Haruno Sakura is a sexy girl............#####
She is very very Beautiful.........
i wish i had her body  ps:i'm a lesbian
 HoW dDo i LoOk LiKe?? Hehehe
She looks like a girl at my school.....without pink hair. Other than that, she is hot!
Sakura is looking at herself before the explanatory meeting.
Sakura is cute^^
work it girl! lol
Hot and sexy just the way I like um!
I loove you Sakura :loove: She is pretty beautiful, I LOVE YOUU
Sakura u look perfect don't even fuss!
if only she was more nicer to naruto... instead of smacking naruto because it's sort of annoying seeing those parts. i wish she would like naruto better than sasuke who's ignoring her anyway..
Sakura is cute but you have right
sakura:do i look ugly.....yes i do!
Question: If she's worried about having a large forehead, why doesn't she cover it with her head band?  This is a confusing problem.
to AnimeFriend: remember wen she got teased by sum of d kids while she waz young becuz of her big forehead. n she's hiding it w/ her bangs meaning it's the same if she covers it w/ her headband. i tink! eniwei gud ting ino helped her out by givin her a cute red ribbon... sheesh sakura show some gratitude..
Sakura: "Do you like my hair?"
to AnimeScooterpiePrincess: Naruto: "It looks the same every day. But..."
to Jessica: Whats your last name? I might know u. Is your last name Gonzalez?
Hey!!!!!!! No one ignores My twin AnimeScooterpiePrincess!!!!!!! Talk to her ppls! NOW!!!!
to be honest sakura is trying too hard , just to get sasuke
your right Sasuke deserves to be mine!AAAAAAAAALL MINE!
to Mrs.Uchiha: will ya please stop with the claiming?!
i hate u sakura
to Mrs.Uchiha:Shut up with the claiming! In fact Forget that... Just Sut up in general! In fact for get that...Just leave!!!
No REAL INPROTANT ppl where hurt in the making of this comment. Thank you and have a nice day!!
Just don't claim Sasuke k? Thats how I got dark_chii222 mad at me!! If you look at pics of Sasuke you can see how bad we where fighting...what I said was like nothing compared to what me and dark_chii222 said to each other!
The picture dosn't work. Could someone PM it to me on the forums here?
I have hikari stuck in my head,and truly Black_And_White_AnimeGirl is right,somehow its just not right to claim anime characters,to me its kinda creepy anyway,no offense
I'm so happy
I love Sakura... but shes a whore ^_^ So Im stickin with Hinata... all though... The 2 of them (Sakura and Hinata) Wouldnt make a bad pair of lesbians.... Gahhh! >.< I hate days when I feel Perverted!!!
to NarutoandHinata:You act perverted to...just a little though. Oh and did you know Hinata is a "Chat-Bot"...realy! I know! I tried to talk to her but she is the most boring "Chat-Bot" ever!
Sakura:I'm already starting to turn in to a giraffe!
Dana that ain't even close to being funny
y is sakura so wide forheaded?shee lookes very ugly  plz can some1write a message so i can put another message
Hello people Hi AnimeScooterpiePrincess This is sakura and anime-boy mad just shut up and go away! and no affence to anyone....ALL ANIME CHARACTERS ARE JUST PIECES OF PAPER WITH THERE OWN WEBSITES!!!!
Sakura why are you looking at yourself we already that your ugly
sakura:well yukari1120,im looking in the mirror to see how fugly i really am,that way sasuke will surely hate me! me:*grabs rocket launcher*DIE EVIL WITCH!*blows a hole in her and blows her head off* sakura:ow,that like....hurt! i eat babies!*dies*
To SakuraHaruno0:Don't talk to my friend AnimeScooterpiePrincess! She might start to act like you if you do!
YOUR SO CHILDISH,i can talk if i want inbetween if i want,ms.mansluttywhore
The war y.
I c can I join with u guys  SAKURA SUCKS
Yay sure and by the way SAKURA SUCKS
Sasura does not suck if u say the she sucks than u suck more than Naruto!!!(yukri2134 and min2134 u suck not her )  u suck,suck,suck,suck U SUCK!!!!!
