if i was a cartoon guy i would definately hit that
i saw this episode they wanted to see kakashi's face
Sakura is naked stuck in a hot springs isnt that pleasent.
Most definatly.
ewwwwww,see you guys are gross,and sakura sucks
i hate sakure hinata rocks
>.< Episode 101?
im with narutogirl456!
I like both Sakura and Hinata.
sakura is okay... alittle borning tho...
I sorta like Sakura. Inside, she's just like a lot of boys, violent and evil. And boys, DON'T YOU DARE COMMENT MY COMMENT!!!! OR DO YOU WANT BE EATING FOOD THOUGH A STRAW THE REST OF YOUR LIFE?!?!?!?!??!?! Don't be jelous because girls are better! GOT THAT????!!!!
Sakura should really get a change of style. She looks kinda cool here though. Except for pink hair.
she's cry because she just realized she's a slut.
Actully in this ep. she is trying to she Kakashi-sensai's face but she fails BECAUSE SHE SUCKS
ha even better
Yeah bur in this ep. they find out that kakashi wears another mask uder the one you see and they also find out that SAKURA SUCKS
in futher episodes they burn her and chant die cause you suck!
Yes it's very very ture
then in hell she get beaten 24/7 because she sucks to much even hell hates her ha ha ha!
Yay it's my turn *startes to beat Sakura*
sakura after a year in hell: please stop ill kill my self please the beater: sorry just for trying to kill yourself you have go swim in lava sakura: ahhhhh it hurts ive los my legs now i can only stay in one place and cant wear pants or shorts nooooooo
Yay yay *chants yay*
sakura next day: idont want to live beaters: time your next swim Sakura: it burns oh no my taky hair now im bald ahhhhhhh
next day when will i die beaters: time againg sakura ahh my arms what will id do im doomed stay tuned for the ending of sakuras life.
Whoa you guys hate her so baaaad... why do you think she sucks?  (Just curious)
next day: sakura: help beaters: time for your swim Sakura: ahh it burns no no noooo my arms ahhhhhhh
Yaaay Hinata!
I like Hinata and Hate Sakura SAKURA SUCKS
die sakura
yay Sakura's dead yay
yay dead Sakura's dead Sakura's dead yay yay
She's fanilly dead dead i tell fanilly dead
Your all...acting worse then her..*Shakes head in shame*
I don't think anyone can act worse than her
Naruto556 and yukari1120 you really should stop being assholes and stop hating on Sakura!Yeah she thinks Sasuke is hot but that doesn't make her a slut! What girl in her village doesn't like Sasuke besides Hinata?
Do you want to know why I hate her she is stupid, weak, she shouldn't be a ninja she ugly Sasuke even said that she is worse and weaker than Naruto, Sasuke will never like Sakura, and she's a bitch Konohamaru even said that
 Chill you guys...it's just a show. And chihiro is right! Hinata IS the only one who doesn't like Sasuke! YOU SO GO GIRL! Thats why they should be together! WOOHHOOOO! *everyone stares* hehe *cough* I'll be going now...
I still think Sakura sucks alot
She's not my favourite character, but she doesn't annoy me AS much, I guess...  Meh, I mostly like male characters in the show  (Haku: I wonder why...  ) But Hinata rocks!!!! She's DA BEST!! *thumbs up for Hinata*
I like Hinata but I hate Sakura SHE SUCKS
Thank you Purple1 and yukari1120 you really piss me and my friend off take it dragongirl.What the hell is your problem!You really need to get laid!Back to me yeah...Hinata does rock and Sakura is not weak she has the best eyes on the squad Sasuke said it himself so BITE ME!!!
Your welcome and I think she has the worst eyes ever I hate her she a Bitch
from dragongirl:go get a table dance asshole!  yukari1120 I'm not thanking you you dumbass!
I don't get that???????????????? And SAKURA SUCKS more than you'll ever know BITCH
OMG  yukari1120 did Chihiro13 just dis you and you can't come up with a response  YOU SUCK!!!!!!!And to Chihiro13 go you!
Come on yukari1120 quit jerking off and write a response you gay bitch!You got served!
What ever and am a girl not a boy so you have know right to call me a bastard and I could really care less if you call me names It doesn't bother me at all and my internet was offline for a while so go suck sakura's man titties
Are you P.M.S.ING or what? And I'm a little sorry for Chihiro13 because she is a big SasukexSakura fan but you asked for it.  I guess  no offence to Chihiro13 OH HELL SHE'S HERE!!!!!!!!Chihiro13:Damn it your dead!!!!  :NOT THE KUNAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOU GO TO HELL!!!!!!!!!
Don't feel like it
Oh why because you spent so much time with Naruto556 down there?
He is a good friend of mine do not ever say anything bad about him and you are the lowest of the low if you say anything about someone that isn't here you Bitch You can say what you want about me but don't ever say anything about my friends there improtant too me understood this war is between me you and Chihiro13 so don't invole naruto556 or Drakchii_222 unless they say they want to get in this fight I can fend for myself just find I've had plenty of pactice so if your not too scard bring it on I don't ...
Okay, just because somebody hates a character, it's not a reason to call her a 'gay bitch'.
Thank you Laiyo
I don't give a damn what you say to me and to Laiyo I can say what ever I want that's an advantage of living in America!
You're welcome Yukari. ^^ To dragongirl: If you don't like her saying that, asking her POLITELY might help. Calling her a 'gay bitch' will only make her want to get on your nerves some more. She can say whatever she wants too, then. Jeez. -_-
..........i've never seen so much offensive language before......i think theres rules about that.......
