh...we...uhhhh...*drool*...guess ur right, school's never gonna be someone's happy place, obviously.
Yeah... many idiots at my school think that just because I get really high marks I enjoy going there... But I don't!!! I wish they would all just stop assuming things and leave me alone. Grrr. -_o It's because of bakas who think they're the "elite" that schools are such horrible places. Oh, and don't forget the cheesy teachers and the useless projects. *sigh* "Best years of our life", gimme a break. -_-
OMG! the same thing happened to me! this dude wuz like, "Bet ur happy to be back," And then I wuz like "NO!!!" Grrrr....I don't even get the best grades.
Yeah... those bakas... There was a girl that kept bugging me with math questions, and when I told her to (bugger off nicely) please stop annoying me with math, she went, "But you get such good grades in math, I'm sure you LOVE it!" And when I told her I didn't, she gave me a 'yeah, right' look. Idiot. I don't have anything against math, but I don't LOVE it either. I only LOVE guys. And chocolate. But not math!!! >O< G-yahh!!!
Math's ok...but Boyz at my school....YUCK!!!! There all UGLY and WEIRD!!! Grr....think they're so cool. Always saying they did IT with this one girl and this other girl. Ew. Were not even old enough! Can't believe people actually believe this crap. -__-
I'm not against math, I'm just not obsessed with it like those people suppose I am. And the guys at your school are so immature... Of course they didn't do IT with anyone, that's just wistful thinking. -_- We have some stupid guys in our school as well, but some are actually all right. ^_^ Like there's a Russin d00d in my English class, he's kinda hot and he doesn't seem like a jerk... I wish I could talk to him, but... I DON'T KNOW WHAT ABOUT!!! >O< *curls up in a corner and cries*
Just talk about Russia! DuH! U both r Russians and u should have a lot in common! Come on...if he pisses u off, u can just bite his head off and burn his corpse!! Mwahaha!..sorry...
The problem is, half our school is Russian, so it really wouldn't surprize him that I'm Russian as well... o_O G-aaah... Oh well. I'll think of something, I guess... I'm just so NERVOUS, I have a big issue with coming up to people first, not to mention coming up to him first. But... I want to... I really-really want to... Well, thanks anyway. ^^;
Is he the jerk type or the nice type? If he's the jerk type or hangs with jerks then...keep away.
If he was the jerk type, I wouldn't have a crush on him in the first place, even if he was hot  But... there are many jerks in our class which act like total imbeciles, and he never laughs with them or makes dumb comments or anything, so I guess he's... not a jerk? He really doesn't seem like one, anyway. Man, I even *almost* got over my nervousness thing, but there's never enough time or a good enough excuse to come up to him and start a conversation... Gaah!!! *sits on floor, rocks back and forth*
I JUST GOT AN IDEA!!! I know this one guy that's an expert in relationships, u can ask him! Can ya guess who he is? hints: famous & bald
... o_O *isn't an expert on celebrities* ...
-___- Dr. Phil...U never heard of him? Well, it wuz actually suppose to be a joke. haha. And I seriously don't really have any ideas except JUST DO IT!!!
AAAAAAAAH!!!! *runs around in circles, yelling* I know I should... But just.... He's 2 years older than me!!!! Aaaah that makes meh feel intimidated.... TT_TT Gaara: Zabuza's TEN years older than you, but you're still hitting on him... o_O Me: *smacks Gaara* That's DIFFERENT! >O< Gaara:...OWIE! >.O *rubs hurt spot* Moron...
So every time u have that class u start fidgeting like Hinata does Hinata: HUH? well...uh....that's not..eh (fidgets away) Me: -__- Anyways....has he ever looked at u or at least noticed u?
^^; Yup, he has. I even tried talking to him a couple of times since that last message I posted here, but both times the conversation just didn't go the way I thought it would, so... that didn't get me very far. -_- Mostly because I was so nervous (I have big issues with just coming up to strangers and talking to them randomly). But! If tomorrow we'll have a free class (again) *thunderous voice* I WILL GO TALK TO HIM!!! *end thunderous voice* Gaara: ...My... ears... x_X
CHA!!! GO AGAINST THE FEAR OF SHYNESS!!! Be like Zabuza when he approached the class and killed them all without fidgeting!...except don't cut his head off...
Lolz! I won't. ^_^;; Annnnd I talked to him a couple of times more!!!  This time I actually managed to find out more about him. ^^ Well, we're already on 'hi-bye' terms, that's a great progress for me o_O
OoOoOoOo....I feel a love blooming....OoOoOo Zabuza: O shut up, she should just cut his head off!! Me: -_- Violence is not a way to show ur love Zabuza:....I'll make it happen MWAHAHAHA!!!
Noooo no cutting his head off! TT___TT Ooooh, Zabuza-kun ish jealous, isn't he. >x3 Mwahaha!
Zabuza: When I have probably billions of grls throwing themselves at me. Does that make me seem like a jeolous? Me: 0___0 ur.....
Oh yesh. =^_^= When somebody else is chosen over you, that must sting. Even a little... >x3 Zabuza: You are EVIL, Laiyo. And I fed you chocolate all those years... Me: Awww dun' worry. ^_^ You're not off the hook yet, Zabuza-kun! >xD *throws self at Zabuza* Zabuza: ... x_X
Poor Zabuza but ur not the only one that gets all the ladies, just look at Kakashi, he has it worse Kakashi: (getting pulled by a hundred different grls) HELP ME!!!!!!!!!! AUGH!!! Me: heehee!
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