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Please be ok Dark! (Nice pic and OMG HINASHA HAS A GUN!!!  )
(LOLZ RUN) Dark:...
(-runs XD-) Me: D-Dark...? -walks up to him- Are you ok?
*XDDDDD* Dark:8looks blankly at Yachiru*...ye-yea
(^-^) Me: -bends down- You sure...?
Dark:...*about 2 pass out*...uhh Himasha:Dark-kun
Me: Dark....
Dark:*faints* Hinasha:DARK!!
Me: Dark! -puts hand on heart and closes eyes- He just fainted....-picks him up- We have to get him to the hospital...
Hinasha:..oh man,i wasn't fast ebnough 2 save him...
Me: If we get there fast enough he wont die...-turns to her- and dont take it out on yourself. You tried and thats all that matters. -starts walking towards the hospital-
Hinasha:...thx uhh what's your name?
Me: Hm? -turns back around- Yachiru.
Hinasha:thx Yachiru-san
Me: You're welcome!
Hinasha:...*looks sadly at Dark* Dark:....
Me: Dont worry...Come on..-starts walking towards the hospital again-
Hinasha:ok..*follows Yachiru*
Me: -gets to the hospiotal and opens door- We need help NOW! Nurse: -comes running- What happened? Me: OO; Um...im nt exactly sure! XD Got there at the last second but she knows...-tries pointing to Hinasha but having some trouble XD, doesnt want to drop Dark-
*LOLZ XD* Hinasha:we were fighting some ninjas and 1 of them kept hitting Dark and wouldn't stop,dark didn'twant 2 give up..so then another ninja just came out of nowhere and almost cut Dark's body in half,so then i came and grabed a gun and shot all of the ninjas
Me: OO Cut him in HALF!? -almost fainted but didnt- Nurse: Owch...-takes Dark from me- I'll get a doctor immidatly but you two have to stay here...-runs into an operating room- Me: Ok...
Me: -turns to look at her- You want to be with him dont you?
Hey Yachiru you know Envy was the name of one of the humunculi Ed faught.
(Yep! I've seen all the episodes and the movie! Wish the series was longer damn it!!!)
*omg yup* Hinasha:yes
I saw every episodes,but not the movie.Lets see there was (...)
Me: -closes eyes and smirks- Taken care of...-pretends to need help XD- OMG MY ARM!!! AHHHHHHHH! -does a pretty convincing job- Different Nurse: -comes running- What the...? Me: I-I b-broke my arm!!!! Nurse: Ok follow me...-leads me into Darks room- Me: -looks back at Hinasha and winks- Nurse: Here. Your friend can come in too..-motions for Hinasha to come in thern leaves- Me: -gets out of the bed- Told ya i had it covered!
Oh man the rest of the stuff I put did'nt come up!
Hinashai:8smiles and runs in the room*
(Hiroshi? When did he come?)
I can relate too Ed with his hight problem.
(Me too! Im short! My friends say, "Hey! Where did Yachiru go? I cant see her!" Mainly my "dude" friend! XD [Dude friend I like that! XD] He always does that to me! Then I hit him on the shoulder!)
I'm only 5ft so I know how he feels.
(Same here!)
Me: Something wrong? -tilts head-
I would laugh SO.oo hard when Ed would get mad.
(ME TO! And he would say they called him something they didnt! XD)
Hinasha:no..i'm fine
Me: -smiles- Doctor: -comes in- Ok...What happened? Me: Didnt the nurse tell you? =__________= Doctor: Oh yeah! XD -starts working on Dark- Me: -watching with a sweat drop-
Hinasha:*worried look*
I remember one time Ed said"Your so short you can't even see you with a magnifing glass!"
(I loved that!!!!!!!!!!) Doctor: -almost done- Me: *whispers* Come on.... Doctor: Done...He'll wake up in a few minutes. ^-^ Me: -smiles-
I can't believe Ed sacrificed himself for Alphonse!
(I know! He's so sweet! ^-^) Doctor: Glad to help him! -leaves- Me: I wonder how long a few minutes is...? -sees him twitch- Im guessing soon! XD
It was hard too have to say goodbye to him.
(I know! i cried! XD)
Dark:*turns around and trys 2 sleep*.. Hinasha:*hugs Dark*..