Thank you Laiyo again and if you would have asked me nicly I might gave up But now it's war and I won't give up
yukari1120 I'm sorry that these comments were left by my stupid younger sister and her stupid friend but they are now blocked from my computer so you will not hear from them again and again I'm sorry.And what your saying is totally right people don't care about nature or animals and it sucks.  By the way I don't like the way America works either and I'm going to Japan after highschool.
Thank you and Lets hope for the best for the animals and nature and I would love to go to Japan that would be so cool but I can't but I my anut has twice i's wasn't fair
lol and thank you by the way hw old is she it sound like she in sceond grade
She's 8 and I don't have a clue where she learned those words.
I'm 13 and she could have learned them at school or something like that maybe
The age difference is so annoying I'm 13 and she's 8 and is always in my stuff.
My sister is 10and she's always in my stuff or right there nexts to me like a lost dog or something and the worst of all is that she stills my money that I earned and lies about and most of the time gets away with it
My sister knows not to even think about taking my things or I'd push her of the roof!She now has a bad habit of bothering me about if I'll take her to the modeling agency where I work and I'm going to go nuts if she ask me if I know Tyra Banks again!
lol My sister is going to be gointo my middle school next year and that will be living hell she's already worse than the divel
I heard that my sister is the spawn of Satin!
I heard that my sister is the spawn of satin too And I think she was found on the side of the road
I don't know if this has happened to you but I found her reading my diary and I felt sheshould be punished so I told her teacher she was cheating on her homework and now she has afterschool detention for the next 3 months.
lol I don't keep a diary I tried to have but it's just easier for me not to have one
My little sister will be lucky to reach 13.
my sister will be lucky to live another min.
Right now she is doing my chores and cussing me out.Now I'm hiting her and it is fun.
I can't wait till friday because I have a half day and then I have the whole next week out of school
I can't wait for summer because I'm going to Tokyo!!!!!!!!!
Japan... cool!  And whoa, I'm 15 and I'm glad to be the only *ahem*child in the family... I remember wanting a sibling when I was small... But I've changed my mind a long time since O.O (Haku: LAIYO!! Get back to doing your homework!! Now if I ever catch you chatting again... Me: *gulp* Yes sir...)
lol Thats no fair I want to go to and your lucky to be the only sibling in the family
Me too! xD Take me there in a suitcase..
Tell you what if I become a rich model I'll take you and Naruto556 and Laiyo there.And then we'll take our little sisters with us thinking all is well and then we'll push them out of the plane!!!
I agree with that plan
I'll just tell my parents she jumped out to see if she could fly.
Arrowed! Sworded! Kunaid!
So far this picture's comments have covered feminism, sexism, nationality politics, homosexual accusations, debates concerning man-titties, sibling rivalry, and satanism. Everyone may hate Sakura, but you gotta admire her for spawning such random topics.
Very true and CRAP Kelly's in my room I'll kill you you little brat!!!
I was just about to kill my sister got to go eat dinner
I have to go too but before I go Kelly has something to say.Kelly: sorry I was so rude. Bye
Tell her I forgive her
 I'm going to kill her!!The reson is my guy friend Narashi Uzamaki( that is his real name) come over and she ran into the room yelling "look at this" holding up my (clears throat) undergarments, so right now I'm diging the hole for her body.Just wondering what state do you live in?
Yeah Tokyo here we come!  *prepares a suitcase* Whoa, I'm twice as glad I don't a little sibling now... they're eeeeevil, eeevil! Go Gisele17!
Aww don't be sad
My trip to Japan was canceled how can I not be sad?  Well kelly dead so the sun will come out tomorrow.
Nuuuuu I already got the suitcase ready!  *ish sad too* Oh well, at least your sister doesn't bug you anymore...
Yeah but you'll never guess why the trip was canceled.
Why andI live in goregia
Why was it cancelled? *ish curious*
I live in Georgia too what county?I found out the agency I was going to in Japan was actually a human traficking ring  but it's commen in the modeling world I was so freaked out but the Lord is good and I'm fine.
Are you asking what a human traficking ring is or what are you asking?
I live in Hall county in northeastern Geogia.
Maybe we could meet sometime I go that way alot to get a friend from sc
Sure and my aunt lives near you.
Ah hell Kelly is still alive after what she did last night(read up) her and my life is over.
Oh you think that's funny  how would you feel if your sister did that?
I wouldn't like that Gpt to go fold cloths brb
I'M GONNA KILL HER!!!!! and what's worse she did the same thing in front of my boyfriend (who would remind you of Sasuke) and I know he was thinking bad thoughts!
I think she out to ruin you life
Me too and plus she not even my biological sister.
Sorry I got to
Let me guess: your sister ACCIDENTALLY fell off a cliff (and you pushing her had -nothing- to do with it whatsoever '^^) It was all an accident, of course. ^_^
No that's not it.I called my agency to find out what I was doing the time I was supposed to go to Japan.Then they told me they made a mistake and 1 of the other girls going a different city in Japan was the 1 whose trip was canceled!*starts throughing clothes into a suitcase*
Bring me I want to go
I'll ask
hay wat cha up tp
Oh dear God I'm so tired.
Because Kelly and I were at the park and I had just gotten back from school and she threw a rock at a squirrl and I was wearing boots and I chased her down and beat the crap out of her.
Is she in the hospital
Yep she's in the ICU.  take that squirrl hater!
You like squarrils
My friends love squirrls
I like wolves personally
Me too that's my spirit animal!  I have 2 go.
I love wolves, too! I think I'm a lot like a wolf (personality-wise) xD xD xD Gaara: Vicious, bloodthirsty and a loner. Me: No... well, yes. Just like you, my DEAR friend. >_< Gaara: Hmph. Me: And wolves aren't THAT bloodthirsty. Gaara: ...
