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Jiraya:down lo'
eep! dont kill him!
this is when he took out the five pronged seal
Why did he just randomly use his jutsu on his seal? Wasn't that a bit harsh?
well... he wouldn't explain it to him, naruto wouldn't understand... he wouldn't just openly say "Okay Naruto, now I'm gonna punch you in the gut" so... This was the best way.  poor naruto...
me and peackock: ROFL! Naruto: WTF!?
It got that stupid seal Orochimaru put on him off so it was worth it.
That had to hurt.  Poor Naruto.
Ohh... Poor Naruto
 HA! naruto face looks funny! and yes,that's gotta hurt!
Jiraya, the court of Narutards- I mean- law, found you guilty of.. being a meanie to Naruto-kun! (Naruto Abuse?  )
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