She is weak she shouldnt be a ninja, she should gjust go some where and die , sasuke doesnt even like her she's a bicth she's a slut and if that doesn't change your mind I have alot more so BRING IT ON
 STOP IT, all of you. You're being foolish and annoying. You're making a big deal out of something that isn't real. Grow up.
I'm 13 Arigatou gozaimasu and I still thinks she sucks
Okay, we get it. We get it. We get it. We get it. You win, we get it.
Yay I win I win
Um er... did you post the 'SAKURA SUCKS SAKURA SUCKS' message under ALL Sakura's pics? *curious, but too lazy to look*
Oh. You're still a very dedicated Sakura-hater though... O.O (I hope you don't hate Zabuza...)
Thank you and I don't hate Zabuza I feel sorry for him and Haku
 You're welcome and... Yay finally somebody who shows respect for Zabuza and Haku! *loves Zabuza* So many people just don't see how cool the two of them are... I'm glad you're not one of such people, heh. ^_^
Yeah I cried it was so sad I wish they didn't die they didn't desvere to die but at laest gato is dead and Haku and Zabuza are both in the same place together
Yeah, I cried too  And it rocks that Gato's dead. Ha! I also read this cool fanfic where Haku uses Transfiguration/substitution to substitude himself and Zabuza for dummies just before they died... And they survived while everyone thought them dead. Oh, how I wish it was what really happened
Yeah me too
Haku: *pops up beside Laiyo* Err, Laiyo? I -am- alive, remember? And you were supposed to help me look for healing herbes for Zabuza, remember! Me: Haku, you're A-LIIIVE!! *huggles* Haku: Err...  Of course I'm alive, I'm not THAT easy to get rid of... Would you please put me down now? Please? Er... Laiyo?
sakura is a narcissist. that proves it.
Sakura: Arent I beautiful Sasuke?
aleis i lesbian? ewwwwww
tryin' to hard sakura u can't be  like me lol
U no that sasuke hates sakura because she sucks. She did nothing on a mission. Also she is worse than NARUTO.
Exactly I've been say that for so long I'm glad you understand
sakura is hot
I agree with Black_And_White_AnimeGirl
Who ever likes sakura. The n u guys are retards.
min u need to shout up and sit da hell back and cillax, shoot, u hating off of us sakura fans
No Sakura, you DO NOT look hot...
What a vain spazz! geeeeez
*Sakura*" I have to look great when Gippal picks me up for our date....wait a second im hot.....he he!!! Sakura is all that and a bag of chips. Peace
I'm a girl and I have to say this... Sakura is WAY to girly
Well ... she may not be the best Fighter but she is pretty though.
wtf why cant i see the pi
OMG!there are like so many comments from just boys here
point to make....Sasuke:*runs to a random girl hugging her tight groping her butt* girl(me):ahhhh pervertSasuke:shush im using you to get away from SakuraMe:she cant be that obsessedSakura:*runs away to make plans to steal Sasuke*Me:nvm she isSasuke:*gropes the girls butt tighter*Me:*slaps Sasuke*
I have a bit of info for all you guys saying she's weak and whatnot: Sakura totally KICKS ASS in the second part of the series. I mean, Tsunade-style butt kicking, too. And that's powerful. I'm curious, have any of you saying she sucks read that far into the series? Probably not many. And for the record, EVERY girl can be a bitch sometimes. And EVERY character has flaws. But usually not to the point where people need to run around announcing how they suck and how stupid or ugly they are. Geez.
Ok black_lover13. We don't need another war. And Riza Wolf you are problable refering to me and I have read that far and right now Naruto has found Sasuke and I have a pic of him in his new outfit in my album but that's not the point. Even though I have read that far I don't hate her anymore I just don't like her.
sorry Kari but Riza Wolfe has a very good point i agree with her 100%.
y does it take her so long 2 kick arse then?
Narutootaku did you read or not read my comment.
well i didnt notice it.
Well, Whateve
don't get mad!
I not
k .
hey guys ino sucks!
Stop fighting didn't you read what I commented on the other Sakura pic?
what you on bout
Ani stop starting
Hiya Princess and Sakura the great! you alright?
yea im fine thnx cnt belive this is like ur first time on this site! so how u finding it?
man. i want to see this pic, but it wont show  . can someone send it to me? my email is [email protected]. thanks to anybody who does.
u guys r wierd to like sakura shes ugly.