They aren't really and they're problble more courious than bloodthirsty they maybe would actully come up to you to snife you and I don't think they're loner either because they travel in packs and they play with each other alot too and I think I'm much like a wolf
Yup, but then again I'm not that bloodthirsty, either. I know that most -dogs- wouldn't bark at me, I wonder how a wolf would react... And yesh, wolves do travel in packs, but not all of them, some don't always belong to a pack so they can be 'loner' too, I guess... xP
But that is if it chose to be because it left the pack and I am good with dogs too but not so much with cats I'm suious I've been biten and clawed by cats when I try to pet them
Just wondering why do you guys hate Sakura so much?
Yup yup, you're right Yukari, heh... I guess I can be considered such a wolf. And yeah, I don't get along well with cats, either. Most of the time they hide from me or hiss when I approach... not all, but a lot do. ^^; But I get along great with dogs, even with teh vicious ones. What I really hate though is anime girls that look like (or remind me of) cats. Grrrrr. >_<
How the hell does that answer my question?
I was answering Yukari's post!!! Gosh. -_- There was no space left for a response to you there, though, sorry. But since you posted again I can answer... Well, it's not that I hate Sakura, I just don't really care about her so much as to start fighting w/people who hate her, especially since they're generally nice. -_- But it annoys me when she starts yelling at Naruto whenever he starts talking, because I'm sure that if Sasuke said EXACTLY the same thing, she'd love him for that.
I hate her because she inferior to all, she is a bitch, she's doesn't desever the title of a ninja when rarely does anything, it annoys me too when she yells at Naruto when talks and naruto would give his life up yo save her and he did it once against Gaara and she thought it was Sasuke who saved her, she's stupid and do I need to go on
But she DOES spawn a lot of random topics... O.O I just think Naruto should stop obsessing over her.
Same here I think he sould go with Hinata
No and I don't hate Sakura but I like later on in the series because right now she is less interesting.Naruto right now is getting on my nerves because he's being a dumbass and doesn't get that Hinata likes him.
He kind of gets it later on in the series
Thank goodness he's not totally clueless.
Yeah and Shino and Kiba tell him that Hinata likes him so he does find out
It took him two whole people telling him to figure it out. O.O Guys are clueless... Anyway. I'll go abuse the REAL bitch of the anime... *goes off to abuse Flay from Gundam Seed*
lol and yeah it took Shino and Kiba for him to get it Naruto aint that samrt
That's 4 damn sure and Sakura should learn that not obsessing over Sasuke will make her a better Kunouchi! And can someone tell me where the hell Naruto556 and dark_chii222 are?
Naruto556 I haven't heard from him in about 3 weeks and Dark_chii222 should be on about 10:00 our time because were 3 hours ahead of her
Good point.Mabey Sakura found out what Naruto556 wrote about her and hurt him?
Problbly not but I think that his internet is down or something like that like Dark_chii222 wasn't on for about a month and her internet was down
I would kill myself!!!!
I know I would kill myself too I mean I wouldn't be able to talk to all my friends like you
 That is so sweet same here. I'm so excited for tomorrow because I have a fashion show in Atlanta modeling anime clothes!!!!
You guys make me giggle >.>. I think, what alot of Naruto fans fail to notice and/or remember is that Sakura is a simple preteen girl. And just like any normal preteenaged girl she's currently too busy dreaming about cute boys to really put everything into her work. I just suggest you guys keep in mind that she still has alot of growing up to do...>.> just like alot of you guys. But I think as she matures she'll get more interesting. And don't say she's weak, she really could kick your arse.
I agree 100%
Oh, and I must say one more thing. To all those fangirls obsessed with Sasuke that hate Sakura. I think its really silly to let your fandom get in the way of realising the potential behind a good, real, and developing character (you guys really should keep up with the manga, she becomes ALOT more useful). Its kind of pathetic really, considering its all over a guy who isn't even real >.>...Anyways, peace and corn muffins!
I'm going to be in atlanta too but with relatives
Lol Arsenic! xD Heh, yeah, Sakura SHOULD get more interesting if she'll stop obsessing over Sasuke. Anyway, I like guys too, but it doesn't get in the way of my other work... And as for her being weak, she SEEMS weak at the start of the series because she doesn't really do much fighting then  But who knows, I didn't read/watch the later episodes of the series, so I don't know what she'll turn out to be like... >_o
Last night was the fashion show  there were 3 animes Naruto,Inuyasha,and Fruits Basket.4 Fruba I was Hana and Kagura.4 Inuyasha I was Kagome and Rin.And 4 Naruto I was Hinata and Sakura.I had to wer wigs and colored contacts.  I had pink hair! But it was so much fun
I wish I could have gone but I was with my relatives
I've been keeping up with the manga thingy lol. And I can honestly say she's changed alot. Not just in character but ability. She seems less like a secondary character then earlier in the series. Ofcourse, this is after Tsunade teaches her lol.
She has gotten stonger I will amit that but I still don't like her
if i standin their. i would fuk her hard. o0o yea
Back off of her, haters. (No, this picture is'nt hentai.) This was from an episode where Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura wanted to see Kakashi's face, and they think of plans and later they thought of one to go to the hot springs, but only Naruto and Sasuke could see(for obvious reasons). So Sakura is bored and she says she wants to see his face. So thats how she is there in that picture now.
I've already see the ep. and i will not back off
Sakura sucks because she's an ugly, shallow, boy-crazed, cowardly weakling. Even I could kick her ass. No, seriously. No, REALLY, I'm a first-degree black belt in Karate, I've been training all my life.
