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holy crap! yuki's in trouble!
Yuki:*sleeping* Elizabeth:*comes in room and takes knife out*
me: (from the window) HE'S GONNA GET STAB!!! YUKI!!!!(bangs the window)YUKI!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!!
Yuki:... Elizabeth:*aims the knife at Yuki's neck*
Me: jumps through windw taclkes eli
Yuki:HUH!!!*wakes up*Elizabeth..and who are u?
me: (jumps from the window) good job suzu-chan!
Me: I'm Anna!.....Elizabeth...i dunno what happened but....she's trying to kill you!
Yuki:Elizabeth..what no way she's s2 nice to do that..*sees the knife Elizabeth was carring* Elizabeth:*knocked out*
me: yeah problem solve! I'll take my leave now...(jumps out of the window)
Me: See? *p[oints 2 knife* U call that nice?! I heard....someone named Ruf-something hypnotized her...i think
Me: *snaps to attention* YES! That was it! So...what do we do? *gets worried*
kibimi: we could find the guy!(from outside)
Me: *nods* C'ome on Kibimi-chan *pulls up*
Yuki:*jumps out window and lands on the floor*ok Rufza show yourself..now.. Rufza:*u wanted me.. Yuki:...
kibimi: eep!
Me: *runs at Rufza* AHHHH! *attacks*
kibimi: (takes out a gun and shot rufza)
Rufza:*pushes Suzuka-chan out of the way* i only want to fight Yuki.. Yuki:hummp,i think this girls should have a chance to fight as well.. Rufza:...
Me: Flip you! *cuts Rufza's leg* TAKE THAT BOZO!
Whoa whats going on here! (Btw its Yachiru)
Rufza:*the leg that Suzuka cut growd back* Yuki: -.-'
kibimi: (beep!) I ran out of bullets! where's kabama when ya need her? (throws the gun at rufza)
Rufza:*aims his fist at the direction the gun is going,and when the gun hit his fist it broked in half*
kibimi:  dang... I need some bombs...
Me: *starts to shake* D-DIE! *Jumps and aims gun at rufza*
Hey Anna!
HI! Where were u all that time?! Can u look at my gallery and comment?
Trying to delete my old account...and I cant and DUUUH!!! -goes 2 look at album-
lolz *hug*
Rufza:*walks to them and takes his sword out*.. Yuki:*takes his gun out and starts walking to him*
(mines too? please?) kibimi: I'm back with bombs! (she used time travel)
Me: *tackles Rufza*
Rufza:*cts Suzuka in half then runs to Yuki* Yuki:*runs to Rufza and starts shooting at him* Rufza:*doughes every bullet andattacks Yuki with his sword*
Me: *Her last sentence* Kill him.....yuki....*dies*
Rufza:*cuts Yuki's leg in half* Yuki:DAMN IT*shoots Rufza at the head* Rufza:*drops sword and falls*
Me: *starts to fade to glowy things* Yuki...you can do it...*almost dies*
Ameri: *punches Rufza* TAKE THAT!
Rufza:*bites Ameri on the neck then punches her on the face*
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