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Naruto plaiyng a joke
Naruto in girly voice: guess who!
HAHAHAHAHAHA! So... *gasp*... funny!
To me Naruto looks better as a girl than a boy.
Naruto looks hot like a girl and LOL
... ewwww no Naruto turn back into a guy, this just scares me >.<
I'd close my eyes if I was his mentor as wel...  SCARY!!!
i rrrrrrreally think he should start wearing some thing!  huh? uh-oh i need my barf bag!
What the Hell!Naruto you prev!these is why my friend love this show. I love it cause it has lots of fighting
I love the show because of the fighting, and some of the humor in it. ^^
why did naruto transform in to a girl
haha!jiraya kept looking at girls and to get jirayas attenetion he transformed into the sexy no jutsu girl
so sick
sick but funny
 Omg, Naruto. Could ya BE any more weird?
Why Naruto always turned like this in front of Jiraiya....... ( if Sakura saw Naruto like this, what would she say... )
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