When my mom first saw her in the haircut episode (I think it was 32 or something), she thought Sakura was a guy. Seriously.
HAHA and i hate Saukra too
Um.Im not really sure what to say...You guys don't really need to say such negative things, and I don't really see how shes ugly, besides, if you are insulting Sakura about how ugly she is, then that would mean that you are also insulting the person who drew her in the first place! Which, by the way is Masashi Kishimoto! (Who is the awesomest ever!) Besides thats probably how the author wanted her to be like and after all, she'd be boring if she wasnt like that. Dunno why you guys make such a big deal..
Yeah, Sakura isn't that ugly. I read the manga books, and in one of them Kishimoto said that he didn't design Sakura to be 'cute'. Or that she didn't come out cute. Or something like that. (But she -is- too obsessed with Sasuke... though I don't see how that makes her any different from his rabid fangirls... O.O)
Your starting to provoke me and now your going to get I did leave Sakura alone and now your starting it up again and I don't like Naruto the way you think I do and I have watch the eps. up to 175 and next week will be 176 and I read the vols. up to 32 so don't give me that crap
Okay, she left Sakura quite some time ago, and now you go bringing that topic up again...
Yeah I have and the only thing I've been doing here is talking to my friends like Laiyo and Thank you Laiyo
Okay. I just joined this thing. I wanted to make sure I would be left alone. Because I am not ugly or a slut. And by the way, look at my last name....i LOVE Naruto! So yeah!...
I like Naruto but I don't love him
Yeah Zabuza awesome
Sorry I haven't posted for like a month but a girl at my agency became sick and so I got her job in Tokyo!!!!  It was so awsome it was a live apperence and I was playing Chihiro from Spirited Away!  the guy playing Haku was so hot!
I saw that movie and it's coming on next sat. on cartoon network at 7:30
I had alot of fun and it wasmso awsome I'm going again in 2 months because they want me to be Hinata because I imitate her voice perfectly.
I wish I could go
Yuakblahblah sucks!Yuakblahblah sucks!Yuakblahblah sucks!
 now take off the towel.  take it off.  she spotted me.*sakura almost kills SkTr7
everytime i see tat,it makes me wanna go kidnap her lol
Laiyo! Hey! Thats cool! I think Zabuza is REALLY hot too! And Naruto of course, and Orochimaru, and Kakashi, and IRUKA, and Neji, and Gaara, and Itachi, and yeah......you get the picture. But yeah, Momochi Zabuza is HOT!
Yesh!!  You agree with me!!  Most guys in this anime are hot... But Zabuza-kun is something, isn't he!   *perverted grin*
I like Zabuza too and to Sakura Fever I've stoped already so please stop provoking me
Yeah. Yukari has left me alone for a while now. Its fine now. And LAIYO. Yes! Zabuza is hot. And thats weird because most people think Zabuza is ugly. Inner Sakura: WELL HE'S NOT!!!!! YA GOT THAT PEEPS? (yes...perverted grin) Do yall two have myspace or IM or cingular? You can talk to cingular people for free. N e ways. Do yall know how to do those message things?
Heh, the people that think Zabuza is ugly are probably... well, let's not get into details of what I think abot such people. ^^; No, but seriously. How could they ignore those muscles? And those eyes? Gaara: And that pointy-toothed grin... Me: Yeaaah... I mean Kakashi is cute an' all, but... you never even get to see his face... the whole of it, anyway. v_v And nope, I don't have message things, unfortunately. *sigh* Oh well...
I have yahoo I go by Yukari and yes I also think Zabuza is hot
Oh my gosh, YAY!! I can't believe it! All the fighting stopped! Thank-you Yukari112 for at least having some dignity and stopped the fighting...At least she was more mature than some other people here...NOT that im saying names.I really am thankful that theres no more pandemonium around here! Heh, starting to freak me out... Zabuza is ok to me too! but im not so sure if I think hes hot or not...
Zabuza is not ugly, I don't know why people would think that. In my opinion he's kinda sexy actually.
Same here
would you stop making fun of Sakura naruto556 and yukari1120? Im asking you nicely this time so stop it! How would you like it if someone made fun of you like you make fun of sakura?
Lmao so many comments...
Well, it's annoying the way people just DON'T READ!! *glares at Sakura_Haruno_rules* But anyway, back to the topic. ^_^ Yesh, Zabuza ish VERY VERY /VERY/ sexy!
Ahahaha! Nice one Laiyo...
Thanks Laiyo and to Sakura_Haruno_rules: Naruto556 is a boy so you con't really call him a bitch
sakura_haruno_rules: wow! calm down ok? No need to cuss your head off! Just keep it to yourself. ok? thanks
Thank you Sakura_Ino_4ever and I really am sorry about what I said Can you forgive me
its ok. I forgot what you said. What did you say?
I said that I hated her and that she was ugly and things like that
You're welcome Yukari!  And hey, you aren't saying these things anymore, so people should really look at the dates of the messages before posting anything offensive. -_- I mean, if somebody gave ME such a load of crap, I would want to continue swearing at their fave character, too! -_- And @ Waterfade: Thanks! ^.~
That's ture but it really wouldn't slove anything and trust me I know I did here on the Sakura pics because they just kept giveing me these loads of crap so I did the same thing back to them and I'll dod it again if they don't stop
Ha! We'll fight them together! xD *Wolverine-style metal claws appear* Oooh... this reminds me... did you read that If Pheasant didn't Cry thingy I told you about? ^^
Yeah i did and I thought it was kind of sad  and yeah well fight them together *turns into a mistwolf*
Yeah it was... I really liked it tho...    It made me love Zabuza-kun even more now... *bawls* Waaah Zabuza-kuuun!!! TT_TT ...Ooh, I wrote a fanfic about him (and Haku, and a wolf-girl xD) Wanna read it? Gaara: What?? You're advertising AGAIN??? Get outta here, Laiyo!! *throws Laiyo out* Laiyo: TT~TT Waaah Gaara's hurting me!!! Waaah... Gaara: ... Big baby. -_-;
I'm reading it right now and so far I have to say it really good
Aiii you like it!!! TvT *tears of joy* Gaara: Hmph. -_- Haku: You're just jealous, Gaara. -_-; Gaara: Hmph!!!