Me: -smiles-
I was in shock,but he loves his brother more than anything else in this world.
(Doesnt he! If only all siblings were like that! XD)
They're all eachothers got remember.
Dark:*wakes up*..
(Of course! Till the end!) Me: Dark?
I'm a little protective of Ed and Al actually.Since I'm a year older than Ed,and two years older than Al.
Dark:*cold sweat everywhere*.. Hinasha:Dark,u look like u had a bad dream...
(I'm...younder than Ed...OO; NOOOOOOOO! XD Hes 15 Im...13...nooooo! Actually Ed is older than Al by one year) Me: You ok...? -walks to his bedside-
Ed turned 16 when he was in the hospital.When Winry was visiting remember.
Dark:...damn why do i have a scar on my stomch..wait it's all through my body,like Hinasha:u were almost cut in half
(Thats when he was 12...i think...im not sure because at the beginning he was 15 then they had like millions of episode flashbacks! I got soooo confused! XDDD) Me: Yeah....
It was when Al was mad at him.After they snuck into that building,and they met the humunculi for the first time.
Dark:...so where's the ninjas i was fighting Hinasha:i killed them
(I know that. Seen all the eps! XD) Me: She did! ^-^
He was in the hospital a lot so I thought you might not remember.I was supprised Al ran away.
Dark:...oh Hinasha:u're not mad..are u?... Dark:why would i be mad at u 4 that?(smiles at Hinasha*
(Im know! Ed would never tell Al a lie as important as his past! Al should've known!) Me: -smiles- You got yourself a pretty strong girl there, Dark! ^-^
Dark:*looks at Yachiru*..haven't i seen u before?
Yeah you remember what Ed really wanted to ask him right?
(Yep if Al hated him! Which he could NEVER!) Me: Probably! ^-^
Yeah Al said and I quote"BROTHER I COULD NEVER HATE YOU!"
Darkoh yea i remember bnow,u and your friend Keiko called memr Emo boy and wanted me dead...
(So true!) Me: OO; What?! We did? -doesnt remember-
Yachiru-chan would you quiz me on Ed? I wanna see if I remember as much as I hope I do.
(Sure! We'll switch off! i want to test myself to! How old was Ed when his mother died?) Me: I dont remember....-crosses arms and closes eyes-
8 I think.
(Yep! My turn!)
What other girl besides Winry does Ed have a crush on.
Hinasha:hey Dark,can u move.. dark:yes...i'm fine*gets off bed*..
(Rose!) Me: -opens eyes-..........
Yep my turn.
(Oh yeah! In the first episode, what arm was not there?)
He lost his right arm.
(Right but wrong at the same time! in the first and third episode they made a mistake and his left arm was missing instead of his right!)
Hinasha:..i'm glad u're ok Dark.. Dark:u worry over stupid stuff Hinasha
Oh,ok what did Ed do to his father when he saw him again?
(Punched him in the face! XD) Me: -glares slightly- [i g2g see ya! -huggles-]
Yep my go!
*bye  * Dark:...*careless face* Hinasha:...
(What did Ed try to do when his teacher Izumi came back?) Me:........-still slightly glaring-
Dark:i'm leaving.... Hiasha:can i come with u?.. dark:no..
Me: -glares more-...........
Hinasha:....what's his problem...
Me: Not sure...-still glaring-
Me: -sits on the hospital bed, closes eyes, and crosses legs-
Hinasha:u're bored aren't ya?
Me: -looks at her- A little...but Im thinking about what Dark said..."You and your friend Keiko called me Emo Kid and wanted me to die..." I dont remember saying anything like that about him...-lays back, staring at the ceiling-
Hinash;will he was emo back then...
Me: -still looking at the ceiling- That doesnt mean I called him Emo Kid.......I probably called Sasuke that not him!
Hinasha;u know,now that i thought about it...i think that was me that always called him that...
Me: -looks at her again- You?
Hinasha:will he was mean 2 me all the time...so i gave him a nick name,and then Mozo heard it and speard around the village and now every1..is calling him Mr.Emo Kid
Me: -eyes widen, flips over onto stomach- Wow...I never knew.
Hinasha:i hate Mozo
Ah ha I remember that Yachiru-chan Ed tried to run away from her.
(Then he got punched in the face! XD My turn!) Me: Because he spread it?
