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lol, katsu looks fat XD
Katsu: ...its not funny, its seriously disturbing O.o
-takes out camera- You can jump him anytime now...
XD Put in on Youtube SLY-chan!
HA! Natsu you can rape him when I'm done with him! Mwhahahahaha! -pushing Natsu out of the way- he's mine! Grrrrrrrrrr!
Katsu: O.o *runs*
Katsu you can't run forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -runs-
Katsu: I can run for a hell of a long time >D *still running*
You can't run from ture love baby!
Katsu: Its a good job this is just fangirl love then! *still running*
thats right!
-catches up to Katsu- I am a faster runner too! If you give me a hug I'll leave alone for alittle while. PLEASE?!
KAtsu: like hell you're fatser than me D< *runs faster*
F**k yeah baby! I am not giving up! -runs faster-
Katsu: oh yes u are D< *runs even faster*
-sighs- Fine. But I still love you.
Katsu: ok then *stops running*
Nah just kidding! -glomps Katsu-
Katsu: get off me D<
I love you too! -gets off- Now was that so bad? ^////^ I really enjoyed that hug.-blushes like mad-
Katsu: *brushing self off* yes...yes it was....
....Still waiting for a rape scene here -still holding camera- x3
Awwww really? What's wrong with giving hugs?
Katsu: *raises eyebrow*.........
Answer my question! Oh btw I made a pic for you!
-still holding camera- ....
for me? Katsu: *mumbles somthing*
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! RAPE HIM ALREADY! O.o *backs away* Mah bad...
Yeah! Not you Katsu. You'll probably get mad at me for making it. Oh Katsu! -kisses Katsu then runs really fast-
Katsu: *face starts like this: O.o then turns to...* >//////< me: omg thankies *total glompage XD*
-glomps back- Katsu are you blushing?
Katsu: *covers face* noo <<;
Awww sweetie it's ok. It was just a kiss. -blushes too-
Katsu: STFU D< *still hiding face and trying to get rid of lipstick XD*
Natsu: OMG she kissed you! That's not fair! Me: hahahaha!
Katsu: both of you stfu D<
lol XD
XD Lawlz I love you to Katsu!
Katsu: >/////< *still trying to get it off XD*
Kiss him again!
Omg Katsus bluuushin!! YEAH KISS HIM AGAIN! XD
Katsu: NUU DX *still rubbing face*
^/////^ if you guys want me to. *kisses Katsu again* Lawlz
XD YESSSSSSSS!!!!! Go AKiko! Wh00t!
Katsu:......*twitch* >///////////<;
You know you likes it Katsu >.>
OW! OW! XDDDDDDD -pats Katsu's back- U KNOW you love it! XDDDD -cd scratch noise- Nami...Daranara's gonna kill Katsu now.......RUUUUUUUN!!!
XD Yachiru!
Katsu:...who the hell is that?
Don't worry about it! It was Cloe who kissed him. Not Nami. Nami loves Daranara to much. Plus Katsu to young for her.
Katsu: *trying to get them both off* WTF DID YOU USE? PERMANT LIPSTICK D<
-laughs at Katsu- Ooooooooooh! DARANARA IT WASNT NAMI!!! Daranara: GOOD! Me: DONT BE SO FREAKIN JEALOUS!!!! Daranara: SHUT IT! Me: -fake cries- You...you hurt my feelings! Daranara: Sorry!!! Me: Hehe sucker! XDDDDD
Katsu:.....what the hell?......
Me: Hes so gulible sometimes! XD Daranara: I HEARD THAT!!! Me: -laughs- *looks at Katsu* Ur the most clueless person EVER!
XD Nami: Awwww Daranara. Cloe: Hehehe you have the cutest husband Nami! But he isn't as cute as Katsu. Nami: -sigh- Whatever.
Daranara: -hugs Nami and kisses her head- Me: Awwww! X3
audeience: AWWWW!!!
*video tapin Katsu* >D *putting video on YT*
Katsu: u have an obsession with that site don't you....* gives up and sulks*
Me: awww! Akano: Oh please.... Me: You're just jealous.....
Yesh...Yesh I do.
Me: Poor poor Katsu! XD -video tapes also-
Katsu:.........*still sulking*
Don't be sad! Do you want Akiko-chan to kiss you and make you feel better? XD
Me: Poor Kantsu! Akano: -tapes Kantsu-
Me: -turns camera off- Yeah Katsu...! XD
Me: -slaps video camera out of Akano's hands- STOP!!! Akano: -sighs- Women.... Me: WHAT??!!! Akano: -hides in corner-
-joins the "WHAT??!!!"-
*runs over * HIIII! *had to be different XD* Oops wait...WHAT?!?!?!?!
Katsu:...*still sulking XD*
-runs to Katsu, starts rocking his head back and forth- Its ok Katsu! Youll live! XDD
kATSU: *FLAIL* get off D<
-lets go and looks in his eyes- Ur mean.....I think ur name should be whatever mean means in Japanese.....
Katsu: *twitch*
Akano: -still hiding in corner- Me: Where is he...... Akano: OnO;;; [i g2g bye]
Hehe you twitched! XD This is what happens to me when Im hyper on sugar! XDDDDDDD
Katsu: STFU DX (i gtg DX bai)
Chill out ok! Thats all you got to do! XD -makes the kiss marks go away- there....happy..? (NO EVERYONES LEAVING ME!!!! )
Katsu: *sigh of releif*
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