Yes I like it and are you considering to be a writer because if you made what you wrote into a book I would surely buy it
Awww you're flattering me! -^.^- *waves hand flattered-style* Yeah, I did consider becoming a writer, I like writing very much, yesh! -^^-; Hmm, yeah, wouldn't it be nice if they let people publish fanfics...
Yeah it would and I have like a lot of idea going my haed I just don't write it don't on a peice of paper I like need a jounel or something to wirte them down
Yeah, you should!  I had the idea for my fanfic for a long time now, and I've only written it down not so long ago... ^^; But really, if you have an idea you really like then you should write it down and it might turn into a really good fanfic/story, you never know!
That's ture but I don't like to stay on some topic for along time like there was this one story I did it was about a wolf gril turning into a human and she went on this long quest in seach for wolf mask and I haven't actully completes it yet so I don't I would be able to stay on a topic
Ooh, wolf girl? Sounds interesting! xD So, you're into wolf-people too, huh. ^-^ And I know, it /is/ annoying when you can't think of an ending to a story. I've always had a bit of a problem with that... ^^; I only have a vague idea on how to finish this fanfic, but I'm determined to actually finish it, unlike that other one about Gaara I started. So, where do you usually get your ideas?
All over the place like I could be sitting in a restrant and suddenly get an idea and yeah I'm into wolf-people their like so awesome
I get my ideas from dreams, books or anime mostly...  Or sometimes they just randomly pop into my mind... ^^;; And yaaay for wolf-people!! xD
Yeah Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay for wolf-people they rock
I wish everyone would watch their language this is probably where my younger sister learned these words. It's very weird for me when she comes to me and asks "Onee-chan what does that word mean?" So for the love of God watch the language.
sakura rox Gisele I agree though I say all sakura haters are idiots
I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU SAKURA HATERS SAY. I don't see anything on her that makes me stab her with a spork. Sure, in the first anime episodes, she is all "Sasuke-kun! Sasuke-kun!" and can be quite annoying. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT?! IN THE RECENT CHAPTERS OF THE MANGA (which is the source of it all) Sakura is a great Medic-Nn and she is NOT ANNOYING, NOT AN OVERLY-OBSESSIVE SASUKE FANGIRL, NOT JUST SOME WEAK CHUMP WHO NEEDS SOMEONE TO RESCUE HER! SHE HAS CHANGED! SO STOP FIGHTING! Please?
Err... thank you for the update, but we already caught on to the fact and stopped the fighting like, let's see, a whole CENTURY ago now! O.O So there's really no need to repeat the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, catch meh drift? ^^;
I agree with Laiyo like we have stopped the fighting a century ago and I know I was one of the ones fighting but I like stopped soooooooooo stop blameing me or I'll just keep fighting
It's tiring, having to repeat the same thing lots of times, isn't it, Yukari. ^^;; Too bad SOME people don't get it from the FIRST THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND BILLION FREAKIN' GAJILLION TIMES WE'VE SAID IT, huh?
yeah I like sooooooooooo agree and they should just get ti though their think heads
i agree
OMG! I was booked for another Naruto thing (as Hinata) and the guy would was suppose to be Neji really looked like him! But I'm not a phyco fangirl but I did get his number!
Hi Gisele where have you been *tackles-hug*
the hell is she doing
Mainly working but it's been really fun. *tackles-hug* I've been working on a fanfic.
I wan to read I want to read
Go to fanfiction.net the title is Sleepover Games. It's a really stupid but popular story.
yay*starts to dance*
You need to calm dawn. That fight was like 1,000 years ago. So chill because I'm not the kind of person you want to get into a fight with.
Well Yami_Itachi Sasuke ignores her because she's friggin annoying!
In the begining she's very annoying but gets better and makes something of herself.
I will agree with that and yes that fight ended 1000 odd years ago
She is a good character but still she's not nearly as strong to compare with Naruto or Sasuke but hay they both have demon powers so it's kind of hard.
I like the demon powers but you do have it amit that she can get really annoying
I don't blame u there.  My friends call me Kyuubi but I'm not like Naruto other than the fact I have a short fuse 4 stupid people.
lol I'm like so bored
Hn. Oh snap I sound like Sasuke!
sakura sukes cause she's a burden to every one! and she always worried about sasuke even when she knows he hates her!
He doesn't hate her he just thinks she's annoyng.
She looks fine
yukari1120 u crack me up, anyway want to be my friend?  oh and i like sakura
Sure why not
COOL U ROCK!!! I hope u answer me back, any way I sent you an E-mail do you go by elmalone 911@ yahoo.com because I might have sent you .
Yeah I do and you could PM me on the forum too
what is pm and how do you pm ?
It means private messaging and you go to the forum and go to user cp and go down until you see send new message and the rest is self exspatory
when should I pm you, oh and I got your e-mail
Good and anytimes good I'm on a lot and I'll try to answer as soon as I can
I'm bored
I'm not my trip 2 Japan is next Friday
Yay Gisele *tackle-hugs* Can you take me with you to Japan? pleeeeeeeeease
lol and superNarutootaku I can't pm somethings wrong with it
me too this sucks!