*yawns* Are you done yet? Well first of all the fight is like so over and second LOOK at the DATE of the COMMENT!!!! I'm so tried of have people tell me over and over when the fight ended like centries ago.
another one?
Yes another one. God this get's sooooo annoying
you were a fight starter yukari112  LOL! you didnt seem it before when i talked to you. i guess you have changed now right? ^-^
Yeah, I changed and please call me Yukari or Kari. I'm not ashamed that I was one of the people to start the fight. It was fun actully but now I just try to stop fight before they get out of hand like this one.
uhuhuhhuuhuhu...this pic...very fof!!! ^^
*talking 2 salmon tostado* nevermind....meet me at the NEXT pic.
I cant believe that she doesnt pass the chunin exams
she dosent?  thats so sad...
No one does...except for Shikamaru. But don`t worry, later in the manga she passes.^_^
yeah she does...i mean,nor sakakura or ino win.but,since it was a tie,they both get to go to the next chunin exam.
Actually, because they tie, no one passes. I meant way later in the manga, during the timeskip.
....huh? now im confused. ....oh and i coulda sworn we put te comments on the same day...do i have the date wrong...do u live in jaapan or america...right now its...9:53 pm
one of the worst poses!!!ive seen she done
Sakura: i soooo sexy sasuke should have sex with me *teehe
 u DO now that ther r some pple here under 14 ...not that it matters...oh and stp hatin on sakura! sure she doesnt look good here but she is cool...sakura: thank u.....hey,WAIT A SEC!... me: srry
hey the fighting stoped a long long long long time ago!!
oh...ok...srry....sakura may b a slut somtimes,but she only ends up wit 1 guy.(sasuke)
well yah,, but sakura keep on insisting hrself to sasuke en it sucks...  just aquestion. does sasuke love her too?
yea later in "naruto", infact he kisses her.(but u didnt hear it from me.  )im not sure wat ep yet tho,yhey closed down youtube 4 a lil while.
Damnet!  i can't see this pic
refresh the page.
Sakura ur the prettiest girl in the show and out of all animes!!  even if ur not the best fighter, INO IS WORSE AND SHE SUX!! SHES THE 1 WHO SHOULD BE DOING THAT!! cause we kno ur pretty ^_^
I agree Sakura is very pretty ^_^ I just love her emerald eyes
that was beforw when sakura was stupid a snobby like ino, but she does get nicer....slowly....very slowly
Sasuke's Sakura, yes, her eyes are so loverly, and i love her hair when its short
yes her hair, her looks, her eyes, her attitude, shes perfect
Yup...ugly just like you, I bet your just jealous
I like her hair when its short.
I agree her hair is better short? and long hair Sakura is lame mostly did nothing...>_>
ya i hated her at the beginning, but i stopped watching it 4 a while after the first 7 eps and when i watched it again...idecided she was my fav character!!
OMG sakura you such 
my brother HATES you
Ewww looking in the mirroe wont help how ugly you are Sakura. ^^ Ino and Hinata look and ACT better!
I think she is alright i guess but annoying . I like her better after she decides to become Tsunades student. Thats the only decent thing she has done in the pre-timeskip part
I agree
Sakura, very pretty, but obsesses a little too much over Sasuke. Though I wish I had her..... *drooling*
anyone else japanese ??? besides me ?? im lonerised
sorry. But hey japanese people are very cool.
lol its okay wanna be friends?
im sry...but i dont like sakura's personality when she has long hair...i like her personality better after she sacrificed her hair...i guess shes sorta cool...in a bitchy way i supppose....
