OMG! Love this pic!
Whoa! That's amazing... I love it...
sweet it rocks... I love it
Its like they represent heaven
ten ten look bad and wen i say bad i ment horrible
I agree with u
I'm not trying to be lezbo but they look damn good like amazons  & if any one calls me lezbo i'll kill you with my bare hands
The pic's cool! ^_^ ...what's a lezbo?
a lezbo is a lesbian witch is a girl who likes another girl in a love sorta way
COOL Ino looks the best to me.and Sakura.Ten Ten looks weird.
I agree. Ino and kiba are my favorite characters so this is good.
Their outfits and jewelry Rock! They do look like they represent Heven. Could you imagen having those kind of clothes. The clothes are cute!!
tenten and temari look retarded but sakura and ino look tha best
I like how Hinata looks ........... adorable
i think there all pretty in it
temari and tenten and hinata look weird 2 me. ino and sakura r pretty
thank God.. so you can't write stupid comments to shonen-ai pictures anymore now that you are dead ^^
they're all really pretty. they all look pretty kewl.
they r soooo god damn pretty..... i think they look very beautiful in this pic
that is awesome it has hinata in it.
They all are so shmexy x3
i like ino better
wow! Hinata looks so pretty
To be more exact lezbo is a gay girl by gay i don't mean by happy.  anyway this is a pretty good pic,and Ino looks more bare.
why are you people talking about gayiness ??
i dont know y they r talking about gayness but i think this picture is awesome
I love all of their greek style clothes, I wish I could wear them all!!!
Tenten looks really pretty. Actually they all do ^_^
It really doesnt matter to me whoever is the cuttest because i love this pic!
sakura looks friken retarted
pretty! pretty pretty PRETTY!!!
my little bro likes this pic (sorry make that really likes this pic  ) I on the other hand find this a really good pic
I like Ino and Temari's dress. Pretty...
I love this picture. I'd wear Ino's outfit if it were black.
Temari looks the best!!
temari the hottest
Ino, Sakura, and Hinata are certainly the prettiest. I know I don't really like Sakura, but she's very beautiful in this picture. Also, I don't think this is to represent heaven, but more a Greek style. Notice the type of jewelry they're wearing. Though, it is very heavenly ;3
i dont like ino,but in this pic she and sakura look the best
Temari & Ino are the prettiest.
Machiko is a lezbo. C'mon! Kill me with your bare hands.  I'm just fuckin' with ya.
That is a wonderful picture that you are sharing http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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