They should have it figured out by morning but this does happen sometimes.
LOL!!! I wonder if this pic makes it to 300 comments wanna help me make it to 300 comments?
It's almost there. and there's one on the Sasuke album that's past 300 comments.
really? wow those rabid fangirls must be really obssesed with him how pathetic
Not really. I helped with some of them. There mostly just talk of everyday things
oh sort of like this pic. What happened to naruto 556? and wheres that bitch cobaltangel i feel like fighting with her?
Naruto556 and Coblatangel haven't been on in months and have you read my FanFics
no but is your fan fic in fanfiction.com?
I have to wait until May 30 at 11:45 to put it in
oh ok well pm me when it's finished k.
we are almost there!
Have you seen my album? There's some really cool pics. in there
no how do i see it?
Type in animegalleries.net/category/56265 but add the www. in front
thanks! tomorow i will be checking if some one started a fight with me in the ino pics.
lol Wel you might be waiting a while. There aren't a lot of Ino fans here
cool noone likes ino!!!  I did say tons of bad things about them for likeing her u should check the first 2 pics.
lol Just dont do it then it's just stupid
OK but u still should check they are hilarious!!!  pic one and 2 if u do wanna check and some other ones too but i dont remember.
Lol I'll go check
I just got done
well what do u think and did u leave a comment did anyone insult me?
I thought it was funny and No, I didn't I dont want to get into any fights I don't have to get in and No again
noone likes ino i guess yay are u sure noone insulted me?
Yes Yes i'm sure
YAY we did it we passed 300 * gives yukari a cheerful hug want some soda and pizza*
Sure why not
why isn't gisele17 celebrating with us and i'm dyeing to go to Tokyo?
You and me both
well where is she?
I'm not sure
hmmmmm maybe she snook off to Japan without telling us?
lol Maybe
i need to ask u sumting r u a fangirl of Sasuke, Kiba, Neji, Kakashi or Zabuza and can u call me tommorow at 3:30 in the afternoon ?
I'm a fangril of Zabuza but I just like kiba, Neji, Kakashi and Sasuke is cute but I don't like his attitude and Sure I'll try
ok i am obsessed with sakura, hinata, temari, anko kurenai and tsunade they are so hard to chose and can i call u?
Now or tomorrow and I Hinata,I have really awesome pics of her in my album, and like Temari and anko and Kurenai but I don't really like Tsunade of Sakura
why cuz they r too alike? i have to go so are going 2 call me or am i going to call u?
You tell me
when do i call u and what time ailso when or if u call me ask for Jayson that is my real name?
Call me about 2:00 and I warn you I sound very country
2:00 in the afternoon or after midnight?
in the afternoon it already past 2:00 it's 4:10 right now
cool! anyway i sound amrican not latin and whats wrong with sounding country?
Nothing it's just I've been told I sound really country
well people in puerto rico make fun of my spanish they say i soun like a gringo(which means american) any way I was forced to move here by my mom and my evil stepdad who ruins my life and i hate him so much>
My parent's are devoriced too
we have so much in common.
lol I guess we do well I gtg ttfn
well good bye i guess i will call u tommarrow and if not i will pm u ok ? good night.
No and why are you sad.
Because I have 2 go 2 my cousin's graduation on the same day I was suppose 2 go 2 Tokyo but i'm happy now because they told me I could go this monday.
Yay and take me with you
I can't it's a 2 ticket trip and my agent has 2 come.
I can hide in your suitcase
Remeber they have securiy.
They put it through X-ray
What am I suppose 2 say 2 the guy when he asked what it is? guy: what's in your suitcase? me: it's a body.
lol I don't know
Knowing me I probably would say that. I'm just to damn sarcastic.
lol so am I but Hi I haven't talked to you in a while *tackle-hugs*
I know I've been working my as off.
lol I've been sitin on mine
lol I've been so busy but it's been worth it.
That's good. So anything new beside going to Japan
I found a guy I like that's not an inmature dumbass.
lol That's good too. My bf was cheating on me. I found out yesterday
Don't worry I already did
Good! He's a hoe.
Yup Yup
Cheating on you means he's a dumb hoe.
Yup Yup and he got an earful from me too
Good going! lol  they're so many better guys.
I agree
I found the perfect key to explain that. men, can't live withthen=m and you can't shoot them
lol Yup Yup
I also got one that said " heaven doesn't want me and hellis afraid i'll take over"
lol I love that one I'm going to put it on my siggy
Done I love it and do you want to join my Family? You can be my older sis or younger sis or something else
Why did u kill some one?
No, It's a fake family on AF (anime forum)
Who do you want to be?
I'll be an older sister. It would be nice to have a little sister who I don't want kill.
lol mine keeps rising from the dead
damn! She's like a cockroach she just wont die!  Sorry I have 2 go.
I know
hey guys ino sucks!
narutootaku want 2 start another fight!! wer is yukari when u need her
*pops out of nowhere*Did I here my name? Narutootaku stop starting fights
Everyone stop fighting.  The only reason to fight is if some one messes with you or your friend.
GET OUT OF SAKURAS PROFILE SAKURA HATERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!P.S. narutootaku your right ino sucks
Please don't start another fight. This page has seen to much bloodshed already.
Woah. So far I haven't seen a pic with so many comments! Many Sakura haters here, fine with me. I don't hate her, or really dislike her, she's OK, but..ya know..boring. She doesn't fight as much as Naruto and Sasuke and yes she gets to become a really good medical ninja but right now it's all "be mean to Naruto, adore Sasuke" which gets kind of repetitive  . So, yeah, Sakura isn't one of my more favourite characters and all. Oh, this comment wasn't intended to start another fight, by the way...