. . . how can you call her cool? ugh shes such a bad ninja
i wish i had her legs i a girl whos legs r as muscular as aguys-_-
i hate u sooo much dumkura
she is hot but mean  she is pretty pimp thou
i agree! I HATE SAKURA BASHERZ! dey should fink about it! compared to sasauke! i mean sasuke u freakin EMO get some emotions and a brain y dont cha!! u dont care about any one but urself! I MEAN SAKURA WOULD B BETTER OF WIF NARUTO!! if hinata didnt like him! so sasuke GROW UP BITCH
sakura's a cool character that alot of people can relate to...naruto and sakura shouldnt be together though because they're like brother and sister and of course cuz hinata's totally in love with naruto
sakura is so cool
ADD ME TO YOUR MSN MY E-MAIL ADDRESS IS.... [email protected]
I think Naruto and Hinata should be together oh and if you hate Sakura keep it to yourself
I don't see why people hate Sakura. Just be glad she's not whiny *cough* like Kagome *cough* I think she's an interesting character. But that's just my opinion. In the beginning she may have seemed pretty much annoying but throughout the series she's much better
yeah you got that right Sanchi_Chan1991
I think sakura is very obsessed and mean to Naruto in the begining, but in the episode when Sakura cuts her hair, thats when she turns from annoying to a very responsible girl.
sakura is soo ugly always was always will be...
she is not if you think shes ugly then why r u here!!!!! Leave and take your stupid comment!
aish, just stop you guys are still arguing about stuff that is now a year ago, come on, just give it a rest, obviously if one takes harshly, the other's gonna keep coming, heck yes i hate sakura, but im not gonna argue with anyone cause it's just an opinion. you know what else, i don't care if anyone wants to kill me over what i said before, cause it was a long time ago, please people get that in your heads.
I think she's pretty ^^
i don't love u like i did yesterday!
Mrs.Uchiha:He is not yours at all.HE IS MINE!
sakura thinks shes her sexyness is good enofth 4 sasuke.  well its not!!!!! X(
yeah I dont no why im here
It disguts me that Sakura and Sasuke's other fangirls don't focus on their ninja skills, but more on their looks, and Sakura is a prime example.
there is something WRONG with pink hair
Is it me or does sakura's forehead look smaller when she cuts her hair?Guys please stop hating anime characters because their just a drawing on paper.
Sakura chan looks like idk..
finally sakura, i'm so sick of uchiha sasuke
me to,I'm so mad at him right now,but at least Sakura is over him in shippuuden.
Hiya everyone!
Hi nice to meet you.Is Sakura your fav naruto character on naruto too?
Hiya Kagome! Yatta!
Hi Uryuulshida!
HIYA YACHIRU!!! sakura is one of my fav character!
Heeeeey! XD
I love Sakura! She and Tsunade are my favorites!
 you wink alot! I pretty much like everyone!
She's got her you go girl face on.
sakura shake that booty
sakura is so ugly she deserves no one
chill shes not ugly
sakura is too sexy for her car to sexy for her car.XD *im not a lesbian* sakura is fed up with sasuke fed up with s-a-s-u-k-e
I hope sakura does not drive ... run into someone who piss her off
She'd be responsable if she did drive.
Not if she is piss off
sakura's thoughts: i am so hot
people stop all this fighting now explain something why look at a pic of a anime character you dont like it just makes fights between those who do like them when you comment we all have are own opinions but dosent mean you have to fight with someone who dosent have the same opinion as you in those fights no one wins as of the covering of the forehead for sakura if she covered it up thaty showed shes insecure of that and people will take advantage of that
The picture doesn't show up. And it won't download either. Can somebody send it to me please?
it's no showing up
yeah it not showing up for me either DX
What? This pic? O.O Hey yeah. What the hell?
How weird,
Stupid little Chiyo...
I cant believe that Sakura actually thinks she's pretty,she's uglier than orochimaru!
I agree.
Damn little Chiyo...
DONT LET THE LOOKS OF THE OUTSIDE TRICK YA GUYS..she may look cute outside..but shes WAY too ugly from the inside
That is a wonderful picture that you are sharing http://www.gorgeousanime.com
Hey you guys call her weak did you guys forget or are you that stupid, Kakashi he didn't train her at all and only focused on Sas-gay grrr he really makes me mad back to Kakashi in the 2nd series he then payed attence to Naruto and in the Chunnin exams she could have won againest Ino if Kakashi trained her he has no reason not to she has perfect charkra control and on the first level of the chunnin exams she didn't need to cheat those problems were AnBu and above so she has potental
Yay I finally remembered my password I can't believe it's been 3 years since I logged in anyone I use to talk to remember me?
i remember you, but damn where the hell did everyone go, i have been here for years yet everyone is gone now
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