What does Ed's pocket watch help him do?
(I cant remember! T-T Oh wait! Remember the day they left?) Me: -sighs- What are we gonna do? Should we talk to Mozo or something?
Hinasha:i say give him a wedgie and hang him by a montain so every1 can see and now call him Wedgie boy
Me: OO; -tries to hold in laugh- W-wow! XD Taste of his own medicine, eh?
It helps amplify Ed's transmutations.
(OO; i knew that! XD) Me: Hmmm...Not a bad idea really! Lets do it!
Hinasha:ok let me call him..MOZO!!!!!!!!!! Mozo:what?..
My turn!
(Hmmmm....What happens to Ed when he was left on the island when he was 8?) Me: -smirkish smile-
He was bitten by a fox.
Hinasha:*evil look in the eyes*..Mozo:why are u 2 looking at me like that(shocked face*
(Yes! My turn! XD) Me: -gets up and starts walking towards him with the same face- Hinasha...would you like to do the honors?
What is the name of the humunculi who got Ed's arm and leg?.
Hinasha:why yes Yachiru.. Mozo:ahh*backs away*... Hinasha:*jumps on him*
(Wrath) Me: -smirkish smile again- Got him?
Yep my turn.
Hinasha:*ties up Mozo*let's bring him 2 a mountain and then give him what he desvere
Hi guys O.o what r yal playing
(Who kills Ed's father?) Me: Oh yes!
Hinasha:*goes up a high mountain with Mozo*
Me: -follows-
no clue
(No himself. In the movie anyway! XD)
Hinasha:Yachiru help me give him a wedgie... Mozo:A WHAT!?!
Never saw the movie.What's the date inscribed on Ed's watch?
Hinasha:Yachiru help me give him a wedgie... Mozo:A WHAT!?!
(Ocober 3!) Me: OK! -helps give wedgie-
Yep my turn.
Hinasha:*throws Mozo on the edge iof the mountain* Mozo:AHHHHHHH*his underwear hangs on the edge of the mountain*
(Ok...What episode is it when Ed fights Mustang?) Me: -laughing- Random person: OMG LOOK UP THERE! Another random preson: -laughing their ass off- Everyone: Omg haha! What the hell! -laughing- Me: i think we might have over done it...OO;
Fullmetal vs Flame.
(YEP! My turn!)
Hinasha:nope,the fun is just starting.. Mozo:AHHH*trys 2 get up*... Dark&Darkness:what did Mozo do now? -_-
Me: Everything...XDDDD
What is the name of Mayes Hughes' little girl?
Hinasha:....i like it*takes pick of Mozo*
(Elisia [i think I spelt it wrong! XD]) Me: Me to! -takes pics also- i feel so evil! XD
Thats right my go!
Hinasha:u're going 2 love once u use it alot
(What is Scar any does he want to kill Ed?) Me: I might!
He is a Ishvalan,and he wanted to kill Ed because he blames all alchemist for what happened.
Hinasha:...uhh yes
(Yes! My turn!) Me: -sighs and stops taking pics- Had enough?
Who is the humunculi Pride. .
(Cant remember his name but hes the Fuher[spg?])
Hinasha:i think he did.. Mozo:what did i do 2 desvere tthis.. Hinasha:stuff*cutrs his underwear off the edge of the mountain* Mozo:*falls and hits trees*
Me: OO;; Wow Hinasha...
Uh huh Furur Bradly.My turn.
(What did Winry do to Ed when he came back to her's and her grandmothers house?) Me: You just made him hit trees...OO;
Threw her wrench at his head.Leaving a huge lump.
Hinasha:OH SNAP U'RE RIGHT!!!....i 4got 2 take pics
(Yup!) Me: -looks at her- Nice! XD
Hinasha:i should make Mozo fall off the trees again,and take the pics*
Me: XD Hell yes!
What did Ed and Als mom used to do to let them know it was time to come home?
(Shine a light out the window) Me: -jumps down and brings Mozo back up, hangs him over trees- Ready?
Yeah they could see it from everywhere.
(Hell yes! ok...What happens when Ed and Al were on the train heading to Central for the first time?)
The train was hijacked.
(Yep! my turn!)
Wrath is the failed human transmutated son of who?
XD I'm deleting meh Celeste folder -.-
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