Man sakura is such a slut! Why cant they replace her on the show! Hinata is cooler! #@$% sakura! !@$$ u!
WHOA  RATED R.....oh and im with gisele 17....shut up neji902...sakura hatin @$$holes!!!
When I saw this pic had so many comments I thought it would be Sakura fans. Instead I found so much Sakura hating and fighting that I am disgusted. To anyone that has participated in the Sakura hating I am disgusted. As a Naruto fan you should like all of the good characters. Only hate the evil ones like Itachi and Orochimaru. The truth is that Sakura is one of the best characters, her chakra control is as good as a Jounins. Don't get into a fight with me over this. I will win.
as u may have heard of my exploits this reminds me of a story i was sitting in the hot tob at the water park i work at casue it was my day off and i ddint have anything else to do any ways i left that place and went to the wave pool this huge wave pool when my gf got there a huge wavew came and knocked here bikini top off she had to use my towel to cover up
sakura rules and hinata kicks ass
people argue 4 fun Shikamaru317 just chill!  i like 2 think these people rnt serious and devote their life 2 animes
Hey look I stoped my fighting. The fight was centries ago.
id hit that
i dont drool... i just like sasuke... he is a really cute anime dude...
wow so far thers been two fights with these pics and im in the other one
LOL. THESE COMMENTS ARE SO FUNNY. Who the hell starts chatting about their life in the comment section of a Sakura pic, really? Anyway, if you hate Sakura then I suggest you go comment in the Tenten section or whatever. And just to be random since everyone's talking about who's the hottest guy in Naruto, I fangirl Itachi! <3
this cool pic, what ep is this? sorry if sum1 said this already but i cant stand to read fighting lol
 i happened to notice i look a little like sakura. not act but look.
--' you ppl r so stupid! sakura does not suck! (ok, maybe a little...) and it's episode 101.
Sasuke-kun can be a real dumbass sometimes! What the hell...why won't he tap that?! XD
so much violence here heheh and so many comments well anyway I remeber this episode it was funny as hell hehehe
*Shoves Naruto into room* HELP HER OUT!!!!! [Naruto: But she'll hit me! T_T] Who cares, PROVE YOUR UNDENIYING LOOOVE!!!!!
Sakura sucks, Sakura Sucks. SHUT UP ALREADY! WE ALL KNOW SHE SUCKS
i soh agree wif shiro-chan
i agree with some people here. Guys can drool and say perverted remarks about sakura cuz we do it all the time to the guys
Sakura RULEZ  but shes a BI#CH Becaus she loves saske not NARUTO
Hinata is sweeter than Sakura. She never beats anyone to a pulp for simple annoyance.
yukari112 you are like one of the coolest people ive seen on here and animemist u suck hinata kicks ass
Wow I haven't been on in what like maybe 6 months and I am still being mentioned! I feel so very special but yeah. I don't care for Sakura (i think that is how you spell her name *ish forgot*) I am now on the forum more then the galleries. PM me sometimes I guess and we can talk
dude, you guys are crazy, and for all you guys who still need to have a say in things, it's over, the fighting is as old as the dinosaurs for crying out loud, just take a breath and think about how long ago was all this...good, now come on now, focus on your life and your comments, not the crazy things we wrote in the dinosaur era
you lot are weird...fighting over a anime girl...sayig shes hot and Ino's hotter,,,stop it will ya?
quite retarded...and Yukari112 doesn't hate Sakura anymore....
well let them be!^^ I mean she is hot but I wouldn't go that far...
lol i can't see why anyone would ^^,
J well I never really hated her. I did said I did to make people mad. It was fun but I grew up. Hey, J. Whatever happen to the rest of the old ganf? D and anni? Anni has come to my Forum but I haven't seen D in forever!
Anni has comp trouble's I think
Well She is on my forum every now and then. And I don't think we have met before. I am Yukari or Elisabeth or Kari
D has grown up Kari...she's working, trying to get into college and I barely communicate with her as it is....I only get to talk to her by phone.
Oh I heard of you Kari... yes from J's randomness ^_^
So she has grown up and left her friends. Kinda rude but understandable. I like get A's and B's so I will get the HOPE scohlarship to go to Collage in GA. I don't have to worry about a think till I get in collage and have to keep up with A's and B's (Which I will do)
hm then there must be two Kari's  Talee Hyro is another
Ah. So J still spoke about me. Was is good or bad things? Like taking his Oreos away from him
It was neither actually, it was very random. He was just like I have a friend name Yukari, well her name is Elisabeth.
lol J seemed like a legend, people always spoke about him...now it's your turn XD Hi btw, I'm Tasha
Oh and sorry, I didn't introduce myself ^_^ I am nik, dat is Tasha!
Exactly hehe, I remember Nik...that happened out of the nothing lol!
Ah. Well I am on the forums more then the galleries now. I know some mods and admins and a lot of the popular people on the forums. I get PMs from everyone since I am a good RPer. I am invited to mostly all the RPGs
hahaha, you were just like "WHY AM I TELLING YOU THIS?!"
I'm a crap RPer >.<
lol Well I have been bashes Saruka. So I am a legend here I guess. And Hi. I am Yukari. Or Elisabeth. It is nice to meet you all. *she bows and gives J back his Oreos after like 6 months*
*pats Tasha* so am I
never been to a RPG....
lol I have a talent for it. I am quite creative. I have had RPGs on the forum end meaning the story finished and I have another that just got started. There have been about 4 RPGs on the forum to end and I have been in 2 of the 4 and 1 of them was mine. Another was a friends.
too many people @.@'
J do you even know what an RPG is?
Role Playing...
Good. You not a complete failure after all jk jk ^-^
=O J was never a failure!
lol I know he wasn't. I did say jk.....jk-just kidding
Well you better be just kidding! *covers J's ears* You may hurt his feelings!
lol I am sorry. I do not mean to hurt feelings. I am just a sarcastic person and people do get hurt by me sometimes.
Heheheh, Sarcasm is a lovely thing, ain't it?
lol he gets annoyed easily...like me
Ah yes it is. I have got it down to an Art.
^Thanks Nik...Kari I missed you!*superkillerhugattack* ooohhh my oreos!*opens and sees mold and mushrooms* ummm never mind....I think I'll pass
hahaha, I was gonna say, Oreos are really nasty after 6 months -_-
*she hugs him and gives him a pack of fresh oreos* I have missed you too. I have done a lot while I was 'away' I got my brances off! I am so glad!!
Yay! no braces and Nik...want these *hands over nasty moldy, mushroomy oreos* think of it as art!^^
what are oreo's?
lol *she laughs and smiles* Yeah I got my brances off I think aroubt a month ago. It hurt like hell to get them off!!
Art.... yes... *takes them and puts them in the trashcan* now it is art!
lol Yes is is art. Maybe sell it for a million bucks or something like that.
Lol, are you serious tasha?! you don't know what oreos are?! Jeeze, I don't want to live in england anymore! Lol, oreos are these chocolate cookies with white icing in the middle ^_^, very popular cookie!
Nik...T_T....oreos...TT_TT anyway, I like grapes and Bananas give me a headache....
Sprite and skeetles(sp?) give me headaches and I love chocolate
Spite yes, Skittles ^_^ lol I love foreign people! or people with just decent grammar ^_^ And why do banana's give you headaches J? they are meant to make you healthy...
lol Yes I guess I am foreign. Even in school. I talk like a hick sometimes and it annoys people. It is funny and they call me werid because I love to read and I am sarcastic...sometimes a bit rude I guess and I don't take crap and not give it back lol
we don't have anything like that here ^^,
I don't know, I like them but the give me a headache same with the banana flavored con-never mind that one hehe!^^;
rofl! hahaha! that is just the strangest thing I have heard, bananas that give someone a headache ^_^
um... just to slipp in on a banana here, but, the subject is what? o.O
*Twinches and back away* Ummmm....no comment
Umm... I dunno G it started with oreos and then moves to bananas
hmm still not to far streshed like some other conversations iv had here...
If you didn't get what J said then good.
I think I will delete that comment...
Wait a second... is it something... perverted...
Umm...yeah it kinda is....and I don't want to know How you know that either J
I haven't seen that one yet.
 Peekin on Sasuke aye Sakura? Naughty... Naughty...
"i have seen some of you girls drooling and getting all hot in the pants over kakashi, Garra, neji so if the guys are perverts then what does that make you girls that drool over the guys pics hmmmmm????????"
...It makes them perverts.
*grabs rolled up newspaper* bad sakura! peeking on the guy's!....besides....it's kinda weird if ur SENSEI'S in there too. >>
Go Sakura! *doesn't care what the picture looks like Sakura rocks!* Go Go Go!
 to all people who badmouthed Sakura-chan...YOOOOUUUU SUUUCK! If you hate Sakura, ZIP IT!!  Just move along and stay in your world with your Sakura voodoo dolls. Thank you.
Smack that all on the floor smack that give me some more! heh heh anyway saphire dragon you need to grow up you baka! it seems that the creator of naruto wanted this to happen to get more viewers to like sakura.
i agree with arina1426! yukarii112 and well, that's it cause gisele17 and laiyo didn't say bad stuff about her. anyways, yukarii112, u totally suck. i mean sure, sakura's not the best kunochi ever and yes, she does stink in the first naruto episodes but then the timeskip comes in and she totalloy kicks ass! i mean come on. u say that u hate her because she's weak and stuff but now she's a great medic nin and she's gotten much stronger! so go to hell! actually, go 2 a place worse than hell. the devil hate...
Omg. What is with people and hating Sakura so much?! So she sucked the first few episodes. Like the Land of Waves arc i didn't like her. After that she grew on me. Poor girl jsut cares about her teamates! And she totally OWNS in the second half of Naruto. So all you Sakura haters: STFU! Jerks.....oh yeah Hinata owns as well.
I have an idea if you all dont have anything useful to say dont comment. Saying you hate something or someone does not really matter and plus if you hate the character so much then why do you veiw a picture of them and moreover why are you even in this alblum?
I wish Talee Hyro or Kari was here I havent talked to her in months
o.o this is a dramatic comment spaz of many people...WOW.
and here i thought Jiraia was supposed to be the pervy one.
Lol,don't worry Sakura is'nt a pervert,she just wanted to see what kakashi's face looked like.
This picture is cool, Sakura is so awesome in Naruto Shippuden, Hinata is awesome too.
CHA that's right!!
I really dont like everyone talk terrible about sakura...Im like all character Naruto. I never hate all!  expect Ormhine blah balh snake
I think the artists are trying to make this look sexy
why does everyone have to act stupid
 Bobcr34, they don't have to try, she naturally is. And like the first fifty comments all suck too. Like Hinata's self esteem. Noly crap, I just mistyped "Hinata" as "Hinato". New anime fan pairing term. Or DBZ fusion term. Either way, really. But yeah, Sakura really rocks, like she's SUPPOSED to have the uselessness-feeling complex in the first few seasons, it's part of the story.. and really, she's not that useless, & even if she were, it'd still be cool. Not AS cool, but w/e. I'm..
I wonder if there are anymore similar pictures http://www.gorgeousanime.com
Damn... Shes so sexy.
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